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Curriculum Vitae

Prof. Yoav Rinon – Curriculum Vitae 

1. Personal Details

Date of Birth: 11.7.1963

Phone numbers: work: 02-5883929/02-5880156, fax: 02-5881245

Email: yoav.rinon@mail.huji.ac.il

2. Higher Education

1997                Post-doctoral fellowship at Oxford University, Balliol College, Host: Professor Jasper Griffin

1997                The Hebrew University, comparative literature, Doctorate, Supervisors: Prof. Menahem Brinker, Dr. Zali Gurevitz

1990                The Hebrew University, comparative literature, Master's

1988                The Hebrew University, classics, bachelor's

1987                The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, comparative literature and psychology, Bachelor's

3. Prizes awarded

2002                The Golda Meyer Fellowship Fund

1997                The Hebrew University Grant for post-doctorate in Oxford, England

1996                The Hebrew University Rector's Grant for Excellence

1995                French Council, grant to aid completion of doctoral dissertation

1995                The Paul Desmarias Grant for Excellence

1993-95           Planning and Budgeting Committee, Grant for Excellence

1991                Smollen Grabt, the Freud Institute for Psychoanalysis

1990                Dvoretzky Prize for Classics

1985-90           Hebrew University Dean's Grants for Excellence

4. Research Grants

2013-14           Israel Scientific Foundation (ISF), “Questions of Identity: Benjamin, Baudelaire, Proust, Kafka”

2011-13           Scholion: "Eros, Society and Community"

2003-05           Israel Scientific Foundation (ISF), "A Commentary on Dante's Commedia", Luisa Ferretti-Cuomo and Yoav Rinon.

2003-05           Israel Scientific Foundation (ISF), Homer and the Dual Model of the Tragic"