The Systemic Quality of Life Model: Development and Applications
Journal articles, books, research reports, conference papers & PhD theses
* Starred publications focus on the development and exposition of the model
Wolins, M., Wozner, Y. and Shye, S. (1980). Rejuvenating the asylum: A field study. Social Work Research and Abstracts 16:17-25.
Shye, S. (1982). Compiling expert opinions on the impact on environmental quality of a nuclear power plant: An application of a systemic life quality model. International Review of Applied Psychology 31: 285-302.
Wozner, Y. (1982). Assessing the quality of internat life. Human Relations, vol. 35 (11): 1059-1072.
Shye, S. (1988). Life Quality and environmental conditions in a distress neighborhood: evaluation by the systemic quality of life model. Megamot, 31, 439-449.
*Shye, S. (1989). The systemic quality of life model: A basis for urban renewal evaluation. Social Indicators Research 21:343-378.
Elizur, D. (1990). Quality circles and quality of work life. International Journal of Manpower 11 (6):3-7.
Elizur, D. and Shye, S. (1990). Quality of work life and its relation to Quality of life. Applied Psychology: An International Review 39 (3):275-291.
Wozner, Y. (1991). Organizing institutions for goal attainment. Hevra Urvaha (Society and Welfare) 11 (2):156-175 (Hebrew).
Wozner, Y., Golan, M., Davidson-Arad, B., Dekel, R. (1997). The quality of life of institutions for youth. International Journal of Child & Family Welfare, 2, 127-143.
Shye, S. (1998). The systemic life quality model: a comparative analysis of concepts and scales. Megamot, 39, (1-2) 149-169.
Davidson-Arad, B., Wozner, Y. (2001). The least detrimental alternative: Deciding whether to remove children at risk from their homes. International Social Work, 44(2); 229-239.
Davidson-Arad, B. (2001). Predicted changes in children's Quality of Life in decisions regarding the removal of children at risk from their homes. Children and Youth Services Review, 23(2); 127-143.
Davidson-Arad, B. (2001). Parental features and Quality of Life in the decision to remove children at risk from home. Child abuse and Neglect, 25; 47-64.
Davidson-Arad, B., Wozner, Y. (2001). The use of the Shye's Systemic Quality Life model in the examination of child protection officers decision. Social Indicators Research, 56; 1-20.
Lichtentritt, R.D., Davidson-Arad, B., Wozner, Y. (2002).The social work mission and its implementation in the socialization process: First and second-year students' perspectives. Social Work Education, 21(6); 671-683.
Davidson-Arad, B., Englechin-Segal, D., Wozner, U. and Gabriel, T. (2003). Why Social Workers do not implement decision to remove children at risk from home. Child Abuse & Neglect, 27(6), 687-697.
Davidson-Arad, B., Cohen, O., and Wozner, Y. (In press). Social workers custody recommendations: Contributions of child's expected Quality of Life and parental features. Journal of Divorce and the Marriage.
Davidson-Arad, B., Englechin-Segal, D., and Wozner, Y., and Gabriel, R. (In press). Why social workers do not implement their decision to remove children at risk from home. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Davidson-Arad, B., Englechin-Segal, D., and Wozner, Y. (2003). Short Term Follow-Up of Children at Risk: Comparison of the Quality of Life of Children Removed from Home And Children Remaining at Home. Child Abuse & Neglect.
Davidson-Arad, B., Wozner, Y., & Dekel, R. (2003). Correspondence in residents' and staff members' assessments of the quality of life of children in Residential Care Facilities. Social Indicators Research.
Davidson-Arad, B., Englechin-Segal, D., and Wozner, Y. (In press). Social Workers decisions on removal: Prediction from their initial perception of the child's features, parent's features and child's Quality of Life. Journal of Social Service Research.
Submitted for Publication
Davidson-Arad, B., Cohen, O., Wozner, Y. Custody Recommendations of Israeli Social Workers; Child Expected Quality of Life and Child's Preference.
Feigin, R., Barnez, Z. and Davidson Arad, B. Quality of life of families with a physical or mental illness or disability of one of their members.
Davidson-Arad, B., Fifteen month follow-up of children at risk: Comparison of the quality of life of children removed from home and children remaining at home.
Shye, S. The motivation to volunteer: a systemic quality of life theory.
Books & Chapters in Books
Wolins, M. and Wozner, Y. (1982) Revitalizing Residential Settings. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass.
*Shye, S. (1985) Nonmetric multivariate models for behavioral action systems. In: D. Canter (ed.), Facet Theory: Approaches to Social Research. New York: Springer.
Shye, S. (1985) Human life quality: An action system. Chapter VII (7) in S. Shye, Multiple Scaling: The Theory and Application of Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Amsterdam: North Holland.
Shye, S. and Elizur, D. (In press). The evolution of work value paradigms: graphical evidence for general theories. In M.R. Tuli, D. Elizur and I. Magyari-Beck (eds.), Work and Values. India: ABS Publ.
Wozner, Y. (1991). People Care in Institutions: A Conceptual Schema and Its Applications. New York: Haworth.
Veerman, P.E. (1992). The Rights of the Child and the Changing Image of Childhood. Dordrecht, Holland: Martinus Nijhoff.
Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies (1992). Systemic Quality of Life and SQOL index. Statistical Yearbook: Jerusalem 1990. pp104-1-5;122.
Research Reports
Shye, S. (1976). Environment and Quality of Life. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, Jerusalem. Report No. 602/H.
[Authority for the preservation of environmental quality]
Shye, S. and Wozner, Y. (1978). Organizational Quality: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Structure. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research. [U.S. National Institute of Mental Health]
*Shye, S. (1979). A Systemic Facet-Theoretical Approach to the Study of Quality of Life. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 764. [Ford Foundation]
Shye, S. et al. (1980). Life Quality and Community Environmental Development in Ir-Ganim. Jerusalem; The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 804/H.
[Urban renewal project, Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)]
Shye, S. and Duchin, R. (1980) The Development of Life Quality Index. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 767. [Authority for the preservation of environmental quality]
Joelson, A. et al. (1982). Life Quality and Community Environmental Development in Or-Yehuda. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 849/H. [Urban renewal project, Jewish Agency for Israel (JAFI)]
Shye, S. (1987). Social Integration in Israel: System-Theoretic Analysis and Multiple Scaling Assessments. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 987. [Ford Foundation]
Shye, S. (1987). Action Systems and the Human Condition. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 1022.
[Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities]
Shye, S. (1989). The Construct Validity of Measures of Well-Being: An Evaluation by Faceted Smallest Space Analysis. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 1060.
[Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University]
Shye, S. (1989). The System of National Commitments: The Impact of Quality of Life Components on Emigration. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 1075.
[Ministry of Science and Technology, National Council for Research and Development]
Duchin, R. (1991). The Interaction between Systemic Quality of Life and Economic Attitudes. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 1160/H. [Jerusalem Institute for Israel Studies]
Shye, S. (1991). The Evaluation of Immigrant Associations. Jerusalem: The Israel Institute of Applied Social Research, publication No. 1157.
[Immigration and Absorption Dept., JAFI]
Wozner, Y., Golan, M., and Arad-Davidson, B. (1991). Quality of Life in Israeli Institutions for Children. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University, Bob Shapel School of Social Work (Hebrew). [Ministry of Labor and Welfare]
Veerman, P.E. (1992). Quality of Life of Mifal Graduates: A Field Study. Jerusalem: Mifal Educational Boarding Homes (Hebrew).
['Mifal' Educational Boarding Homes]
Presentations in International Conferences
Wozner, Y. (1984). Getting into the blackbox: research statement for internats. Paper presented at the International Youth Custody Seminar, University of Southampton, England.
Shye, S. (1987). Empirical Validation of a Systemic Conceptual Classification Scheme. First Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Aachen, Germany.
Shye, S. and Elizur, D. (1988). The evolution of generalized conceptual frameworks for work value structures. First International Conference on Work Values, Budapest.
Levy, D.A. and Shye, S. (1991). Self-report measures of depression: facet analysis. Paper presented at the Third International Facet Theory Conference, Jerusalem, Israel.
Troudart, T. Paz, T. & Shye, S. (1993). Quality of life evaluation in a rehabilitation program for chronically ill patients. Paper presented at the fourth congress of the World Association for Psychological Rehabilitation, Dublin.
Ph.D. Theses
Cairns, D. (1990). Quality of Life Assessment of Haemodialysis Patients: An Application of a Systemic Life Quality Model. Sydney: Macquarie University.
Veerman, P.E. (1992). The Rights of the Child and the Changing Image of Childhood. University of Amsterdam.
Davidson-Arad, B. (1997). Decision making by welfare officers concerning the removal of children at risk from their homes using the systemic quality of life model. Tel Aviv University.
Barnez Z. (submitted 2003). Tel Aviv University.