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Prof. Orly GoldwasserLectures in International Scientific Meetings: (partial list) October 1990: ‘Grammar and Registers in Literary Late-Egyptian.’ In: Crossroad II, Conference on Egyptian Grammar, UCLA. September 1991: ‘The Ramesside Literary Letter of Menna to his Disloyal and Defiant Son.’ In: VI th Congress of Egyptology, Turin. May 1994: ‘Remarks on Some Semiotic Peculiarities of the Hieroglyphs.’ In: Crossroad III, Conference on Egyptian Grammar, Yale. September 1995: ‘Determinatives as Representatives of Conceptual Structures. The Case of the Itn 'sun disk.' In: VIIth Congress of Egyptology. Cambridge, England. September 1997 - Invited lecture: ‘Hoch- und Altagssprache in Ramessidischer Zeit.’ In: Textcorpus und Wörterbuch. Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften, Berlin. October 1998 - Invited lecture: ‘The Determinative System in Old and Middle Egyptian - A Theoretical Layout.’ In: Classification and Categorization in Ancient Egypt. Seminar für Aegyptologie und Koptologie, Göttingen. March 1999 - Invited lecture: ‘The Icon in the Role of Classifier: The Semiotics of the Egyptian Determinatives System.’ In: The Multiple Origin of Writing: Image Symbol and Script. Centre for Ancient Studies, The University of Pennsylvania. July 1999 - Invited lecture: ‘The Hieroglyphic Origin of the Alphabet’ In: The Origin of The Alphabet. Tel Aviv University. October 1999 - ‘The Role of Egyptian Hieroglyphs in the Indoctrination and Maintenance of Ideology.’ In: 7th Congress of the International Association for Semiotic Studies. Dresden. October 2000 - Invited lecture: ‘On the Ill-mannered Behaviour of Apophis. A New Perspective on a Ramesside Tradition’ In: Cultural Interference and the Hyksos. University of Vienna. December 2002 – Invited lecture: ‘Prototypes and Covert Categories in the Egyptian Script’ In: I filosofi e la scrittura egiza. Dipartimento di Scienze Antropologiche e Storico-Territoriali, Università di Torino.Torino. September 2003 – ‘Metaphors and Categorization in Ancient Egypt’ In: Metaphor, Categorization and Abstraction. 5th International Conference of Researching and Applying Metaphor. Paris. April 2004 – Invited lecture: ‘Classification in the Ancient Egyptian Script.’ Brown University, Department of Egyptololgy. Providence. September 2005 – Invited lecture: ‘Why Determinatives are Classifiers’ In: “After Polotsky”. New Research and Trends in Egyptian and Coptic Linguistics. Bonn University. Bonn. January 2006 – Invited lecture: ‘A Canaanite Reading of Egyptian Hieroglyphs’ In: Grenzbereiche der Schrift, Altägyptische Wörterbuch, Berlin. January 2007: Invited lecture: ‘La sémiologie de l'écriture égyptienne’ Académie des Inscriptions et Belles-Lettres, Paris. January-February 2007 - Invited lecture series “quatre leçons”, Collège de France, Paris: L´archéologie de la pensée égyptienne: Classification et categories des Anciens Egyptiens
November 2007: Invited lecture: ‘The Invention of the Alphabet in Sinai’, Harvard University, Near Eastern Languages and Cultures (NELC). Cambridge. September 2008: ‘Are 'Determinatives' Actual 'Classifiers'? A Case Study in a Multidimensional Approach of the Egyptian “Determinatives”.’ (Orly Goldwasser, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem & Colette Grinevald, University of Lyon). University of Canterbury. October 2008: ‘Formes linguistiques et catégories sémantiques: le cas des hieroglyphs classificateurs de l'écriture égyptienne’ (avec Colette Grinevald, Université de Lyon et Danièle Dubois, CNRS, Université Pierre et Marie Curie Paris VI). ACI, Paris. February 2009: Invited lecture: ‘The Archaeology of the Ancient Egyptian Mind’ Harvard University, Boston. March 2009: ‘The Life Story of the Ancient Egyptian Classifier System - The Birth of a System’. Workshop: The Diachrony of Classification Systems. NIAS, Wassenaar, Netherlands. December 2009: ‘Setting Expectations – A Discourse-Role of Classifiers in the Hieroglyphic Script’ Conference: Lexical Semantics in Ancient Egyptian. Liege. June 2010: Invited lecture: ‘A Media Revolution Born in the Desert: The Invention of the Alphabet’. The Grace Rainey Rogers Auditorium, The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. May 2011: ‘The Dream of Haremhab’ Symposium on: Haremhab: General and King of Egypt. The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York. |
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