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Avinoam Rosenak
Last updated: 9.1.12
1. Avinoam Rosenak, HalakhicPhilosophy in the Thought of Rabbi A.Y. Kook, The dissertation was written under the supervision of Professor Aviezer Ravitzky, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Date of award of degree: 4.8.1998.
The published in expanded version based on newly available materials, by The Magnes Press.
2. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), The Prophetic Halakhah: Rabbi A.I H. Kook's Philosophy of Halakhah, Magnes Press, Jerusalem (Hebrew).
3. Avinoam Rosenak, (2006), Rabbi A.I.H Kook, Zalman Shazar Publication, Jerusalem (Hebrew) (part of the book published on the web at the virtual library: http://lib.cet.ac.il/Pages/sub.asp?source=969)
1. Avinoam Rosenak, (1997), "Philosophy and Halakhic Thinking: Reading Talmudic Writings of Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik through Neo-Kantian Models" (Hebrew), A. Saggi (ed.), Faith in Ages of Change, Alinor and Yaacov Herzog Center Press, pp. 275-306.
2. Avinoam Rosenak, (1999), “Anarchism, Closure and What is Between Them: A Social and Cultural Interpretation" (Hebrew), N. Ilan (ed.), A Good Eye: Dialogue and Polemic in Jewish Culture, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House, pp. 530-574.
3. Avinoam Rosenak, (2002), "Halakhah, Meta-Halakhah and Modern Jewish Thought – Reflections on the Thought of Yosef Ahituv" (Hebrew), A. Saggi and N. Ilan (ed.), Jewish Culture in the Eye of the Storm: A Jubilee Book in Honor of Yosef Ahituv, Yaacov Herzog Center and Hakibbutz Hameuchad Press, pp. 85-116.
4. Avinoam Rosenak, (2002), "Rabbi Kook as Halakhic Fundamentalist in the Light of his Attitude Towards Abraham and the Patriarchs" (Hebrew), M. Hallamish, H. Kasher and Y. Silman (ed.), The Faith of Abraham: In the Light of Interpretation through the Ages, Bar-Ilan University Press, pp. 311-330.
5. Avinoam Rosenak, (2003), “Aggadah and Halakhah: Reflections on Tendencies in the Research of Philosophy of Halakhah" (Hebrew), A. Berholz (ed.), The Quest for Halakhah: Interdisiplinary Perspectives on Jewish Law, Hemed Books-Yediot Achronot and Bet Morashah, Tel Aviv, pp. 285—312.
6. Avinoam Rosenak, (accepted for puglication) "Morality and Law in the Halakhic Writings of Rabbi Y.Y. Weinberg: Post-Holocaust Halakhic Rulings", S. Katz (ed.), The Holocaust: Jewish thought and Education. (27 pp.) (the Hebrew version is in the hands of the author).
7. Avinoam Rosenak, "Rabbi Eliezer Berkovits Halkhah and Modern Orthodoxy", Alan Brill (ed.), Modern Orthodoxy, University of Scranton Publication (in Press)
8. Avinoam Rosenak, (2004), "The Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmud in Rabbi Kook's Conception of 'the Prophetic Torah of Eretz Israel'" (Hebrew), A. Ravitzky (ed.), The Land of Israel in 20th century Jewish Thought, Yad Izhak Ben-Zvi, Jerusalem, pp. 26-70.
9. Avinoam Rosenak, (2004), "Zionism as a Non-National Revolution in the Thought of Rabbi M.A. Amiel" (Hebrew), A. Saggi and D. Schwartz (eds.), A Hundred Years of Religious Zionism, vol. I, Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat-Gan, pp. 287-301.
10. Avinoam Rosenak, (2004), "Halakhah, Aggadah and Prophecy in Torat Erez Israel through the Prism of 'the unification of opposites' in the writings of Rabbi A.I.H. Kook" (Hebrew), A. Saggi and D. Schwartz (eds.), A Hundred Years of Religious Zionism, vol. I, Bar-Ilan University Press, Ramat-Gan, pp. 268-285.
11. Avinoam Rosenak(2005), "General and Jewish Culture in the Thought of Rabbi M.A. Amiel: A Socio-Cultural Model" (Hebrew), Y. Amir (ed.), The Path of the Spirit: The Eliezer Schweid Jubilee, Vol. I, (Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, XVIII), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, pp. 409-438.
12. Avinoam Rosenak, (2005), "Faith, Crisis and Silence in Jewish Thought After the Holocaust in the Writings of Andre Neher" (Hebrew), Y. Amir (ed.), Andre Neher and Jewish Thought in Post-Holocaust France, Van Leer Institute and Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publication House, Tel Aviv, pp. 153-192.
13. Avinoam Rosenak, (2005), "State and Religion: Inter-Cultural Tension Between Judaism and Democracy" (Hebrew), A. Ravitzky (ed.), Religion and State in Twentieth-Century Jewish Thought, the Israel Democracy Institute, Jerusalem, pp. 489-566.
14. Avinoam Rosenak, (2005),"Halakhah, Thought and the Idea of Holiness in the Writings of Rabbi Haim David Halevi", Creation and Re-Creation in Jewish Thought: Festschrift in Honor of Josef Dan, R. Elior and P. Schafer (eds.,), Nohr Siebeck, Tubingen 2005 , pp. 309-338.
15. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "Philosophy, Cinema and the Philosophy of Education" (Hebrew), B. Ish Shalom (ed.), Be-Darchei Shalom: In Honor of Shalom Rosenberg, Elinor Publication House and Bet Morashah, pp. 103—116.
16. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "Between the Academy and Religious Education: in the Light of the Concepts: ‘Language’ and ‘Literature’” (Hebrew), J. Cohen and other (eds.), Languages and Literatures: studies in Honor of Michael Rosenak, Magnes, Jerusalem, pp. 47—83.
17. Avinoam Rosenak(2007), "Yeshayahu Leibowitz: Theory and Praxis" (Hebrew), A. Ravitzky (ed.), Yeshayahu Leibowitz: Between Conservatism and Radicalism, Hakibbutz Hameuchad Publishing House and the Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, Jerusalem pp. 280—305.
18. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "Marginality and Deviation in Modern Orthodoxy: Modern Orthodox Halakhic Rulings Compared to Conservative Ones" (Hebrew), A. Ravitzky and Y. Salmon and A. S. Ferziger (eds.), The Jewish Orthodoxy: New Streams, The Magnes Press, Jerusalem, pp. 113—177.
19. Avinoam Rosenak, (2010),"The Indispensability of Norms for Culture" (Hebrew), I. Brand (ed.), Dath Va-Din, The Faculty of Law Press, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat Gan, pp. 29—49.
20. Avinoam Rosenak(2010), "Like Father Like Son: History, Redemption and Repentance in the Thought of Rabbi Abraham Hazan" (Hebrew), Dov Shwartz (ed.), Repentance and Redemption, Bar Ilan University Press, pp. 347—377.
21. Avinoam Rosenak, (2011) "Sensitivity to the Educational Situation and Halakhic Thinking: an Inquiry into the Writings of Rabbi Soloveitchik, Rabbi Kook and Rabbi H. D. Halevi in Light of the Thought of K. Egan" (Hebrew), Yedidyah Stern (ed.), Rabbis and Rabbinate: The Challenge, The Israel Democracy Institute and Am Oved Publication, pp. 253—294.
22. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "Reflections on the Relationship between Philosophy of Halakhah and Philosophy of Education"(Hebrew), A. Ravitzky and A. Rosenak(eds.,) New Streams in Philosophy of Halakhah, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, pp. 65-96.
23. Avinoam Rosenak (With prof. Naftali Rothenberg [C]), "Leading questions: The Influence of Rabbi J. B. Soloveitchik on Culture, Education and Jewish Thought" (Hebrew), A. Rosenak & N. Rothenberg (eds.) (2011), The Influence of Rabbi J. B. Soloveitchik on Culture, Education and Jewish Thought, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, pp. 1—17 (11 pp.).
24. Avinoam Rosenak and Michael Rosenak (2011), "Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchik and Jewish Education Philosophy" (Hebrew), A. Rosenak & N. Rothenberg (eds.) (in press), The Influence of Rabbi J. B. Soloveitchik on Culture, Education and Jewish Thought, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, pp. 397—409.
25. Avinoam Rosenak, "Zionist Torah or Torat Eretz Israel: Between Rabbi Eliezer Berkovitz and Rabbi A.I.H. Kook" (Hebrew), Yedidyah Stern and Yair Sheleg (ed.), Zionist Halakhah, The Israel Democracy Institute, (in press) ,(25 pages).
26. Avinoam Rosenak, "The Unity of Opposites in The Thought of Maharal from Prague and His Influence on Modern Jewish Thought"(Hebrew), The Maharal Volume, Elachanan Reiner (ed.), Zalman Shazar Istitute, (37 pages) (in Press)
27. Avinoam Rosenak, (2012) "Modernity and Religion: New Studies through the Light of the Unity of Opposites", Meir Sleider (ed.), Rabbinic Theology and Jewish: Intellectual History - The Great Rabbi Loew of Prague, Routledge Jewish Studies Series, (35 pages).
28. Avinoam Rosenak, "Theory and Praxis in Rabbi Shneur Zalman of Liady: The Tanya and Shulchan Arukh Ha-Rab", Jewish Law Association Studies: A Volume in honor of Prof. Bernard Jackson, Prof. Yseph Rivlin (ed.), (in Press) , (35 pages).
29. Avinoam Rosenak,(2012) "Thoght and Leadership in the Writing of Aviezer Ravitzky" (Hebrew),With the consent of the Public: Religion and Politics in Jewish Thought, A. Rosenak with Y. Stern, M. lorberboim and B. Braun (editors), Zalman Shazar Institute and The Israel Institute for Democracy, (in press), pp. 13—69.
30. Avinoam Rosenak, "Franz Rosenzweig: Christianity, The Academy and Existential Faith" (Hebrew), Daniel Lasker (ed.), Jewish Thought and Jewish Faith, Ben Gurion University of the Negev publication, (16 pages)
31. Avinoam Rosenak (with Alick Isaacs), "Peace, Secularism and Religion", Yigal Levin & Amnon Shapira (Editors) War and Peace in Jewish Tradition: From the Biblical World to the Present, Routledge Jewish Studies Series, pp. 139—164.
32. Avinoam Rosenak, "Theory and Praxis: the Contribution of the Aggadah to the Halakhah" (Hebrew), Prof. Joseph Tabory (ed.), On Interpretation and Aggadah, Lander Institute publication (in press), (18 pages)
33. Avinoam Rosenak, "The Crisis in Pluralistic Education: Between Deliberation and Unity of Opposites", Michael Gilis (ed.), Pluralistic and Jewish Education: Trends and Challenges, Melton Center and Magness press (in press), (32 pages)
34. Avinoam Rosenak, "The Conquest of the Land of Israel and Associated Moral Questions in the Teachings of Rabbi Kook and His Disciples: Thought in Light of the Book Herev Pipiyot Be-Yadam", Menachem Hirshman and Katell Berthelot (eds.), The Gift of the Land and the Fate of the Canaanites in the History of Jewish Thought, from Antiquity to the Modern Period, Oxford University Press, (in press), (21 pages)
35. Avinoam Rosenak, (2011), "Halakhah and Modernity in the Halakhic writing of Rabbi Eliezer Berkovitz",Vitaly Chernoivanenko (ed.), Okrainian Orientalistic: Special Issues on Jewish Studies, Kyiv-Mohyla Academy, pp. 73-111.
36. Avinoam Rosenak and Joseph E. David, “Judaism and Peace: Between Responsibility and Identity,” in: Imtiyaz Yusuf (ed.), The Role of Religious and Philosophical Traditions in Promoting World Peace, Singapore: Konrad Adenauer Stiftung, 2007, pp. 43-90.
37. Avinoam Rosenak, (2000), "Between Brisk and Marburg: Halakhic Creativity in Rabbi J.B. Soloveitchik's Talmudic Lessons" (Hebrew), Akdamot 9, pp. 9—33.
38. Avinoam Rosenak, (2000), "Between Prophetic Halakhah and Reality in the Halakhic Rulings of Rabbi A.I. Kook" (Hebrew), Tarbiz Vol. LXIX, Num. 4, pp. 591-618.
39. Avinoam Rosenak, (2000), "Who's Afraid of Rav Kook's Hidden Treatises?" (Hebrew), Tarbiz, Vol. LXIX, Num. 2, pp. 257-292 (review article).
40. Avinoam Rosenak, (2000), "Instruction, Prophecy and the Learner" (Hebrew), Hagut: Jewish Educational Thought, 2, pp. 183-200.
41. Avinoam Rosenak, (2001), "Education and Meta-Halakhah in Rav Kook's Teaching" (Hebrew), Daat 46, pp. 99-124.
42. Michael Rosenak (PI) and Avinoam Rosenak (PI), (2002), "The Philosophy of Halakhah, The Philosophy of Education, and Halakhic Decision-Making" (Hebrew), Hagut: Jewish Educational Thought, 3-4, pp. 74-114.
43. Avinoam Rosenak, "Prophecy and Bat-Kol as Factors in Halakhic Ruling in the Thought of Rabbi Kook" (Hebrew), accepted for publication in the Journal of the Twelfth World Congress of Jewish Studies(14 pp.)
44. Avinoam Rosenak, (accepted but not yet in press), "A New Reading on the Ideas of Individualism and Community, Freedom and Norms, in the Writings of Rabbi A.I.H. Kook" (Hebrew), accepted for publication in Studies in Contemporary Jewry.
45. Avinoam Rosenak, (2003), "Individualism and Community, Freedom and Norms, in the Writings of Rabbi A.I.H. Kook" (Hebrew), Akdamot 14, pp. 89-116.
46. Avinoam Rosenak, (2006), "The Halakhah and Educational Thought in light of the Idea of Holiness" (Hebrew), Hagut: Jewish Educational Thought, 7, pp. 171-200.
47. Avinoam Rosenak, (2006), "Law, Halacha, and Education: New Directions in the Philosophy of Halacha", Hebraic Political Studies, vol. 1, november 3 (spring 2006), pp. 343-372.
48. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "Ritual, Halakhah, and Culture", Jewish Law Association Studies XVI, Eliot Dorff (ed.), pp. 226—249.
49. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "Hidden Diaries and New Discoveries: the Life and Thought of Rabbi A.I. Kook",Shofar: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Jewish Studies Volume 25, Number 3, Spring 2007, pp. 111—147.
50. Avinoam Rosenak(2008), "War and Peace in Jewish Thought in the Face of the 'other'", Daat 62 (2008), pp. 99—125 (Hebrew).
51. Avinoam Rosenak (2007), “'Dignity of the congregation' as a defense Mechanism: A Halakhic Ruling by Rabbi Joseph Messas" (English), Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies & Gender Issues 13.1, pp. 183—206.
52. Avinoam Rosenak(2007): "Between Ashkenazi and Sephardic halakhic ruling: Halakhah and Education in the Thought of Rabbi Abraham Hazan", Peamim 109, pp.95-124.
53. Avinoam Rosenak(2007), "Styles of Halakhic Ruling: A Mapping in Light of Joseph J. Schwab's Philosophy of Education", The Journal of Jewish Education 73, pp. 81-106.
54. Avinoam Rosenak (2009), "Truth Tests, Educational Philosophy and Five Models of the Philosophy of Jewish Law", HUC Annual, vol. lxxviii, pp. 149-182.
55. Avinoam Rosenak (2008), “'Dignity of the congregation' as a defense Mechanism: A Halakhic Ruling by Rabbi Joseph Messas" (hebrew), Akdamot20 pp. 55-70.
56. Avinoam Rosenak, (2009), "Anti-Ideological Religion: Repentance, Halakhah, and Secular Culture in the Writings of Rabbi Abraham Hazan", Revue des ֹtudes Juives, janvier-juin 2009, pp. 131-162
57. Avinoam Rosenak (2009), "The Concept of Image: Between Philosophy and Kabbalah, Thought and Education" (a response to Moshe Meir's article "On the Concept of Image"), J. Cohen & Eli Holzer (editors), Modes of Educational Translation, Studies in Jewish Education, Vol. 13, Magnes Press, Jerusalem, pp. 133-146.
58. Avinoam Rosenak, (in press),"Prophecy and Halakhah: Dialectics in Rabbi Kook's Meta-Halakhic Thought", Jewish Law Annual 17 (2007), pp. 121-157.
59. Avinoam Rosenak (2010), "Halakhah as Education: Philosophical and Halakhic Trends Within the Conservative Movements, The Jewish Law Association, Editors: B. Jakson & L. Moscovitz, pp. 196-230
60. Avinoam Rosenak and Michael Rosenak (2009), "Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveitchikand Aspects of Jewish Education Philosophy: Explorations in His Philosophical Writings" Journal of Jewish Education 75, pp. 114-129.
61. Avinoam Rosenak (in Press), "Kernels of Post-Modernism in Modern Nationalist Thought", common knowledge (20 pp.).
62. Avinoam Rosenak (2011), "Rabbi Eliezer Berkovitz: Halachah and Modern Orthodoxy" (in press), Jerusalem Studies in Jewish Thought, R. Elior (ed.). pp. 616—646.
63. Avinoam Rosenak, "The inter-denominational Dialogue in the Jewish World: Between Modernity and Post Modernity, Zehuyot, Van Leer Institue (in press)
64. Avinoam Rosenak, "panel: The Halakhah in our Time: Its Place, Its Significance and Its Influence" (Introduction and editing) (Hebrew), Zehuyot, Van Leer Institue (in press)
65. Avinoam Rosenak, "Theory and Praxis: Talmud Torah as Case Study", Bernard Jeckson (ed.), Jewish Law Association Studies (in Press).
Entries in Encyclopedia66. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "RabbiJ.B Soloveitchik" (Hebrew), J. Yovel and M. Brinker (eds.), "A New Jewish Epoch: Jewish Culture in the Secular Period" Lamda Encyclopedia, the society for Modern Jewish Culture. 67. Avinoam Rosenak, (2007), "RabbiA.I.H. Kook" (Hebrew), "A New Jewish Epoch: Jewish Culture in the Secular Period" Lamda Encyclopedia, the society for Modern Jewish Culture.
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