M.A. Seminar (52558), 2010/11

Instructor: Dr. Gal Elidan
Office: 4419
Phone: 02-5883313

E-mail: galel@huji.ac.il
Office hours: Tuesday 14:00-15:00

Time and Location
Wednesday 16:30-18:00, Room 4412, according to schedule (see below)

Course requirements:

  • You must attend 12 meetings during your M.A. studies.
  • In most of these meetings you will also be given 1-2 questions at the end of the talk.
    You must submit your solution within two weeks of the meeting.
  • Out of courtesy to the visiting lecturers, you are asked to arrive on time and remain until the end of the talk
More details can be found here

Schedule of meetings:

  1. November 3rd, Prof. Moshe Pollak on Monitoring (abstract,slides)

  2. November 24th, Ph.D. candidate David Azriel on The Treatment vs. Experimentation Dillema (slides).
    Exercise is due December 9th.

  3. January 5th, Ph.D. candidate Hadassah Brunschwig on Genome-wide identification of recombination rates and hotspots in mice: an application of statistical genetics (slides and exercise)

  4. February 23rd, Dr. Gal Elidan on Bayesian Networks (slides and exercise)

  5. April 6th, Prof. Ya'acov Ritov, TBA

  6. May 4th, Ph.D. candidate Anna Sikov, Estimation and Imputation under Nonignorable Nonresponse (slides and exercise)

  7. May 18th , Dr. Ronit Nirel, Modern censuses: The examples of the integrated census and the rolling census (slides and exercise)

Attendance Record

(last updated 20/07/2011)