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Curriculum Vitae – Dr. Martin Rodan


Personal Details:


Date of birth: 11.6.1947

Place of birth: Slovakia

Nationality: Israeli (Immigrated 29.10.1968) and Slovak

Marital Status: married with one child

Telephone:02-561-9405 Cell:0544-847-853

Email: msmrodan@mail.huji.ac.il




1975              Ph.D. Thesis on the subject: "Camus et l’Antiquité" under the direction of Prof. Roger Quilliot,  Ancient Minister and member of French Senate and of Prof. Paul Viallaneix, Clermont-Ferrand University and Collège de France

1972-1975     Clermont-Ferrand University in France: French Literature and philosophy – Scholarship by French Government

1970-1972     Masters Degree in French Literature and Classical Studies from Hebrew University of Jerusalem

1968-1970     Studies and Bachelor's Degree from Hebrew University Jerusalem in French Literature and Classical Studies

1965-1968     Studies of French and Latin Literatures at University Comenius of Bratislava (Slovakia)




Hebrew, French, English, German, Russian, Czech, Slovak

Ancient languages: Latin, Greek


Professional Academic Experience:

1993-2016     Lecturer in French Literature Division, Department of Romance Studies at Hebrew University, Jerusalem; actually teaching the following three courses:

a)    "Introduction to French Culture and Civilization".  This course is open to all students of university. Won several times a prize for excellence in teaching, based on a poll which evaluates instructors at the Hebrew University

b)    "Canonical texts of the French literature"

c)    "French novel in the first half of 20th century"


2007-2014     Senior lecturer in the Department of Photographic Communications at Hadassah Academic College, Subject of instruction: "Photography and Philosophy, common points."


1998-2014     Senior lecturer in the Department of Inclusive Industrial Design at Hadassah College Jerusalem, teaching four courses:

                      a) Aesthetics and philosophy of art

                      b) Writing and research for industrial design projects

                      c) Contemporary design issues

                      d) Introduction to Philosophy


1986-1990,    Lecturer at Academy of Fine Arts, Bezalel, Jerusalem for an       extended period, provided different courses on the subject of aesthetics, mythology and philosophy. In particular, "Paris in the 20th century", "Main streams of art in the 20th century" and "Aesthetics in Art and Design"

1991-1992     Lecturer on European Culture in the Department of Jewish Studies at the University of Charles, Prague.

1977-1982     Lecturer in theoretical studies, academic art and design at Bezalel, Jerusalem.

1977-1979     Lecturer on aesthetics in literature, in the Department of General Literature in the Faculty of Humanities at the University of Haifa.

1976-1977     Lecturer in the Department of Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University Jerusalem.


Dr. Martin Rodan is member of Société des études camusiennes, Société des études romantiques et dixneuvièmistes and of the International Constantin Brunner Institute.