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Scholarships, Prizes and Awards

Louise Bethlehem
Publishing Awards
2001                Council of Editors of Learned Journals (CELJ) Award for Best Special Issue in the Social Sciences and Humanities for the year 2001. Award granted to “South Africa in the Global Imaginary,” Special Issue of Poetics Today 22 (2) Summer 2001, Guest editor: Leon de de Kock, co-editors Louise Bethlehem, and Sonja Laden.
Teaching Awards
2003-4             Rector’s List of Outstanding Teachers, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
2002-2003       Golda Meir Fellow, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
1984                Faculty of Arts Gold Medal for Best Graduand in the Faculty of Arts, University of the Witwatersrand, 1984.
1984                South African Association of University Women’s Prize for the Best Female Graduate at the University of the Witwatersrand.
1984                Certificate of Merit Awarded to Top Student in the Department for the course Hebrew 3.
1983                Certificate of Merit Awarded to Top Student in the Department for the courses African Literature 1, General Psychology 1 and Hebrew 2.
1982                Certificate of Merit Awarded to Top Student in the Department, for the courses D English 1 and French 1.
French Government Prize for French 1.
1996-1997       Fellow of the Porter Institute for Poetics and Semiotics, Tel Aviv University.
1995                Shoshana and Tzvi Pozis Scholarship, School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv University.
1993-1996       Walter and Elise Haas Doctoral Endowment Fund, Tel Aviv University.
1993                Stanley and Zea Lewish Foundation Scholarship, administered by the South African Zionist Federation.
1991                Shoshana and Tzvi Pozis Scholarship, School of Cultural Studies, Tel Aviv University.
1985--1987      Sam Cohen (Windhoek) Scholarship for Study at an Israeli University, administered by the South African Zionist Federation.
1984                Sonia Schwab Scholarship. The University of the Witwatersrand.
1983                University of the Witwatersrand Council Scholarship.
1982                University of the Witwatersrand Council Entrance Scholarship.