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Prof. Michael Toch Dept. of History, The Hebrew University 91905 Jerusalem, Israel office tel. 972-2-5883774 fax 972-2-6732549 mstoch@mscc.huji.ac.il Curriculum Vitae (June 2006)
1946 born in London, England
1952-64 primary and secondary education in Vienna, Austria 1964 moved to Israel to Kibbutz Magen 1965-1969 army service 1969-75 Bachelor and Master studies in History, Philosophy and Sociology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem 1974-75 Tutor in History, Ben-Gurion University, Beer-Sheva 1975-77 Ph.D. thesis on "The Middle Classes of Nuremberg in the 15th Century", Erlangen University (Germany) 1978 Ph.D. magna cum laude, Erlangen University 1978 Instructor in History, Hebrew University 1980 Lecturer in History, Hebrew University 1985, 1986 Alexander von Humboldt-Research Fellow, Monumenta Germaniae Historica, Munich 1986 Senior Lecturer in Medieval History, Hebrew University 1992 Associate Professor in Medieval History, Hebrew University
2003ff. Scientific Board Member, Istituto internazionale di storia economica F. Datini, Prato, Italy Awards: Alexander-von-Humboldt Research Award, 2003. History of the Jews of medieval and early modern Germany and Europe. Social and economic history of medieval Germany. History of the peasantry and of agriculture. History of technology and communications. 1. The economic history of European Jews in the Middle Ages – a three volume book series. Vol. I on the Early Middle Ages now in work. 2. Germania Judaica IV: The Historical-Topographical Handbook of the Jews in German Lands: The Early Modern Period, 1520-1650. Recent Publications: Toch, M. (1999) Wirtschaft und Verfolgung: die Bedeutung der Ökonomie für die Kreuzzugsprogrome des 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts. Mit einem Anhang zum Sklavenhandel der Juden. In: Juden und Christen zur Zeit der Kreuzzüge (Vortraege und Forschungen Bd. XLVII), ed. A. Haverkamp, Sigmaringen, pp. 253-285. Toch, M. (1999) The Jews of Early Medieval Europe: Slavetraders? Zion, 64: 39-63 (Hebrew). Toch, M. (1999) ‘Welfs, Hohenstaufen and Habsburgs’, D. Abulafia (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History, vol.5, Cambridge, pp. 375-404, 890-893. Toch, M. (2000) Die ältesten Rechnungsbücher des Klosters Scheyern 1339-1363 (Bayerische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Quellen und Erörterungen zur Bayerischen Geschichte, N. F. Bd. XXXVI/3), Munich, xlvi + 500 pp. Toch, M. (2000) Jews and commerce: Modern fancies and medieval realities. In: Il ruolo economico delle minoranze in Europa. Secc. XIII-XVIII (Atti della XXXI Settimana di Studi, Istituto Francesco Datini, Prato), ed. S. Cavaciocchi, Firenze, pp.43-58. Assis, Y-T., J. Cohen, O. Limor, M. Toch, eds. (2000) Facing the Cross: The Persecutions of 1096 in History and Historiography. Jerusalem, Magnes Press, xvi + 217 pp. (Hebrew, English summaries). Toch, M. (2000) The economic activity of German Jews in the 10th-12th centuries: Between historiography and history. In: Facing the Cross: The Persecutions of 1096 in History and Historiography, eds. Y-T. Assis, O. Limor, J. Cohen and M. Toch, Jerusalem, Hebrew University Magnes Press, pp.32-54 (Hebrew, Engl. summary). Toch, M. (2001) „Dunkle Jahrhunderte.“ Gab es ein jüdisches Frühmittelalter? (Kleine Schriften des Arye-Maimon Instituts, Heft 4), Trier, 29 pp. Toch, M. (2001) Kultur des Mittelalters, jüdische Kulturen des Mittelalters. Das Problem aus der Sicht der Wirtschaftgeschichte’, M. Borgolte (ed.), Unaufhebbare Pluralität der Kulturen? Zur Dekonstruktion und Konstruktion des mittelalterlichen Europa (Historische Zeitschrift, Beihefte vol. 32), Munich 2001, 7-17. Toch, M. (2001) Mehr Licht: Eine Entgegnung zu Friedrich Lotter, Aschkenas 11 (2001), 465-487. Toch, M. (2003), Peasants and Jews in Medieval Germany: Studies in Cultural, Social and Economic History, Aldershot, 330 pages. Toch, M. (2003) Die wirtschaftliche Tätigkeit, Arye Maimon, Mordechai Breuer and Yacov Guggenheim (eds.), Germania Judaica, Band III, Teilband 3, Tübingen 2003, pp. 2139-2164. Toch, M. (2003) Die Verfolgungen des Spätmittelalters (1350-1550), Arye Maimon, Mordechai Breuer and Yacov Guggenheim (eds.), Germania Judaica, Band III, Teilband 3, Tübingen 2003, pp. 2298-2327. Toch, M. (2003) Jüdisches Alltagsleben im Mittelalter, Historische Zeitschrift 278 (2003), 329-345. Toch, M. (2005) The Jews in Europe, 500-1050, P. Fouracre (ed.), The New Cambridge Medieval History, vol. I, Cambridge, pp. 547-570, 872-878 |
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