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Ph.D. Thesis
1. 1992. The Material Culture in the CentralJordanValley in the Pottery Neolithic and Early Chalcolithic Periods (Supervisors: Profs. A. Ben-Tor and N. Goren-Inbar).  
2. 1992. The Pottery Assemblages of Sha'ar Hagolan and Rabah Stages from Munhata (Israel).Paris: Association Paléorient.
3. 1995. Human and Animal Figurines of Munhata, Israel. Paris: Association Paléorient.                       
4. A. Ben-Tor, R. Bonfil, Y. Garfinkel, R. Greenberg, A.M. Maeir and A. Mazar, Hazor V. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
5. 1999. Neolithic and Chalcolithic Pottery of the Southern Levant. Qedem 39, Institute of Archaeology, HebrewUniversity of Jerusalem.
6. 1999. The Yarmukians, Neolithic Art from Sha`ar Hagolan. Jerusalem: BibleLandsMuseum (Exhibition Catalogue).                   
7. Y. Garfinkel and M. Miller 2002. Sha‘ar Hagolan Vol 1. Neolithic Art in Context. Oxford: Oxbow.
8. 2002. Sha‘ar Hagolan. Neolithic Art in the JordanValley.Jerusalem: Israel
Exploration Society (Hebrew). Translated to English as: 2004. The Goddess of Sha‘ar Hagolan. Excavations at a Neolithic Site in Israel. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society. 
9. 2003. Dance at the Dawn of Agriculture. Austin: TexasUniversity Press.
10. Y. Garfinkel and D. Dag 2006. Gesher: A Pre-Pottery Neolithic A Site in the CentralJordanValley, Israel. A Final Report. Berlin: ex oriente.
11. Y. Garfinkel and S. Cohen 2007. The Early MiddleBronzeCemetery of Gesher. Final Excavation Report. Boston: American Schools of Oriental Research.
12. Y. Garfinkel and D. Dag 2008. Neolithic Ashkelon. Qedem. Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, HebrewUniversity.
13. O. Bar-Yosef and Y. Garfinkel 2008. The Prehistory of Israel. Jerusalem: Ariel (Hebrew).
14. Y. Garfinkel and D. Ben Shlomo. 2009. Sha'ar Hagolan Vol. 2 The Rise of Urban Concepts in the Ancient Near East. Qedem Reports 9. Jerusalem: Institute of Archaeology, HebrewUniversity.
15. Y. Garfinkal and S. Ganor. 2009. Khirbet Qeiyafa Vol. 1. The 2007-2008 Excavation seasons. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
16. Y. Garfinkel, D. Ben Shlomo and N. Korn 2010. Sha'ar Hagolan Vol. 3. Symbolic Dimensions of the Yarmukian Culture: Canonization in Neolithic Art. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
17. Y. Garfinkel, D. Dag, H. Khalaily, O. Marder, I. Milevski and A. Ronen in 2012. The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Village of Yiftahel: The 1980s and 1990s Excavations. Berlin: ex oriente.
18. 1984. The Distribution of Identical Seal Impressions and the Settlement Pattern in Judea before Sennacherib's Campaign. Cathedra 32: 3553 (Hebrew).
19. 1985. A Hierarchic Pattern in the Private Seal-Impressions on the LMLK Jar-Handles. Eretz-Israel 18: 108115 (Hebrew).
20. 1985. On the Settlement of Eretz-Israel and its Population in the Early Bronze Period. Cathedra 38: 183192 (Hebrew).
21. 1985. A Preliminary Report on the Excavation at Neolithic Layers at Yiftahel, Area C. Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 18: 45*51*.
22. 1987. Burnt Lime Products and Social Implications in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Villages of the Near EastPaléorient 13/1: 6875.
23. I. Hershkovitz, Y. Garfinkel and B. Arensburg 1986. Neolithic Skeletal Remains at Yiftahel, Area C. Paléorient 12/1: 7381.
24. J. Yellin and Y. Garfinkel 1986. The Source of Archaeological Obsidian from a Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Site at Yiftahel, Israel. Paléorient 12/2: 99104.
25. 1987. City Lists, Epigraphic Sources and the Administrative Division in Judah. Zion52: 489494 (Hebrew).
26. 1987. The Meaning of the Word MPQD in the Tel `Ira Ostracon. Palestine Exploration Quarterly 119: 1923.
27. 1987. Yiftahel: A Neolithic Village from the Seventh Millennium B.C. in Lower Galilee, Israel. Journal of Field Archaeology 14: 199212.
28. 1987. The Early Iron Age Stratigraphy of Beth Shean Reconsidered. Israel Exploration Journal 37: 224228.
29. Y. Garfinkel, I. Carmi and J. C. Vogel 1987. Dating of Horsebean and Lentil Seeds from the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Village of Yiftahel. Israel Exploration Journal 37: 4042.
30. 1987. MLS HKRSYM in Phoenician Inscriptions from Cyprus, the QRSY in Arad, HKRSYM in Egypt and BNY QYRS in the Bible. Journal of Near Eastern Studies 47: 2734.
31. 1987. Beads Manufacture at the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Site of Yiftahel. Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 20: 79*90*.
32. 1988. 2 Chr 11:510 Fortified Cities List and the LMLK Stamps - Reply to Nadav Na'aman. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 271: 6973.
33. 1988. Y. Garfinkel and L.K. Horwitz, The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Bone Industry of Yiftahel. Paléorient 14/1: 7386.
34. 1988. Y. Garfinkel, M.L. Kislev, and D. Zohary, Lentil in the Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Yiftahel: Additional Evidence of its Early Domestication. Israel Journal of Botany 37: 4951.
35. Y. Garfinkel and D. Nadel 1989. The Sultanian Flint Assemblage from Gesher and its Implications for Recognizing Early Neolithic Entities in the Levant. Paléorient 15/2: 139151.
36. 1990. The ’Eliakim Na‘ar Yokan' Seal Impressions: Sixty Years of Confusion in Biblical Archaeological Research. Biblical Archaeologist 53: 7479
37. 1990. Gesher, un nouveau site Neolithique Preceramique A dans la moyenne vallee du Jourdain, Israel. L'Anthropologie 94/4: 600602.
38. R. Malinowski and Y. Garfinkel 1990. Prehistory of Concrete. Concrete International 13/3: 6268.                                                              
Republished in Swedish: Nordisk Betong 5 (1988): 2530.
Republished in Japanese: Cement & Concrete 519 (1990): 111.
39. 1990. Excavations at Gesher - A Pre-Pottery A Neolithic Site   and a MiddleBronzeAgeIIaCemetery. Qadmoniot  89-90: 2631 (Hebrew).
40. Y. Garfinkel and R. Bonfil 1990. Graves and Burial Customs from the Middle Bronze IIa Period in Gesher. Eretz-Israel 21: 132147 (Hebrew).
41. L.K. Horwitz and Y. Garfinkel 1991. Animal Remains from the Site of Gesher, CentralJordanValley. Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 24: 6476.
42. A.M. Maeir and Y. Garfinkel 1992. Bone and Metal Straw Tip Beer-Strainers from the Ancient Near East. Levant 24: 218223.
43. Y. Garfinkel, F. Burian and E. Friedman 1992. A Late Neolithic Seal from Herzliya. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 286: 713. 
44.1993. The Yarmukian Culture in Israel. Paléorient 19/1: 115134.
45. 1993. Yiftahel (Neolithic Layer), Gesher, Sha‘ar Hagolan, Tel ‘Ali, Tel Shuna, JordanValley (Neolithic & Chalcolithic periods). In E. Stern (ed.) Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, New Edition. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
46. 1993. Ethical Problems in Interdisciplinary Research. In A. Biran and J. Aviram (eds.) Biblical Archaeology Today, 1990, p. 482. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
47. 1994. The 'PPNC' Flint Assemblage from Tel ‘Ali. In H.G. Gebel and St.K. Kozlowski (eds.) Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 1, pp. 543562. Berlin: ex oriente.
48. 1994. Ritual Burial of Cultic Objects: The Earliest Evidence. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 4: 159188.
49. 1996. The Yarmukian Culture - A Reappraisal. Qadmoniot 112: 6677 (Hebrew).
50. 1996. Critical Observations on the So-Called Khiamian Flint Industry. In St.K. Kozlowski and H.G. Gebel (eds.) Neolithic Chipped Stone Industries of the Fertile Crescent, and Their Contemporaries in Adjacent Regions. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 3, pp. 1521. Berlin: ex oriente.
51. 1998. Dancing and the Beginning of Art Scenes in the Near East and South-East Europe. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 8: 207237.
52. 1998. The Platter, a New Ceramic Type of the Chalcolithic Period. Levant 30: 191194.
53. 1998. A Ghassulian Chalcolithic Jar from Nahal QanahCave. Israel Exploration Journal 48: 161164.
54. N. Applbaum, Y. Applbaum, M. Lavi and Y. Garfinkel 1998. Computed Tomography Imaging as an Aid in the Preservation and Conservation of Neolithic Figurines from the Site of Sha‘ar Hagolan. Archaeology and Science Bulletin 6: 4654 (Hebrew).
55. 1999. Ghassulian Chalcolithic Presence at Jericho. Levant 31: 165170.
56. 1999. Facts, Fiction, and Yarmukian Figurines.Cambridge Archaeological Journal 9: 130133.
57. 1999. Dance and Representation - A Methodological Remark: Reply to Lewis-Williams. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 10: 281283.
58. 1999. Radiometric Dates from Eighth Millennium B.P. Israel. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 315: 113.  
59. Y. Garfinkel and M. Miller 2000. The Yarwhosians? Archaeology Odyssey, May 2000: 1625.
60. S. Scham and Y. Garfinkel 2000. Perforated Rods – A New Chalcolithic Ivory Type. Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research 319: 15.
61. 2000. The Khazineh Painted Style of Western Iran. Iran 38: 5770.
62. Y. Garfinkel and M. Miller 2000. The Yarwhosians? Archaeology Odyssey, May 2000: 1625.
63. 2001. Neolithic Ashqelon. In A. Sasson, Z. Safrai and N. Sagiv (eds.) Ashkelon, A City on the Seashore, pp. 3956. Tel Aviv: AshkelonAcademicCollege (Hebrew).
64. 2001. The Neolithic Art Assemblage from Sha‘ar Hagolan. In Maeir A.M. and Baruch E. (eds.) Settlement, Civilization and Culture. Proceedings of the Conference in Memory of David Alon, pp. 4760. Ramat Gan: Bar-IlanUniversity (Hebrew).
65. 2001. Dance at the Beginning of Agriculture. Dance Now 5: 9186 (Hebrew pp. 49).
66. 2001. Warrior Burial Customs in the Levant in the Early Second Millennium B.C. In S. Wolff (ed.), Studies in the Archaeology of Israel and Neighboring Lands in Memory of Douglas L. Esse, pp. 143161. Chicago: Oriental Institute.
67. 2001. Dancing or Fighting – a Recently Discovered Predynastic Scene from Abydos, Egypt. Cambridge Archaeological Journal 11: 241254.
68. 2001. Neolithic Sha‘ar Hagolan: Art, Cult, and Settlement in the JordanValley. Minerva 13/4: 3537.
69. Y. Garfinkel and D. Dag 2001. The Pre-Pottery Neolithic C Flint of Ashkelon. In I. Caneva et al. (eds.) Beyond Tools. Redefining the PPN Lithic Assemblages of the Levant. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 9, pp. 333352. Berlin: ex oriente.
70. Y. Garfinkel and Z. Matskevich 2002. Abu Zureiq - A Wadi Rabah Site in the JezreelValley. Israel Exploration Journal 52: 129166.
71. Y. Garfinkel and M. Miller 2002. The Neolithic Art of Sha‘ar Hagolan. Antike Welt 33: 607619.
72. Y. Garfinkel, D. Dag, L.K. Horwitz, O. Lernau and H.K. Mienis 2002. The Pottery Neolithic Site of Ziqim. Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 32: 73145.
73. 2003. Architecture and Village Planning at Neolithic Sha‘ar Hagolan. Eretz-Israel 27: 7382 (Hebrew).
74. Y. Garfinkel and M. Miller, 2003. Die ersten Bauern am See Gennesaret. Das Neilithikum. In G. Fassbeck et al. (eds.) Leben am See Gennesaret. Kulturgeschichtliche Entdeckugen in einer biblischen Region, pp. 1117.Mainz: Philipp von Zabern (German).
75. 2003. The Earliest Dancing Scenes of the Near East. Near Eastern Archaeology 66: 8495.
76. 2004. "Néolithique" and "Enéolithique" Byblos in Southern Levantine Context. In E. Peltenberg (ed.) Proceedings of the conference: Neolithic Revolution. New Perspectives on South-west Asia in Light of Recent Discoveries on Cyprus, pp. 177191. Oxford: Oxbow.
77. 2005. The Sha‘ar Hagolan Excavations – The End of the Project. Jahrbuch des Deutschen Evangelischen Instituts für Altertumswissenschaft des Heiligen Lands 9/10: 172-177.
78. 2005. Dancing Diamonds. Iran 43:117133.
79. Y. Garfinkel, D. Dag, B. Hesse, P. Wapnish, D. Rookis, G. Hartman, D.E. Bar-Yosef Mayer and O. Lernau 2005. Neolithic Ashkelon: Meat Processing and Early Pastoralism on the MediterraneanCoast. Euroasia Prehistory 3: 4372.
80. 2005. Dancing Scenes in the Early Village Communities. Qadmoniot 130: 6680 (Hebrew). 
81. S. Belitzki and Y. Garfinkel 2005. Late Pleistocene and Holocene tectonic deformation at the Gesher site, KinnarotValley, Dead Sea Rift. Israel Journal of Earth Science 54: 133143.
82. 2006. The Social Organization at Neolithic Sha‘ar Hagolan: the Nuclear Family, the Extended Family and the Community. In T. Benning and M. Chazan (eds.) Domesticating Space. Construction, Community, and Cosmology in the Late Prehistoric Near East. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 3, pp. 103111. Berlin: ex oriente.
83. O. Barzilai and Y. Garfinkel 2006. Bidirectional Blade Technology after the PPNB: New Evidence from Sha‘ar HaGolan, Israel. Neo-lithic 1/06: 2731. 
84. Y. Garfinkel, A. Vered and O. Bar-Yosef. 2006. The Domestication of Water: The Neolithic Well of Sha‘ar Hagolan, Jordan Valley, Israel. Antiquity 80: 686696.
85. 2006. The Burials of Kfar HaHoresh – A Regional or Local Phenomenon? Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 36: 109116.
86. 2006. Sha‘ar Ha-Golan. Encyclopedia Judaica (second Edition). Vol. 18: 335336.
87. F. Mébarki and Y. Garfinkel 2006. Yarmuk. Les bâtisseurs néolithiques de Sha‘ar Hagolan. Archéologia 432: 2035.            
88. Y. Garfinkel, D. Ben Shlomo, M. Freikeman and A. Vered 2006. Tel Tsaf, A Middle Chalcolithic site in the Jordan Valley Qadmoniot132: 7886 (Hebrew).
89. Y. Garfinkel, D. Ben Shlomo, M. Freikeman and A. Vered. 2007. Tel Tsaf: The 2004-2006 Excavation Seasons. Israel Exploration Journal 57: 133.
90. 2007. The Pre-Pottery Neolithic B Naviform Industry of Yiftahel. In L. Astruc, D. Binder and F. Briois (eds.) Technical Systems and Near Eastern PPN Communities, pp. 203213. APDCA: Antibes.
91. 2007. The Dynamic Settlement History of Philistine Ekron: A Case Study of the Central Places Theory. In A. Ben-Tor et al. (eds.) "Up to the Gates of Ekron". Essays on the Archaeology and History of the Eastern Mediterranean in Honor of Seymour Gitin, pp. 1724. Jerusalem: Albright Institute and the Israel Exploration Society.
92. D. Dag and Y. Garfinkel. 2007. The Flint Industry of Tel Tsaf, A Middle Chalcolithic Site in the JordanValley, Israel. Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 37: 387424.
93. U. Davidovich and Y. Garfinkel. 2007. Sde-Eliyahu Water-Reservoir. The 1955 Excavation of a Chalcolithic Site in the CentralJordanValley. Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 37: 425454.
94. 2007. The Fertile Crescent. In A. Cremin (ed.) Archaeologica: The World's Most Significant Sites and Cultural Treasures, pp. 206213. Sydney: Global Book Publishing.
95. 2008. Neolithic Ashkelon (with D. Dag), Sha‘ar Hagolan. In E. Stern (ed.) Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, New Edition.Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society. 
96. R. P. Evershed et al. 2008. Earliest date for milk used in the Near East andsoutheastern Europe linked to cattle herding. Nature 455: 528531 (25 September 2008).
97. Y. Garfinkel and S. Ganor. 2008. Khirbet Qeiyafa: A Fortified BorderCity between Judah and Philistia. In D. Amit and G. Stibel (eds.) New Studies in the Archaeology of Jerusalem and its Region 2. Proceedings of a Conference 30th October 2008, pp. 122133. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority and the HebrewUniversity (Hebrew).
98. 2008. Dancing Scenes and Ideology in the Neolithic Near East. In E. Anati (ed.) Prehistoric Art and Ideology. Proceedings of the XV International Union for Prehistoric and Protohistoric Sciences, pp. 41–51. BAR 1872. Oxford: Archaeopress.
99. Garfinkel and S. Ganor 2008. Khirbet Qeiyafa: Sha'arayim. Journal of Hebrew Scriptures 8: Article 22
100. D. Ben-Shlomo and Y. Garfinkel 2009. Sha'ar Hagolan and new Insights on Near Eastern Proto-Historic Urban Concepts. Oxford Journal of Archaeology 28: 189–209.
101. M. Freikman and Y. Garfinke 2009. The Zoomorphic Figurines from Sha‘ar Hagolan: Hunting Magic Practices in the Neolithic Near East. Levant 41: 5–17.
102. Y. Garfinkel, D. Ben-Shlomo and T. Kuperman 2009. Large-scale Storage of Grain Surplus in the Sixth MillenniumBC: the Silos of Tel Tsaf. Antiquity 83: 309–325.
103. Y. Garfinkel 2009. The Destruction of Cult Artifacts and Royal Inscriptions during the Iron Age. Eretz-Israel 28: 100–104 (Hebrew).
104. Y. Garfinkel 2009. The Transition from Neolithic to Chalcolithic in the Southern Levant. The Material Culrure Sequance. In J.J. Shea and D.E. Lieberman (eds.) Transitions in Prehistory: Papers in Honor of Ofer Bar-Yosef, pp. 325–333. Cambridge, MA: Harvard  UniversityAmericanSchool of Prehistoric Research.
105. D. Ben-Shlomo, A.C. Hill and Y. Garfinkel 2009. Feasting between the Revolutions: Evidence from Chalcolithic Tel Tsaf, Israel. Journal of Mediterranean Archaeology 22.2, pp. 129150.
106. 2010. Proto-historic Courtyard Buildings in the Southern Levant. In G. Dragos (ed.) Neolithic and Chalcolithic Archaeology in Eurasia: Building Techniques and Spatial Organization, pp. 3541. BAR international 2097. Oxford: Archeopress.
107. 2010. Innovations in the Domestic Architecture of the Proto-historic Period in the Middle East. Qadmoniot 139:1220 (Hebrew).
108. Y. Garfinkel and S. Ganor 2010. Khirbet Qeiyafa in Survey and in Excavations: A Response to Y. Dagan. Tel Aviv 37:67–78.
109. Y. Garfinkel, S. Ganor and M. Hasel 2010. The Contribution of Khirbet Qeiyafa to our Understanding of the Iron Age Period. Strata: Bulletin of the Anglo-Israeli archaeological Society 28: 3954.
110. 2010. Dance in Prehistoric Europe. Documenta Praehistorica 37: 205–214.
111. 2010. The Dawn of Humanity: in the Footsteps of Early Men around the Sea of Galilee. In E. Miron (ed.) The Sea of Galilee: A Walk Through Time, pp. 619. Jerusalem: Yad Ben-Zvi (Hebrew). 
112. 2010 Social Aspects of Water Technology in the Protohistoric Near East. Neo-Lithics 2/10: 3942.
113. 2011. Obsidian Distribution and Cultural Contacts in the Southern Levant during the 7th Millennium cal. BC. In E. Heally, S. Campbell and O. Maeda (eds.) The State of the Stone Terminologies, Continuities and Contexts in Near Eastern Lithics. Studies in Early Near Eastern Production, Subsistence and Environment 13, pp. 403–409. Berlin: ex oriente.
114. Y. Garfinkel, S. Ganor and M. Hasel 2011. The First Four Excavation Seasons at Khirbet Qeiyafa, an Early 10th Century BCE Fortified City in the Judean Shephela. Qadmoniot 44: 412 (Hebrew).
115. Y. Garfinkel 2011. The Davidic Kingdom in Light of the Finds at Khirbet Qeiyafa. City of David Studies of Ancient Jerusalem 6:13*35* (English), 3151 (Hebrew)
116. 2011. The Birth & Death of Biblical Minimalism. Biblical Archaeology Review 37/3: 4653.
117. Y. Garfinkel and H.-G. Kang, in press. The Relative and Absolute Chronology of Khirbet Qeiyafa: Very Late Iron Age I or Very Early Iron Age IIA? Israel Exploration Journal 61: 171183.  
118. 2011. Y. Garfinkel, S. Ganor and M. Hasel. 'Khirbet Qeiyafa Excavations and the Raise of the Kingdom of Judah. Eretz-Israel 30: 174–194 (Hebrew).   
119. D. Ben-Shlomo, A.C. Hill and Y. Garfinkel, in press. Storage, Feasting and Burials at Chalcolithic Tel Tsaf. Proceedings of the 7ICAANE, April 2010, London.
120. Y. Garfinkel, in press. The Levant in the Pottery Neolithic and Chalcolithic Periods. In C. Renfrew and P. Bann (eds.) Cambridge World Prehistory.
121. In press. The Pottery of the Neolithic Period. In S. Gitin et al. (eds.) The Pottery of Ancient Israel and its Neighbors. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
122. In press. The Pottery of the Chalcolithic Period. In S. Gitin et al. (eds.) The Pottery of Ancient Israel and its Neighbors. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society.
123. in press. Y. Garfinkel, D. Ben-Shlomo and N. Marom. Sha'ar Hagolan: A Major Pottery Neolithic Settlement and Artistic Center in the JordanValley. Euroasia Prehistory.
124. in press. The Settlement History of the Kingdom of Judah from its Estavblishment to its Destraction. Cathedra (Hebrew).
Book Reviews
125. Garrard, A.H. and Gebel, H.G. (eds.) 1988. The Prehistory of Jordan. Oxford: BAR International Series 396; in Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 9 (1989-90): 54-56.
126. Campana, D.V. 1988, Natufian and Protoneolithic Bone Tools: The Manufacture and Use of Bone Implements in the Zagros and the Levant. Oxford: BAR International Series 396; in Bulletin of the Anglo-Israel Archaeological Society 9 (1989-90): 58-59.
127. de Contenson, H. 1992. Prehistoire de Ras Shamra - Ougarit VIII. Paris: Editions Recherche sur les Civilisations; in Israel Exploration Journal 46 (1996): 273-277. 
128. Leonard, A. 1992. The JordanValley Survey, 1953: Some Unpublished Soundings Conducted by James Mellaart. Annual of the American Schools of Oriental Research 50; in Israel Exploration Journal 47 (1997): 139-141. 
129. Rosen, S.A. 1997. Lithics after the Stone Age. Walnut Creek: Altamira Press; in Israel Exploration Journal 49 (1999): 288-289.
130. Yizraeli-Noy, Y. 1999. The Human Figure in Prehistoric Art in the Land of Israel, IsraelMuseum and the Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem (Hebrew); in Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 31 (2001): 227–231.
131. Kuijt, I. (ed.) 2000. Life in Neolithic Farming Communities. Social Organization, Identity, and Differentiation (Fundamental Issues in Archaeology). New York: Kluwer Academic/Plenum Publishers, in American Antiquity 66 (2001): 753–754.
132. Moorey, P.R.S. 2003. Idols of the People. Miniature Images of Clay in the Ancient Near East, The Schweich Lectures of the British Academy 2001. Published for The BritishAcademy by OxfordUniversity Press, in Cambridge Archaeological Journal 15 (2005): 120–122.
133. Schroer, S. and Keel, O. 2005. Die Ikonographie Palästinas/Israels und der Alte Orient (IPIAO). Eine Religionsgeschichte in Bildern. Band 1. Vom ausgehenden Mesolithikum bis zur Frühbronzezeit. Freiburg: Academic Press Fribourg, in Mitekufat Haeven (Journal of the Israel Prehistoric Society) 36 (2006): 245–247.