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Prof. Orly GoldwasserList
of Publications
From Icon to Metaphor:
Studies in the Semiotics of the Hieroglyphic Script. (Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis:
Universitätsverlag Freiburg Schweiz
Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht:
Göttingen, 1995) - Publication subsidized by the
Swiss Academy of Humanities.
Prophets and Giraffes - Wor[l]d Classification in
Ancient Egypt. (Göttinger
Orientforschungen, Otto Harrassowitz:
Wiesbaden, 2002).
Editorials: Studies on Egyptian
Syntax - A Tribute to Sarah Israelit-Groll (Lingua Aegyptia
9, 2000). In collaboration with Deborah Sweeney
Challenge of the Hyksos – Cultural Interference in New Kingdom Egypt. In: Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt and the
Levant IV, Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie
der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften), Wien.
Articles: Goldwasser,
O. and Naveh, J. 1976. ‘The Origin of the Tet-Symbol” Israel Exploration Journal 26 : 15-19. Goldwasser,
O. 1980.
“Hekanahte and the ‘Boat
Metaphor’” Göttinger Miszellen 40: 21-22. Goldwasser,
O. 1980.
“An Egyptian Store-Jar from Haruvit” Qadmoniot 13: 34 [Hebrew]. Goldwasser,
O. 1982. “The Lachish Hieratic Bowl Once Again” Tel-
Aviv 9: 137-138. Goldwasser,
O. 1984. “Hieratic Inscriptions from Tel Sera in Southern Canaan” Tel-Aviv 11:
77-93. Goldwasser,
O. 1985.
“A Late Egyptian Epistolary Formula as an Aid to Dating Ramesside Texts” in: Pharaonic Egypt, Ed. S. I. Groll, 50-57. Jerusalem: Magnes
Press. Goldwasser,
O. 1989. “Egyptian Finds” in: Hazor
III-IV, Text, Ed. A. Ben-Tor, Jerusalem:
Hebrew University. Goldwasser,
O. 1990.
“On the Choice of Registers - Studies in the Grammar of Papyrus Anastasi I” in: Studies in Egyptology Presented to
Miriam Lichtheim, Ed. S.I. Groll,
120-149. Jerusalem: Magnes Press. Goldwasser,
O. 1990. “A Cartouche of Semenekhkare from
Canaan” Göttinger Miszellen 115: 29-32. Goldwasser,
O. 1991.
“Hieratic Sherd from Tel Haror” Qadmoniot 24:19.
[Hebrew]. Goldwasser,
O. 1991.
“On Dynamic Canonicity in Late-Egyptian: The Case of the Literary Letter and
Personal Prayer” Lingua Aegyptia 1:
129-141. Goldwasser,
O. 1992.
“On the Date of Seth from Qubiebeh” Israel
Exploration Journal 42: 47-51. Goldwasser,
O. and Laor N. 1991. “The Allure of the Holy Glyphs: A
Psycholinguistic Perspective on the Egyptian
Script” Göttinger Miszellen 123: 37-51. Goldwasser,
O. 1991.
“An Egyptian Scribe from Lachish and the Hieratic Tradition
of the Hebrew Kingdoms” Tel Aviv 18: 248-253. Goldwasser,
O. 1992.
“Literary Late Egyptian as a Polysystem” Poetics Today 13: 447-462. Goldwasser, O. 1992. ‘The Narmer Palette and the ‘Triumph of Metaphor’” Lingua Aegyptia 2: 67-85. (pdf)
O. 1995. “On the Conception of the Poetic Form - A Love Letter to a Departed
Wife. Ostracon Louvre 698” Israel
Oriental Studies 15: 57-69.
O. 1997. “Itn - the ‘Golden Egg’ (CT IV,
292b-c)”, in: Essays on Ancient Egypt in the Honour
of Herman te Velde. Ed. J. van Dijk,
Groningen: STYX publications, 79-84.
O. and S. Wimmer, 1999. “Hieratic
Fragments from Tell el-Far'ah [South]” BASOR 313:
O. 1999. ‘“Low” and “High” Dialects in Ramesside
Egyptian, in: Textcorpus und Wörterbuch. Aspekte
zur aegyptischen Lexicographie. Eds. S. Grunert
& I. Hofmann Probleme der
Ägyptologie 14. Leiden: Brill. (
Goldwasser, O. 1999. “The Determinative System as a
Mirror of World Organization” Göttinger
Miszellen 170: 73-93.
Goldwasser, O. 2000. “Poetic License in 19th Dynasty
Non-Literary Late Egyptian” Lingua Aegyptia 9: 123-138.
Goldwasser, O. 2001. ‘HIEROGLYPHS’, in: The
Oxford Encyclopaedia of Ancient Egypt. Oxford and
N.Y.: Oxford University Press.
Goldwasser, O. 2002. “A ‘Kirgipa’
Commemorative Scarab of Amenhotep III from Beit Shean” Ägypten
und Levante XI: 191-192.
Goldwasser, O. 2003. “The Building Blocks of a Conceptual
Category: The Ancient Egyptian Evidence” in: Philosophers and
Hieroglyphs, Eds. L. Morra & C. Bazzanella, 219-236 Rosenberg & Sellier:
Goldwasser, O. 2005. “Where is Metaphor?:
Conceptual Metaphor and Alternative Classification in the Hieroglyphic
Script” Metaphor and Symbol 20(2), 95-113. (
O. 2006. “A Comparison between Classifier Language and Classifier Script:
The Case of Ancient Egyptian” in: A Festschrift for Hans Jakob Polotsky, Ed. G.
Goldenberg, 16-39, Magnes Press: Jerusalem. (
Goldwasser, O. 2006. “King Apophis
of Avaris and the Emergence of Monotheism”
in: Timelines. Ed. E. Czerny et al., vol. II, Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta 149/II, 129-133, Peeters:
Goldwasser, O. 2006. “The Essence of Amarna
Monotheism” in: in.t Dr.w Festschrift
für Friedrich Junge, Eds.
H. Sternberg & G. Moers, 267-279, Seminar für
Ägyptologie und Koptologie:
Goldwasser, O. 2006. “Canaanites
Reading Hieroglyphs. Part I – Horus is Hathor?
Part II – The Invention of the Alphabet in Sinai” Ägypten
und Levante XVI, 121-160. (
O. 2006. “On a New Definition of Classifier Languages and Classifier
Scripts” Lingua Aegyptia 14,
O. 2009. “La force de l'icône -
le ‘signifié élu’
”. Image et conception du monde dans les écritures figuratives. Actes du colloque Collège de France
- Académie des Inscriptions et
Belles-Lettres, Paris, 24-25 janvier 2008. Edités par N. Beaux, B. Pottier
et N. Grimal. Paris: AIBL-Soleb
O. 2010. “
How the Alphabet was Born from Hieroglyphs” Biblical
Archaeology Review 36, No. 2 (March/April): 40-53.
Goldwasser, O. 2010. “A Small
Hieroglyphic Inscription on a Bone” In: Beit
Shean. Ed. Amihai Mazar.
O. 2010. “The Aten is the ‘Energy of Light’: New
Evidence from the Script”. JARCE 46. 159-165. Goldwasser, O. 2011. “The Advantage of Cultural Periphery: The Invention of the Alphabet in Sinai (circa 1840 B.C.E)” In: Culture Contacts and the Making of Cultures: Papers in Homage to Itamar Even-Zohar. Eds. Rakefet Sela-Sheffy and Gideon Toury. Tel Aviv: Tel Aviv University/ Unit of Culture Research. 251-316. http://www.tau.ac.il/tarbut/Publications/IEZ-Homage/
Goldwasser, O. and C. Grinevald, 2012. “What Are Determinatives Good For?”
in: Lexical Semantics in
Ancient Egyptian, Eds. E. Grossman, St. Polis. & J. Winand, Lingua Aegyptia Studia Monographica. 17-53.
Goldwasser, O. forthcoming. “The Hyksos
Challenge – The Cultural Hypothesis” In: The Challenge of the Hyksos –
Cultural Interference in New Kingdom Egypt. Eds. O. Goldwasser, M. Bietak and E.
Grossman. In: Contributions to the Archaeology of Egypt and the Levant
IV, Denkschriften der Gesamtakademie
der Österreichischen Akademie
der Wissenschaften), Wien. Goldwasser, O. 2012. “ The Miners that Invented the Alphabet - a Response to Christopher Rollston”. Journal of Ancient Egyptian Interconnections 4:3, 9-22. Http://jaei.library.arizona.edu
Book Reviews:
C. Forceville, Pictorial Metaphor in Advertising,
(Routledge: London & N.Y, 1996), in: Journal
of Pragmatics 31: 1999, 609-618 (review article). |
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