Alex Gershkov

I am a Professor of Economics at Hebrew University and University of Surrey

Don Patinkin Chair in Economics
The Bogen Family Department of Economics
Faculty of Social Science
Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Mt Scopus, 91905 Jerusalem, Israel
Tel +972 (0)2 5883252
E-Mail: alexg(at)huji(dot)ac(dot)il

Interests: Information Economics, Economic Theory, Microeconomics, Game Theory, and Mechanism Design.

Curriculum vitae



Dynamic Allocation and Pricing: A Mechanism Design Approach
joint with Benny Moldovanu, MIT press 2014.


Working papers

* "Optimal Security Design for Risk-Averse Investors" (joint with Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack and Mengxi Zhang) discussion paper.

* "Voting on the Flag of the Weimar Republic" (joint with Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi) conditionally accepted at European Economic Review.

* "Efficient Dynamic Allocation with Strategic Arrivals" (joint with Benny Moldovanu and Philipp Strack) discussion paper.

Selected publications

"Order Independence in Sequential, Issue-by-Issue Voting" (joint with Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi)
Mathematics of Operations Research, (2024) forthcoming.

"Optimal Insurance: Dual Utility, Random Losses and Adverse Selection" (joint with Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack and Mengxi Zhang)
Americal Economic Review, (2023) Vol 113(10), 2581-2614.

"Voting with Interdependent Values: The Condorcet Winner" (joint with Andreas Kleiner, Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi)
Games and Economic Behavior, (2023) Vol 142, 193-208.

"Gainers and Losers in Priority Services" (joint with Eyal Winter)
Journal of Political Economy, (2023) Vol 131(11), 3103-3155. Its supplementary mateial Supplementary material.

"Optimal Auction: Non-Expected Utility and Constant Risk Aversion" (joint with Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack and Mengxi Zhang)
Review of Economic Studies, (2022) Vol 89(5), 2630-2662.

"A Theory of Auctions with Endogenous Valuations" (joint with Benny Moldovanu, Philipp Strack and Mengxi Zhang)
Journal of Political Economy, (2021) Vol 129(4), 1011-1051.

"Monotonic Norms and Orthogonal Issues in Multidimensional Voting" (joint with Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi)
Journal of Economic Theory, (2020) Vol 189, 105103.

"Voting on Multiple Issues: What to Put on the Ballot" (joint with Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi)
Theoretical Economics, (2019) Vol 14(2), 555-596.

"Revenue Maximizing Mechanisms with Strategic Customers and Unknown Markovian Demand" (joint with Benny Moldovanu and Philipp Strack)
Management Science , (2018) Vol 64(5), 2031-2046.

"Optimal Voting Rules" (joint with Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi)
Review of Economic Studies, (2017) Vol 84, 688-717.

"How to Share it Out: The Value of Information in Teams" (joint with Jianpei Li and Paul Schweinzer)
Journal of Economic Theory, (2016) Vol 162, 261-304.

"Formal vs. Informal Monitoring in Teams" (joint with Eyal Winter)
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics , (2015) Vol 7(2), 27-44.

"Non-Bayesian Optimal Search and Dynamic Implementation" (joint with Benny Moldovanu)
Economics Letters, (2013) Vol 118, 121-125.

"On the Equivalence of Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation" (joint with Jacob K. Goeree, Alexey Kushnir, Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi)
Econometrica, (2013) Vol 81(1), 197-220. It supersedes Bayesian and Dominant Strategy Implementation Revisited" (joint with Benny Moldovanu and Xianwen Shi), 2011.

"Dynamic Allocation and Pricing: A Mechanism Design Approach" (joint with Benny Moldovanu)
International Journal of Industrial Organization, (2012) Vol 30(3), 283-286.

"Optimal Search, Learning and Implementation" (joint with Benny Moldovanu)
Journal of Economic Theory, (2012) Vol. 147, 881-909 .

"Dynamic Contracts with Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection" (joint with Motty Perry)
Review of Economic Studies, (2012) Vol. 79 (1), 268-306 .

"Revenue Maximization in the Dynamic Knapsack Problem" (joint with Deniz Dizdar and Benny Moldovanu)
Theoretical Economics, (2011) Vol. 6 (2), 157-184 .

When Queueing is Better than Push and Shove (joint with Paul Schweinzer)
International Journal of Game Theory, (2010) Vol. 39 (3), 409-430 .

"Efficient Sequential Assignment with Incomplete Information"  (joint with Benny Moldovanu)
Games and Economic Behavior , (2010) Vol. 68 (1), 144-154 .

"Learning About The Future and Dynamic Efficiency"  (joint with Benny Moldovanu)
American Economic Review, (2009) Vol. 99 (4), 1576-1587 .

"Efficient Tournaments within Teams" (joint with Jianpei Li and Paul Schweinzer)
RAND Journal of Economics, (2009) Vol.40 (1), 103-119.

"Dynamic Revenue Maximization with Heterogeneous Objects: A Mechanism Design Approach" (joint with Benny Moldovanu)
American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, (2009) Vol. 1(2), 168-198. Winner of the first AEA Best Paper Prize for AEJ: Microeconomics.

"Tournaments with Midterm Reviews"  (joint with Motty Perry)
Games and Economic Behavior, (2009) Vol.66, 162-190.

"Optimal Voting Schemes with Costly Information Acquisition"  (joint with Balazs Szentes)
Journal of Economic Theory, (2009) Vol.144 (1), 36-68.