Nir Halman's Home Page

Guess from the picture on the right, I am a senior research associate in the Jerusalem School of Business Administration, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem.
I got my Ph.D. in Operations Research in 2005, from the School of Mathematical Sciences, Tel-Aviv University. My advisor was Prof. Arik Tamir.
I was a post-doc in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. My hosts are Prof. David Simchi-Levi. and Prof. James Orlin.
Before that, I was also a post-doc fellow in the Faculty of Industrial Engineering & Management, at the Israel Institute of Technology (Technion). My hosts were Prof. Shmuel Onn and Prof. Uri G. Rothblum.
Besides that, I'm interested in: backpacking, panoramic photography, jogging, biology, volcanoes and languages.
To my great luck my beloved wife, Tali, shares with me most of those interests.
Last summers we were trekking and had a lot of adventures, as you can read and see, in South America, Africa, Iceland, Nepal, Italy/Switzerland, in India and in Ecuador/Peru.

Current Research Interests

Developing New Methodologies to Either Solve or Approximate Optimization Problems. Stochastic Programming with Emphasis on Applications in Supply Chain Management, Logistics, Economics and Finance. Combinatorial Optimization, Stochastic and Data-Driven Dynamic Programming, Optimal Control, Fully Polynomial Time Approximation Schemes, Knapsack Problems.

Additional Research Interests

Geometric Optimization, Helly Type Theorems, Location Theory, Linear Programming, Linear Time Algorithms, Game Theory.


Submitted Papers

Technical Reports

Contact information

Nir Halman,
Jerusalem School of Business Administration,
MT. Scopus, 91905

Office:    +08-948-9953
Home:      +077-561-0813

e-mail:  "my last name" "at sign"  huji "dot" ac "dot" il

Last modified: Thu May 30th 09:01:31 EST 2019