Adventures in Ecuador and Peru


Five years ago, in 1997, Tali and I went to South America for three months and walked wonderful treks in Bolivia, North Chile and Peru. We walked the Inca Trail and the Auzangate trek , both in the area of Cusco, Peru. We made an extended version of the "Choro" trek in Bolivia and walked in Parque Nacional Lauca in Chile. Going back to Peru we climbed Volcan El-Misti and Volcan Ubinas in the vicinity of Arequipa, the second biggest city in Peru. In the area of the Colca Canyon we made a long trek from Cabanaconde to Andagua. Going to Huaraz, in the Cordillera Blanca, we strated to run out of time and walked only in the neighboring Cordillera Huayhuash.

That time we left South America with a strong taste of "more" in our mouth. We are especially attracted to walk and climb in Ecuador and in the Cordillera Blanca in Peru. Only in year 2002 we have the chance to fulfill our dream.

Laguna Quilotoa - a crater lake at 4,000m' in Ecuador.

A technical note: All photos were taken by us with an Elan IIE Canon camera, with zoom lenses of 18-35mm (Sigma) and 28-105mm (Canon). The photos were scanned in 200-300 dpi only, in order to decrease loading time. It is best to browse the following pages with a screen resolution of at least 1024*768 pixels and with small fonts. Your comments regarding the photos or text are more than welcome !!!

While being in South America, Tali wrote down and sent via e-mail our adventures stories, in 5 separate letters. I tried to edit the letters in a minimum way, in order the keep its freshness and enthusiastic flavor. I hope I've succeeded !

Letter 1 - Ecuador: Climbing (or Trying to Climb...) the Volcanoes: Yanaurco, Imbabura, Cayambe, Ilinizas, Ruminahui and Carihuairazo.
Letter 2 - Ecuador: The End of the Carihuairazo Experience and Resting in Vilcabamba.
Letter 3 - Peru: Around-Alpamayo Circuit (Los Cedros and Santa Cruz Treks).
Letter 4 - Peru: Celebrating the Jewish New Year in Huaraz.
Letter 5 - Peru: Climbing Pisco.

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Last modified: Mon Aug 18th 21:36:42 IST 2003