Die Juden in den geheimen NS-Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945, edited by Otto Dov Kulka and Eberhard Jaeckel, Droste Verlag, Duesseldorf 2004, Schriften des Bundesarchivs 62 (896 pp. and CD-ROM with 3744 annotated documents). Selected reviews: - Hagalil on and excerpts from the Book (German) - Ian Kershaw, in: Times Literary Supplement, 16 September 2005, p.26 - Susanne Heim, in: Yad Vashem Studies, 34(2006), pp. 369-379 (English) - Bernward Dörner, in H-Soz-u-Kult (German) - Aryeh Dayan, in Haaretz (English)
Deutsches Judentum unter dem Nationalsozialismus. Band I: 1933‑1939, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1997, Schriftenreihe wissenschaftlicher Abhandlungen des Leo Baeck Instituts 54. (614p.). Selected reviews: - Richard Cohen, in Yad Vashem Studies, 27 (1999), pp. 461-472 (English) - Alan Steinweis, in The Jewish Quarterly Review - Moshe Zimmermann, in: Historische Zeitschrift, Bd.267 (1998),pp.811-813. - Sabine Hillebrecht, in: Zeitschrift für Geschichtswissenschaft, 4(1999), pp.369- 370.
2nd volume to no. 3. on the years 1939-45 in preparation
Judaism and Christianity under the Impact of National Socialism 1919-1945, The Historical Society of Israel, Jerusalem 1987 (558 p.). Review: - Ian Kershaw in: Yad Vashem Studies, 19 (1988), pp. 427-437.
From Modern Antisemitism to the "Final Solution." Salman Shazar Center, Jerusalem 1984 (284 p.) [in Hebrew]
Richard Wagner, Das Judenthum in der Musik – HaYahdut BaMusica. A critical bi-lingual edition of the two original German editions from 1850 and 1869 (Facsimilie) with Hebrew translations, Academon, Jerusalem 1973 (2nd, revised edition 1982)
“In Search of History and Memory. Between Theresienstadt and Auschwitz,“ in: Festschrift in Honor of Moshe Zimmermann,
Vandenhoeck& Ruprecht, Göttingen 2012.
“Tendencies in Zionist Historiography on the Jews under the Nazi Rule,” in: Between Religion and Nationalism. Yosef Salmon Jubilee Volume, Edited by Yossi Goldstein, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev Press 2010, pp.25*-36*.
"In Search of History and Memory. Landschaften der Metropole des Todes," in: Walter Benjamin und die romantische Moderne, Herausgegeben von Heinz Brüggemann und Günter Oesterle, Königshausen & Neumann, Würzburg 2009, pp. 551-575.
"Popular Opinion in Nazi Germany as a factor in the policy of the 'Solution of the Jewish Question': The Nuremberg Laws and the Reichskristallnacht," in: Popular Opinion in Totalitarian Regimes, edited by Paul Corner, Oxford University Press, Oxford 2009, pp.81-106.
"Jewish Society in Germany as Reflected in Secret Nazi Reports on 'Public Opinion' 1933-1945, in: On Germans and Jews under the Nazi Regime. Essays by Three Generations of Historians, edited by Moshe Zimmermann, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, 2006, pp. 261-79.
"In Search of Memory and History. Excerpts from the 'Landscapes of the Metropolis of Death'", ibid., 401-4171.
"History and Historical Consciousness. Similarities and Dissimilarities in the History of the Jews in Germany and the Czech Lands 1918-1945," in: Bohemia 46/1 (2005), pp. 68-86.
"The German Population and the Jews: State of Research and New Perspectives," in: Probing the Depths of German Antisemitism. German Society and the Persecution of the Jews, 1933-1941, edited by David Bankier, Berghahn, New York and Oxford, 2000, pp. 271-281.
"Critique of Judaism in Modern European Thought: On the Historical Meaning of Modern Antisemitism", in:
Demonizing the Other. Antisemitism, Racism and Xenophobia, edited by Robert S. Wistrich, Harwood, Amsterdam 1999, pp. 196-209.
"The Reichsvereinigung and the Fate of the Jews. Continuity or Discontinuity in German-Jewish History in the Third Reich," in: Arnold Paucker (Hg.), Die Juden im nationalsozialistischen Deutschland 1933-1943, J.C.B. Mohr (Paul Siebeck), Tübingen 1986, pp. 353-363.
"Die deutsche Geschichtsschreibung über den Nationalsozialismus und die 'Endloesung'. Tendenzen und Entwicklungsphasen 1924-1984," in: Historische Zeitschrift 240 (1985), pp. 599-640. 12a. Extended English version: "Major Trends and Tendencies in German Historiography on National Socialism and the 'Jewish Question'," in: Israel Gutman (ed.), The Historiography of the Holocaust Period, Yad Vashem, Jerusalem 1988, pp. 1-51, 99-104.
"Die Nürnberger Rassengesetze und die deutsche Bevölkerung im Lichte geheimer NS-Lage- und Stimmungsberichte", in: Vierteljahreshefte für Zeitgeschichte 32 (1984), pp. 582-624.
"The Churches in the Third Reich and the 'Jewish Question' in the Light of Secret Nazi Reports on German 'Public Opinion'," in: Bibliothèque de la Revue d’Histoire Ecclésiastique, Miscellanea historiae ecclésiasticae IX, Bruxelles 1984, pp. 490-505.
"'Public Opinion' in the Third Reich and the 'Jewish Question'," in: Zion, Quarterly for Research in Jewish History XL (1975), pp. 186-290 [Hebrew, with appendix of documents in German on pp. 260-90]. 18a. Abridged English version: "'Public Opinion' in Nazi Germany and the 'Jewish Question'," in: The Jerusalem Quarter, 25/26(1982), pp. 121-56. 18b. also in: The Nazi Holocaust. Historical Articles on the Destruction of European Jews, edited by Michael Marrus, Meckler, Westport and London 1989. Vol. 5 /Part I, pp. 115-150.
"The SD-Policy on the 'Solution of the Jewish Question' in the Countries First Occupied by the Third Reich," in: Yalkut Moreshet 18 (1975), pp. 163-184 (Hebrew).
"The Munich Conference and the 'Jewish Problem' in Czechoslovakia in 1938," in: Yalkut Moreshet 2 (1964), pp. 51-78 (Hebrew).
"Richard Wagner und die Anfänge des modernen Antisemitismus," in: Bulletin des Leo Baeck Instituts 4 (1961), pp. 281-300.
Book Reviews
"The Role of Hitler in the Final Solution. Review of Ian Kershaw, Hitler 1936-1945," in: Yad Vashem Studies 33 (2005), pp. 447- 459. [download as pdf]
"On Saul Friedländer, Nazi Germany and the Jews. I. The Years of Persecution 1933-1939", in: Zion, Quarterly for Research in Jewish History 65 (200) pp.109-123.
Unpublished Texts
Reflections on the Jerusalem School of Jewish Studies and the Holocaust Research. Speech on the occasion of the acceptance of the Wiznitzer Prize for the best book in Jewish history of 1998, 30 Nov 1999 (Hebrew) [download as pdf]
Address on the occasion of the acceptance of the Buchman Memorial Prize of Yad Vashem, 09 Dec 1998 (Hebrew) [download as pdf]
Die Juden in den geheimen Stimmungsberichten 1933-1945. Zur Entstehung der Quellenedition und ihre Bedeutung für künftige Forschungen über die NS-Zeit. Berlin, 28. September 2004 (German) [download as pdf]