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News and Upcoming Events
17th Annual Meyerhoff Lecture: Yosef Kaplan (Hebrew University of Jerusalem), "Cristobal Mendes, alias Abraham Franco Silveira: The Puzzling Saga of a Seventeenth-Century Converso, Herbert D. Katz Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University of Pennsylvania. Click here for further information.
Past Events
On the 6th of November, 2013:
Prof. Kaplan delivered the Annual Arye Maimon Memorial Lecture on
"Zwischen Versteckspiel und Theologie: Die spanischen und portugiesischen »Conversos« der frühen Neuzeit"
Arye Maimon-Institut für Geschichte der Juden, Universität Trier, Germany.
Click here for the full program (in German).
The 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies
The 16th World Congress of Jewish Studies will take place at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem from July 28 - August 1, 2013. Click here for further Information.
On the 26th of May, 2013:
Prof. Kaplan lectured at the 36 Annual Conference of History - "Censorship and Culture",
of the Zalman Shazar Center for Jewish History, on:
"Self-Censoring Readership: On the Banned Books of the Sephardi Community in Early Modern Amsterdam"
The Lecture was held at the Zalman Shazar Center, Jerusalem.
Click here for the full Conference program+Invitation (In Hebrew)
A Symposium in Honour of Prof. Yosef Kaplan:
The syposium took place on the 15th of November, 2012
at the event of professor Kaplan's retirement
The Lectures were held at The Hebrew University, Mt. Scopus Campus, Yizhak Rabin World Center of Jewish Studies.
Click here for the Symposium Program+Invitation (In Hebrew)
On the 5th of July, 2012,
Prof. Kaplan delivered the Annual Jacob Katz Memorial Lecture on
"Confessionalization and Secularization in the Early Modern Western Sephardi Diaspora"
Leo Baeck Institute, 33 Bustanai Street, Jerusalem.
On the 8th of May, 2012,
Prof. Kaplan lectured at the Jerusalem Cinematheque on:
"Love and Women in Johannes Vermeer's Works".
The movie Girl with a Pearl Earring (2003) directed by Peter Webber was screened afterward.
The event was part of a series of lectures at the Jerusalem Cinematheque, held by the members of the
Scholion's Institute 2012 "Eros, Family and Community" Research Group at the Hebrew University of
