List of Publications (updated 1/2/2016)
2005: Encountering the Sacred: The Debate on Christian Pilgrimage in Late Antiquity. The Transformation of the Classical Heritage Series 38 (Berkeley: The University of California Press, 2005).
2006: The Monastic School of Gaza. Vigiliae Christianae Supplements Series78 (Leiden: Brill, 2006), co-author A. Kofsky
The Praying Self: The Greek Monastic Legacy and the Formation of Syriac Ascetic Culture (5th-8th Centuries). In preparation.
2004: Christian Gaza in Late Antiquity. Jerusalem Studies in Religion and Culture Series 3 (Leiden: Brill, 2004), Co-editor with A. Kofsky, 247 pages.
2013: Between Personal and Institutional Religion: Self, Doctrine, and Practice in Late Antique Eastern Christianity. Cultural Encounters in Late Antiquity and the Middle-Ages Series 15 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), co-editor L. Perrone, 345 pages.
2013: Editor of the monographic section, The Religious Experience of Crisis in the Mediterranean World (4th - 7th Centuries),Adamantius 19 (2013), pp. 203-359.
2015: Patristic Studies in the Twenty-First Century: Proceedings of an International Conference to Mark the 50th Anniversary of the International Association of Patristic Studies (Turnhout: Brepols, 2015), Co-editors: Carol Harrison and Theodore De Bruyn, 650 pages.
2016: Prayer and Worship in Eastern Christianities, Co-editor: Derek Krueger (Ashgate, 2016), in press.
Referees articles
1998: Sabas– Portrait of a Saint,” Cathedra 86 (1998), pp. 149-154 (Hebrew).
1999: “The Pilgrimages of Peter the Iberian,” Cathedra 91(1999), pp. 97-112 (Hebrew).
1999: "Penitence in Late Antique Monastic Literature,” in J. Assmann and G. Stroumsa (eds.), Transformations of the Inner Self in Ancient Religions (Leiden: Brill, 1999), pp. 179-194.
1999: “Attitudes of the Church Fathers towards Pilgrimage to Jerusalem in the Fourth and Fifth Centuries,” in Lee I. Levine (ed.), Jerusalem: Its Sanctity and Centrality to Judaism, Christianity and Islam (New York: Continuum, 1999), pp. 188-203.
2000: "Jérôme en Orient: une transformation identitaire," in M.A. Amir-Moezzi, J. Scheid (eds.), L'Orient dans l'histoire religieuse de l'europe. Bibliothèque de l'école des hautes études, section des sciences religieuses 110 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2000), pp. 37-48.
2000: "The Monastic Community of Gaza in Late Antiquity," Cathedra 96 (2000), pp. 69-110 (Hebrew), co-author A. Kofsky.
2000: "Gaza Monasticism in the Fourth-Sixth Centuries: From Anchoritic to Cenobitic," Proche Orient Chrétien 50 (2000), pp. 14-62, co-author A. Kofsky.
2002: "Pilgrimage in Monastic Culture," in M. Stone, R. Ervine and N. Stone (eds.), The Armenians in Jerusalem and the Holy Land (Leuven: Peeters, 2002), pp. 1-17.
2003: “Demons and Prayers: Spiritual Exercises in the Monastic Community of Gaza in the Fifth and Sixth Centuries,” Vigiliae Christianae 57 (2003), pp. 200-221.
2004: “Imitatio Mosis and Pilgrimage in the Life of Peter the Iberian,” in B. Bitton-Ashkelony and A. Kofsky (eds.), Christian Gaza in Late Antiquity (Leiden: Brill, 2004), pp. 107-129.
2005: "Monasticism in the Holy Land," in O. Limor and G. Stroumsa (eds.), Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land (Turnhout: Brepols, 2005), pp. 257-291. Co-author A. kofsky
2005: “Imitatio Mosis and Pilgrimage in the Life of Peter the Iberian,” Le Muséon 118 (2005), pp. 45-65.
2006: "Monastic Leadership and Municipal Tensions in Fifth-Sixth Century Palestine: The Cases of the Judean Desert and Gaza," in Annali di Storia dell'esegesi 23/2 (2006), pp. 415-431.
2007: "Counseling through Enigmas: Monastic Leadership and Linguistic Techniques in Sixth-Century Gaza," in S. La Porta and D. Shulman (eds.), The Poetics of Grammar and the Metaphysics of Sound and Sign (Leiden: Brill, 2007), pp. 177-199.
2010: "Pilgrimage and Monastic Culture in Late Antique Syriac Hagiography," in Y. Hen and I. Shagrir (eds.), Ut videant et contingant: Essays on Pilgrimage and Sacred Space in Honour of Ora Limor (Raanana: The Open University, 2010), pp. 71-99 (Hebrew).
2010: "Territory, Anti-Intellectual Attitude, and Identity Formation in Late Antique Palestinian Monastic Communities," Religion and Theology 17 (2010), pp. 244-267.
2010: "FromSacred Travel to Monastic Career: The Evidence of Late Antique Syriac Hagiography," Adamantius 16 (2010), pp. 353-370.
2011: "The Limit of the Mind (NOUS): Pure Prayer according to Evagrius Ponticus and Isaac of Nineveh," Zeitschrift für Antikes Christentum 15/2 (2011), pp. 291-321.
2012: '"More interior than the lips and the tongue': John of Apamea and Silent Prayer in Late Antiquity," Journal of Early Christian Studies 20/2 (2012), pp. 303-331.
2012: "Pure Prayer and Ignorance: Dadisho' Qatraya and the Greek Ascetic Legacy," Studi e Materiali di Storia delle Religioni (SMSR),78/1 (2012), pp. 200-226.
2013: "Personal Religion and Self-exposuer: From Pseudo-Macarius to Symeon the New Theologian," in B. Bitton-Ashkelony and L. Perrone (eds.), Between Personal and Institutional Religion: Self, Doctrine and Practic in Late Antique Eastern Christianity (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013), pp. 99-128.
2013: The Oxford Dictionary of Late Antiquity: the following entries: Euthymius, Hilarion of Gaza, Gerasimus, Barsanuphius and John, Dorotheus of Gaza (in press)
2013: '"Neither Beginning nor End": The Messalian Imaginaire and the Formation of Syriac Asceticism,' Adamantius 19 (2013), pp. 222-239.
2014: "Monasticism in the Holy Land," in Palestine in Late Antiquity, O. Limor, J. Patrich, and H. Newman (eds.), Yad Ben Zvi, (Hebrew). 41 pages, Co-author A. Kofsky (in press).
2014: "'Reduced to a State of Silence': Isaac of Nineveh and John of Dalyatha on Self-Transformation," in Saint Isaac the Syrian and his Spiritual Legacy, edited by Metropolitan Hilarion of Volokolamsk, Moscow 2014, pp. 243-258.
2014: "Sources for the Study of Early Monasticism", The Oxford Handbook of Christian Monasticism, eds. Bernice M. Kaczynski (accepted for publication).
2015:"Monasticism in Late Antique Gaza: A School or an Epoch?"inE. Amato, A. Corcella, D. Lauritzen (eds.), L’École de Gaza: Espace littéraire et identité culturelle dans l’Antiquité Tardive. Actes du colloque international de Paris, 23-25 mai 2013, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta, Bibliothèque de Byzantion 12 (Leuven: Peeters, 2015), pp. 19-36.
2015: “A Person of Silence”: Philoxenos of Mabbug, Letter of Exhortation, Sent to a Man Who Left Judaism and Came to the Life of Perfection: Co-Author Sergey Minov Orientalia Christiana Periodica 81:2 (2015)(in press).
2015: "Theories of Prayer in Late Antiquity: Doubts and Practices from Maximus of Tyre to Isaac of Nineveh," in Prayer and Worship in Eastern Christianies, eds. B. Bitton-Ashkelony and Derek Krueger (Ashgate, 2015)(in press).
2015: "Greek and Syriac Monastic Hybridity and the Anti-Learning Late Antique Discourse," Studia Patristica XVII (submitted).
2015: "Perfection, Imperfection and Stillness in Late Antique Syriac Christianity," eds. J. Patrich and O. Peleg (Atikot, 2016), in press.
2007: Antoine Guillaumont, Un philosophe au désert: Evagre le Pontique (Paris, 2004). Adamantius 13 (2007), pp. 622-626.
2006: Jennifer L. Hevelone-Harpe, Disciples of the Desert: Monks, Laity, and Spiritual Authority in Sixth-Century Gaza (The Johns Hopkins University Press, 2005). Religious Studies Review 32/3 (2006), p. 202.
Publications for the Open University's courses
2005: translation of P. Maraval, "Le temps du pèlerin (IVe-VIIe siècles)" in Le temps chrétien de la fin de l’Antiquité au Moyen Age — IIIe–XIIIe s., 479–85 (Paris, 1981), in: Pilgrimage: Jews, Christians, Moslems, eds. O. Limor and E. Reiner (Raanana: The Open University, 2005), pp. 159-167.
2006: translation from Greek and Syriac of texts dealing with pilgrimage to the Holy Land: Gregory of Nyssa, Letter 2; Evagrius Ponticus, Letter 25; Sozomen, Church History; John of Ephesus, The Life of Maria, and Theodoret of Cyrrhus, A History of the Monks in Syria,in: O. Limor and E. Reiner (eds.), Pilgrimage: Jews, Christians, Moslems: Sources in Translation, (Raanana: The Open University, 2006), pp. 32-36; 59; 68-76; 95-97.
2006: Brouria Bitton-Ashkelony (C), O. Limor (PI) and E. Reiner (PI), course development team: Pilgrimage: Jews, Christians, and Moslems: Sources in Translation (Raanana: The Open University, 2006).
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