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Graduate Students

Graduate Students

(Updated September 2012)



I am privileged to have worked with a large number of talented graduate students. My students and their topics are listed chronologically according to the date that the relevant degree was awarded. I am also pleased to pay tribute to the committed colleagues who have co-supervised with me.
Many of my students have entered the academy as lecturers and researchers in their own right, or are making other significant contributions to their professions. Follow the hyperlinks to learn more about them.


Ph.D. Students 2005-2012

2005                 Catherine Rottenberg, co-supervisor: Professor Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan.
Identification and Desire in Early Twentieth-Century African- and Jewish-American Literature.
2010                 Noam Leshem, Second supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation. First Supervisor: Anthony Julius. Degree conducted at The London Consortium. Taking Place: Spatial History in Israel and the Case of Salama / Kefar Shalem.

2011                 Nicky Falkof, Second supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation. First Supervisor, Barry Curtis.
Degree conducted at The London Consortium, Noam Leshem, Second supervisor of Ph.D. dissertation, First Supervisor: Anthony Julius The London Consortium, The End of Whiteness: Cultural Pathologies in Late Apartheid South Africa.
Dr. Nicky Falkof current holds a Postdoctoral Fellowship at The University of Johannesburg.

M.A. Students 1998-2012


2001                 Catherine Rottenberg, degree awarded with distinction.

                        “Shakespeare and Butler: A Repeat Performance.”


2003                 Kinneret Lahad, co-supervisor: Dr. Carola Hilfrich, degree awarded with distinction.

On Pleas for Help and Narratives of Rescue in Contemporary Cinema” [Hebrew].  


2004                 Daniela Mansbach, degree awarded with distinction.

“Protest on the Border: On the Power of Duality in Practices of Resistance Adopted by MachsomWatch” [Hebrew].


2006                 Gal Engelhard, co-supervisor Dr. Naama Sheffy.

“Displaced Locales in the Discourse of Israeli Post-Memory: On the Reception of Two German Films in the Israeli Press 1979-1982” [Hebrew].

2006                 Noam Gal, co-supervisor Dr. Carola Hilfrich, degree awarded with distinction.

“The Rights of Characters: Towards a Minor Theory” [Hebrew].

2007                 Dafna Ruppin,  co-supervisor, Dr. Raya Morag.
“The Open Wound of Colonial Nostalgia: Childhood and Complicity   in Chocolat and Outremer.”


2008                 Nili Broyerco-supervisor Dr. Nissim Mizrachi.
“Stigma and Lack of Recognition from the Perspective of Disability Studies (Disability, Society, Culture)” [Hebrew].



2010                 Eyal Sagui Bizawe, co-supervisor Professor Gabriel M. Rosenbaum.

“The Figure of the Jew in Egyptian Cinema between the Years 1948-1956” [Hebrew].


2010                 Norma Musih, degree awarded with distinction.

“Angels Over Manshiyeh: Three Practices of Ruination—A Visual Genealogy” [Hebrew].


2011                 Adi Barzillai Zacks, co-supervisor Dr. Baruch Blich.

“’Starchitects’ Cities’: The Locality of the Global—The Consumption of the Light Rail Train (LRT) Bridge in Jerusalem” [Hebrew].


2011                 Anna Bar-Eretz, co-supervisor Professor Emily Budick

“The Golden Key: Fabulous Feats of Escapism in Michael Chabon’s novel The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier and Clay.”


2012                 Danielle Shworts, co-supervisor Dr. Tali Zilberstein.

“On Ruins: The Representation of the Palestinian Ruin in Israeli Cinema of the Nineteen Seventies” [Hebrew].