Final Project in Search and Filtering of Information Your program should include the following 3 components: 1. Fetcher: get as input a name of a person and fetches the top (50-100) pages from Google (or MSN or yahoo) that contain this name. 2. Extract the following types of entities and relationships from the pages that you fetched: a. names of people connected to this person b. addresses or locations related to this person c. education of the person d. Other "interesting information about the person - this open ended, and you can choose whatever information you define as "interesting" 3. Present the information you collected in step 2 in a nice and friendly way. The project is fairly open ended, and clearly it is not easy and it is a real challenge. I expect you to do some research by examining a few names before you start designing the fetcher and the extractor. The grade will be given based on the following criteria: 1. Ability to work with multiple names (and not something tailored to work with just 2-3 names) 2. Accuracy of the extraction results 3. Clarity of the final report that summarizes your findings (the report is generated automatically) You will get extra credit for the features: 1. Number of extraction patterns supported 2. The GUI of the application 3. Stability of the application (crashes are unacceptable) Last submission date: Sept 15th 2006 What do you need to submit: 1. A document describing in detail the architecture of your system 2. A zip file that contains your main python program and associated files needed to run it 3. An explanation how to run the program Where to submit: Send items 1- 3 above to (Item 1 and 2 need to attcahments, and item 3 can be just inside your email message) Good Luck! Ronen