Current Projects Resume cv Publications
Faculty of Humanities / Islam and Middle East
Prof. Ruth Roded
Social and Cultural History of the Middle East

Prof. Ruth Roded

Contact: tel: 972-2-6427943

Currently focusing onIslamic and Jewish Religious Feminism: Similarities, Parallels and Interactions.” Truman Institute 
Recently, worked on: “Twentieth-Century Gendered Perceptions of the Biography of the Prophet Muhammad,” some of whose findings have appeared as articles.

Among publications


Islamic and Jewish Religious Feminism: Similarities, Parallels and Interactions
Religion Compass, Intertwined Worlds (2012)

“Middle Eastern Women in Gendered Space: Religious Legitimacy and Social Reality” Hawwa 10 (2012): 1-17. 

introductory reader on Women in Islam and the Middle East  (1999, 2008)
Gender in the Twentieth-Century Middle East,
(in Hebrew) ed. with Noga Efrati (2008). Magnes Press

Current CoursesFrom Quran to Islamic Feminism: Gender in the Middle East 
Spreading Islamic Norms through Muhammad’s Life-story graduate seminar

Other publications: Women in Islamic Biographical Collections From Ibn Sa'd to Who's Who (1994); articleson urban elites and the waqf Muslim endowment in Ottoman Syria.
