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Roni Y. Granot: Selected List of Publications
(Last updated March 2013)

1. Cohen, D., Granot, R. Pratt, H., & Barnea A. (1993). Cognitive meanings of musical elements as disclosed by ERP and verbal experiments. Music Perception, 12(2), 153-184.

2. Barnea, A., Granot, R., & Pratt, H. (1994). Absolute pitch - electrophysiological evidence. International Journal of Psychophysiology, 16, 29-38.

3. Cohen, D., & Granot, R. (1995). Constant and variable influences on stages of musical activities: Research based on experiments using behavioral and electrophysiological indices. Journal of New Music Research, 24, 197-229.

4. Hirshberg, J. & Granot R. (1999). Durational units in the responsorial singing of the Karaite Jews: A natural or learned phenomenon? Peamim, 77, 70-89. [In Hebrew]

5. Levy, D. A., Granot, R., & Bentin, S. (2001). Processing specificity for human voice stimuli: Electrophysiological evidence. NeuroReport, 12(12), 2653-2657.

6. Granot, R., & Donchin, E. (2002). Do re mi fa sol la ti - constraints, congruity and musical training: An Event-Related Brain potential study of musical expectancies. Music Perception, 19/4, 487-528.

7. Bischoff, L., Granot, R., & Donchin, E. (2003). Absolute pitch and the P300 component of the Event-Related Potential: An exploration of variables which may account for individual differences. Music Perception, 20/4, 357-382.

8. Levy, D. A., Granot, R., & Bentin, S. (2003). ERP specificity for human voices: Task and attentional factors. Psychophysiology, 40/2, 291-305. 3.159, 10/60.

9. Eitan, Z., & Granot, R. Y. (2004). Musical parameters and images of motion. Rivista di Analisi e Teoria Musicale 10/2, 15-33 [in Italian]

10. Abecasis, D., Brochard, R., Granot, R., & Drake, C. (2005). Differential brain response to metrical accents in isochronous auditory sequences. Music Perception, 22 (3), 549-562.

11. Bachner, R., Christian, D., Zohar, A. H., Constantini, N., Lerer, E., Hoch, S., Sella, S., Nemanov, L., Gritsenko, I., Lichtenberg, P., Granot, R., & Ebstein, P. (2005). AVPR1a and SLC6A4 gene polymorphisms are associated with creative dance performance. PLOS Sciences, 1(3), 394-403.

12. Eitan, Z., & Granot, R. Y. (2006) How music moves: Musical parameters and images of motion. Music Perception, 23/3, 221-247.

13. Eitan, Z., & Granot, R. Y. (2007). Intensity changes and perceived similarity: Inter-parametric analogies. Musicae Scientiae, special issue on Similarity Perception in Listening to Music, 39-75.

14. Granot, R., Frankel, Y., Gritsenko, V., Lerer, E., Gritsenko, I., Bachner-Melman, R., Israel, S., & Ebstein, R. P. (2007). Provisional evidence that the arginine vasopressin 1a receptor gene is associated with musical memory, Evolution and Human Behavior, 28, 313-318.

15. Eitan, Z., & Granot, R. Y. (2008). Growing oranges on Mozart's apple tree: "Inner form" and aesthetic judgment. Music Perception, 25/5, 397-418.

16. Eitan, Z., & Granot, R. Y. (2009). Primary versus secondary musical parameters and the classification of melodic motives. Musicae Scientiae, special issue on Similarity Perception Discussion Forum 4B, 139-179.

17. Akiva-Kabiri, L., Vecchi, T., Granot R. Y., Basso, D., & Schön, D. (2009). Memory for tonal pitches: a “music-length effect” hypothesis. Annals of the New York Academy of Science, 1169, 266-269.

18. Granot, R. Y. & Hai, A . (2009). Electrophysiological evidence for a 2 stage process underlying single chord priming. NeuroReport, 20(9), 855-859. 2.163,

19. Granot, R. Y., & Eitan, Z. . (2011). Musical tension and the interaction of dynamic auditory parameters. Music Perception, 28(3), 219-246.

20. Granot, R. Y., & Jacoby N . (2011). Musically puzzling I: Sensitivity to overall structure in the sonata form? Musicae Scientiae, 15, 365-386.

21. Granot, R. Y., & Jacoby N . (2012). Musically puzzling II: Sensitivity to overall structure in the sonata form? Musicae Scientiae, 16, 67-80.

22. Eitan, Z., Ornoy, E., & Granot R. (2012). Listening in the drak: Congenital and early blindenss and cross-domain mappings in music. Psychomusiology: Music, Mind and Brain, 22(1), 33-45

23. Granot, R. Y., Israel-Kolatt, R., Gilboa, A., & Kolatt, T. (In press). Accuracy of Pitch Matching Significantly Improved by Live Voice Model. Journal of Voice, 