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Selected bibliography:


Books and Edited Volumes:


Editor (with David Gaunt, Natan Meir and Israel Bartal). Anti-Jewish Violence: Rethinking the Pogrom in East European History. Bloomington: IndianaUniversity Press, 2010.



Mahane meshutaf? Kooperatsiia b'hityashvut ha-yehudit ha-haklait be-Rusya u-beolam, 1890-1941. Jerusalem: Magnes Press and Yad Tebenkin Press, 2008.



Guest editor (with Israel Bartal) of a special double issue of Jewish History, “Jewish Agrarianization, 1804-1945." Volume 21, no. 3-4 (Fall 2007).



Farming the RedLand: Jewish Agricultural Colonization and Local Soviet Power. New Haven: YaleUniversity Press, 2005.



Annual Report, 2002 for the SassoonCenter for the Study of Antisemitism at the HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem.




Journal Articles


“‘New’ Jews of the Agricultural Kind: A Case of Soviet Interwar Propaganda,” Russian Review 66 (July 2007): 424-50.



"Crimea 2008: A Lesson about Uses and Misuses of History," East European Jewish Affairs 39, no. 1 (April 2009): 101-105.



"Ha-hityashvut ha-haklait saviv ha-Yam ha-Shahor: perek avud b'historiah ha-yehudit shei-ben ha-milhamot," Zmanim 93 (Winter 2006): 70-80.



“An Unlikely Triangle: Philanthropists, Commissars, and American Statesmanship Meet in Soviet Crimea, 1922-37.” Diplomatic History 27, no. 3 (July 2003): 353-376.



“Farmers, Philanthropists, and Soviet Authority: Rural Crimea and Southern Ukraine, 1 1923-1941.” Kritika: Explorations in Russian and Eurasian History 4, no. 4 (Fall 2003): 849-885.



Chapters in Edited Volumes


Jewish Agricultural Settlement in the Interwar Period: A Balance Sheet.” In: Revolution, Repression, and Revival: The Soviet Jewish Experience.  Edited by Zvi Gitelman and Yaacov Ro’i, pp. 69-90. Maryland: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007.


"Defusing the Ethnic Bomb: Resolving Local Conflict through      Philanthropy in the Interwar USSR." In: Anti-Jewish Violence: Rethinking the Pogrom  in East European History. Edited by J. Dekel-Chen David Gaunt, Natan Meir, and Israel Bartal, pp. 186-203. Bloomington: IndianaUniversity Press, 2010.  



Activism as Engine: Jewish Internationalism, 1880s-1980s.”  In: Religious Internationals in the Modern World. Edited by Abigail Green and Vincent Viaene. Basingstoke, UK: Palgrave Macmillan Press (forthcoming in 2012).



"A Durable Harvest: Reevaluating the Russia-Israel Axis in the Jewish World." In: Bounded Mind and Soul: Russia and Israel, 1880-2010. Edited by Brian Horowitz and Shai Ginzburg, pp. 1-21. Bloomington, Indiana: Slavica Press (forthcoming in 2012).