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Faculty of Humanities / Islam and Middle East Studies
Dr. Hillel Cohen







Born in Jerusalem, living since in the city, I am interested in Jews, in Arabs and in Jewish-Arab relations. My fields of research and teaching include Palestinian society and politics; Zionist perspectives on the war of 1948; Palestinian refugees and the Nakba;  Religion (Judaism, Islam and Christianity) and the Jewish-Arab encounter; Israeli security agencies, Palestinian collaborators; justice and reconciliation; Palestinian and Hebrew literature etc.  

E-mail address:

Tel.: 02-5883643 


International Relations, Cross-cultural Encounters and Personal Experiences: Europeans and Israelis in Palestine since 2006 (funded by Fritz Thyssen Foundation).

The Palestinians and the New Israeli Left: (im)possible Partnership? (funded by the Israeli Science Foundation).



1.                  The Present Absentees: Palestinian Refugees in Israel since 1948
(Jerusalem: The Institute for Israeli Arab Studies, 2000), in Hebrew.
An updated version of this book - in Arabic – was published by the Institute of Palestine studies, Beirut and Washington DC, 2003.
2.                  Army of Shadows: Palestinian Collaborators in the Service of Zionism 1917-1948
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2008).
The Hebrew version, Tsva ha-Tslalim, was published in Hebrew, Jerusalem: Ivrit, 2004.
 3.                  Good Arabs: The Israeli Intelligence and the Israeli Arabs
(Berkeley: University of California Press, 2010).

On this book see:
 Earlier Hebrew version, Aravim Tovim, was published in Jerusalem: Keter & Ivrit, 2006
 4.                  The Rise and Fall of Arab Jerusalem: Politics and the City 1967-2007
(London: Routledge, 2011).
Hebrew version: Kikar ha-Shuk Reika was published in Jerusalem: The Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies, 2007.

For introduction, conclusion (in the time of writing...) and more:

For the Hebrew full version see







1. Methodological Course in Middle Eastern Studies.


2. Jews and Arabs in Mandatory Palestine.

3. Palestinians' memoirs and biographies.

4. The Palestinians in Jerusalem.


5. The Jewish-Arab conflict in Palestine/Israel


6. The Palestinian-Arabs citizens of Israel


7. Palestine 1948: Independence and Nakba

8. The Palestinians: Political and Social History. 







“Why Do Collaborators Collaborate: The Case of Palestinians and Zionist Institutions, 1917-1936”, in Elie Podeh and Asher Kaufman (editors), Arab Jewish Relations: From Conflict to Resolution? (Brighton, Sussex Academic Press, 2006).

“The State of Israel versus the Palestinian Internal Refugees”, in Nur Masalha (editor), Catastrophe Remembered: Palestine, Israel and the Internal Refugees – Essays in Memory of Edward W. Said (

London: Zed books, 2005).

“The resettlement of the Palestinian Internal Refugees by Israel: A success Story?”  in Arie Kacowicz and Pawel Lutomski (editors), Population Resettlement in International Conflicts (
Lanham, Md: Rowman and Littlefield, 2007).


 “Dealing with the Past when the Conflict is Still Present: Civil Society Truth Seeking in The Israeli-Palestinian Conflict,” In Rosalind Shaw and Lars Waldorf, with Pierre Hazan (eds.), Localizing Transitional Justice: Interventions and Priorities After Mass Violence (Palo Alto: Stanford University Press, 2010). (with Ron Dudai).


Hundred Years of Double Surveillance: Palestinians under Zionist and Internal Oversight”, in Surveillance and Control in Israel/Palestineedited by Elia Zureik, David Lyon, and Yasmeen Abu-Laban (London: Routledge, 2011).





"La location de terres aux Arabes pendant la Premiere decennie de l'Etat d’Israel”, Revue d'etudes Palestinienns, 22 (2000).

"The Internal Refugees in the State of Israel: Israeli Citizens, Palestinian Refugees", Palestine-Israel Journal, 9:2 (2002).


“Land, Memory and Identity: The Palestinian Internal Refugees in Israel”, Refuge, 21:2 (April 2003), pp. 6-13.


 “Human Rights Dilemmas in Using Informers to Combat Terrorism: the Israeli-Palestinian Case”, Terrorism and Political Violence, 17:1-2 (Winter 2005), pp. 229-243 (with Ron Dudai).

*published also in Magnus Ranstorp and Paul Wilkinson (eds.) Terrorism and Human Rights (London: Routledge, 2007).


 “Triangle of Betrayal: Collaborators and Transitional Justice in the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict”, Journal of Human Rights, 7:1 (2007), pp. 37-58 (with Ron Dudai).


 “Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Palestinian Pro-Zionist Propagandists Between Zionist Institutions and Arab Nationalists (1930-1931)”, Israel Affairs 14:1 (Jan. 2008), pp. 49-69.


 “Marketing Israel to the Arabs: The Rise and Fall of the ‘al-Anbaa’ Newspaper”, Israel Affairs 15:2 (April 2009), 190-210 (with Wang Yu).


“Society-Military Relations in a State-in-the-Making: Palestinian Security Agencies and the ‘Treason Discourse’ in the Second Intifada,” Armed Forces and Society 27:3, (July 2011).




 “Human Rights Dilemmas in Using Collaborators to prevent Terrorism: The Israeli-Palestinian Case”, The Conflict, Security and Development Group Bulletin (London) 17, December 2002.


Review of Confronting an Empire, Constructing a Nation: Arab Nationalists and Popular Politics in Mandate Palestine (New York: I. B. Tauris, 2006) by Weldon C. Matthews, The American Historical Review 114: xii-xiii (February 2009), 253-54.


Review of Governing Gaza: Bureaucracy, Authority, and the Work of Rule 1917-1967 (Durham and London: Duke University Press, 2008), by Ilana Kaufman, International Journal of Middle Eastern Studies 42:1 (2009), 155-56.

Review of Palestine Betrayed (New Haven: Yale University Press, 2010) by E. Karsh, American Historical Review, 116:2 (April 2011), 145-6.



 “Jews, Arabs, and the Nakba: Haifa as a Test Case”, Mediterraneans/Méditerranéennes, 19 (2010).







 Additional perrsonal and academic background can be found in the following links:
Unofficial, inaccurate wikipedia link:
For Hebrew readers, a funnier version....
