Adventures in Africa


On July 1998 Tali and I arrived to Africa, the last continent we haven't visited together. We planned to climb several volcanoes and visit some game parks (safaris) in the first month and a half of our journey. We didn't have any specific plans what to do later on... If you are curious to know how we fulfilled our plans and what happened with us in the rest of the journey, you are invited to read and look at the many photos about our adventures.

A technical note: all photos were taken by us with an Elan IIE Canon camera, with zoom lenses of 18-35mm (Sigma), 28-105mm (Canon) and 70-300mm (Sigma). The photos were scanned in 200-300 dpi only, in order to decrease loading time. It is best to browse the following chapters with a screen resolution of at least 1024*768 pixels and with small fonts. Your comments regarding the photos or text are more than welcome !!!

Tali and I on the summit of Volcan Ol Doinyo Lengai (Tanzania) (2,878m').

Chapter 1 - Landing in Nairobi (Nai-robbery)
Chapter 2 - Naivasha and Nakuru Lakes
Chapter 3 - Moving to Uganda (Mt. Elgon)
Chapter 4 - Uganda (Kampala, Entebbe and Jinja)
Chapter 5 - Preparing to Climb Mt. Kenya
Chapter 6 - Mt. Kenya
Chapter 7 - Eating Giraffes in Nairobi and Looking For a Cheetah in Masai Mara
Chapter 8 - Tanzania: Volcano-Land I - Mt. Meru
Chapter 9 - Tanzania: Volcano-Land II - Ol Doinyo Lengai
Chapter 10 - "No, I don't want to go to Zambia"
Chapter 11 - The Zambian Experience
Chapter 12 - Heavenly Zimbabwe I - Victoria Falls
Chapter 13 - Heavenly Zimbabwe II - Hwange and Bulawayo
Chapter 14 - Heavenly Zimbabwe III - The $ lottery
Chapter 15 - Malawi I: A Trek in the Mulanje Massif
Chapter 16 - Malawi II: Decadence in Cape Mclear
Last Chapter - Epilogue

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Last modified: Sat Jun 19th 21:43:08 IST 1999