Publications and Lectures
Stadler, Nurit.
2001. The Sacred and the Profane in the Concept of work: the Case of
the Ultra-Orthodox community in Israel. PhD subbmited to The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem. Supervisor: Prof. Reuven Kahane.
Stadler, Nurit. 1996. Changes in
Contemporary Catholicism: The Opus Dei’s Sanctification of Daily Work, The
Shaine Centre for Research for Social Sciences, Jerusalem. (Based on my MA,
published in Hebrew).
Stadler, Nurit. 2009.
Yeshiva Fundamentalism: Piety, Gender, and Resistance in the Ultra-Orthodox
World, New York University Press, New York.
Book Review by Rivka Ben-Shahar
Caplan, Kimmy and
Stadler, Nurit (eds.). 2009. Leadership and Authority in
Israeli Haredi Society, H'akibutz H'ameuhad and the Van Leer Institute,
Stadler, Nurit. 2012. A Well-Worn
Tallis for a New Ceremony, Brighton, MA: Academic Studies
Caplan, Kimmy and Stadler, Nurit (eds.).
2012. From Survival to Consolidation: Changes in Israeli Haredi Society and
Its Scholarly Study, H'akibutz H'ameuhad and the Van Leer Institute,
Tel-Aviv. 250 pages.
Articles in Referee Journals
Dar, Yechezkel. Kimchi, Shaul, Stadler,
Nurit. and Epstein, A. 2000. "The Imprint of the
Intifada, Response of kibbutz born Veterans to Military Service in the West Bank
and Gaza", Armed Forces and Society 26 (2):
Stadler, Nurit. 2002. "Is Profane Work an
Obstacle to Salvation? The Case of Ultra-Orthodox (Haredi) Jews in Contemporary
Israel", Sociology of Religion, 63 (4): 455-474.
Stadler, Nurit and Ben Ari, Eyal, 2003.
"Other-Worldly Soldiers? Ultra-Orthodox Views of Military
Service in Contemporary Israel", Israel Affairs, 9 (4): 17-48.
Stadler, Nurit. 2004. "Taboos, Dreams and Desires: Haredi Fantasies
on Militarism and the Military", Sociologia Israelit, 6(1):
Stadler, Nurit. Ben-Ari Eyal, and Einat Mesterman, 2005.
"Terror, Aid and Organization: The Haredi Disaster Victim
Identification Teams (“ZAKA”) in Israel", Anthropological Quarterly 78
(3): 619-651.
Stadler, Nurit. 2006. "Terror, Corpse
Symbolism and Taboo Violation: the 'Haredi Disaster Victim Identification Team
in Israel (ZAKA)", The Journal of the Royal Anthropological
Institute 12(4): 837-858.
Stadler, Nurit. 2007.
"Playing with Sacred/Corporeal Identities: Yeshiva Students'
Fantasies of the Military Participation", Jewish Social Studies: History,
Culture, Society 13 (2): 155-178.
Stadler Nurit . 2007.
"Ethnography of Exclusion: Initiating a Dialogue with
Fundamentalist Men”, Nashim: A Journal of Jewish Women's Studies
and Gender Issues 14(1): 185-208.
Aran, Gideon, Stadler
Nurit and Ben-Ari, Eyal. 2008.” Fundamentalism and the Masculine Body: The
Case of Jewish Ultra-Orthodox Men in Israel", Religion 38(1): 25-53.
Stadler Nurit and Lomsky Feder Edna and Ben-Ari, Eyal. 2008.
"Fundamentalism's Challenges to Citizenship: The Haredim in
Israel", Citizenship Studies 12 (3): 215-231. Also
published in 2011. David Lehmann and Humeira Iqtidar (Eds.), Fundamentalism
and Charismatic Movements, London: Routledge.
Nurit, 2011, "Between Scripturalism and Performance: Cohesion and Conflict
in the Celebration of the Theotokos in Jerusalem",
Religion 41 (4): 645-664.
Stadler Nurit and Nimrod
Luz, "Following the Tomb in the Womb: The Veneration at the
Tomb of Mary and the Makkam of Abu al- Hijla", (under review)
Book Chapters
Stadler, Nurit, 2003. “Work,
Livelihood and the Miraculous: Defining the Haredi Dilemma in Israel”, In: Sivan
Emanuel and Caplan, Kimmy (eds.), Haredim in Israel, pp. 88-112, Hakibutz
Hameuhad & Van Leer, Jerusalem (in Hebrew).
Stadler, Nurit, 2005. "Fundamentalism",
In: de Lange Nicholas and Freud-Kandel, Miri (eds.), Modern Judaism: An
Oxford Guide. pp. 216-227. Oxford University Press, Oxford.
Stadler Nurit and Caplan Kimmy. 2009. "Alternative Sources of
Haredi Authorities: An Introduction", In: Caplan Kimmy and Stadler, Nurit
(eds.), Leadership and Authority in Israeli Haredi Society,pp.7-30.
Hakibutz Hameuhad and The Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. (In
Stadler Nurit. 2011. "Post - Fundamentalism". In:
Rappoport Tamar and Kahane, Ahuvia, (eds), Rethinking the Informal Code,
pp. 395-416. Tel Aviv: Resling Publication House. (In Hebrew).
Nurit, 2011. Edna Lomsky Feder, Ben Ari, Eyal."Fundamentalist Citizenships:
the Haredi Challenge". In: Turner Bryan and Ben Porat, Guy (eds.), The
Contradiction of Israeli Citizenship: Land, Religion and State,
pp.135-157, London: Routledge.
Stadler, Nurit. 2011.
"Suicide bombing and Body Assembly: an Israeli Case Study”,
In: Turner Bryan (ed.), Handbook of the Sociology of the
body, London: Routledge, Chapter 15, pp 216-226.
Nurit and Caplan Kimmy. 2012. "Conversion and New forms of Affiliation to the Haredi
community", In: Caplan Kimmy and Stadler, Nurit (eds.), From Survival to
Consolidation: Changes in Israeli Haredi Society and Its Scholarly Study,
Hakibutz Hameuhad and The Van Leer Institute, Jerusalem. (In Hebrew).
Stadler Nurit. (Forthcoming). "The Problem of Ethnography
in Fundamentalist Institutions". In: Phil Carspecken, Lucy Carspecken and
Dennis, Barbara (eds.). Qualitative Research: A Reader in Philosophy, Core
Concepts, and Practice, Chapter 16, New York: Peter Lang
“Livelihood and Miracles: Re-Defining Haredi
religiosity in Israel”,. Paper Presented at the Workshop on Unthinking
Fundamentalism. Cambridge University, UK. June, 28, 2001.
“Religious Fatalism
and the ‘Work Ethic’”.. Paper Presented at the Societe Internationale de
Sociologie des Religions (SISR) conference. Ixtapan de la Sal, Mexico. August
20-24, 2001
“From Tex-Based Religiosity to Religious Activism:
Transformations in the Israeli Yeshiva world”.. Paper Presented at the
Department of Sociology., Ben-Gurion University. January, 2003. .
Religiosity under Terrorism: Rescue, Heroism and Politics”, Paper Presented at
the Societe Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR) conference.
Torino, Italy. July 2003
"Death, Terror and
'True Kindness': The Case of the Haredi Disaster Victim Identification Team in
Israel (ZAKA)". Paper Presented at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences
Sociales., Paris, France. May, 19, 2004. .
"Scripturalism and the Evil Inclination:
Transformations within the Haredi Community". Paper presented at the Department
of Comparative Religion, Hebrew University. June 16 2004.
"The Militarization of the Self: the Evil
Inclination and the Haredim.. Paper presented at the Societe Internationale de
Sociologie des Religions (SISR) meeting. Zagreb, Croatia. June 2005.
"The Cult of The Virgin Mary", Paper Presented
at the Yad Ben Zvi Institute. Jerusalem, June 2006. .
"The Domestication of Fundamentalist
Masculinity".. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the
Sociology of Religion (ASR). Montreal Canada. August 2006.
Terror and 'True Kindness': The
Case of the Haredi Disaster Victim IdentificationTeam in Israel (ZAKA)". Paper
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion
(ASR). New York, USA. August 2007.
The Transformation of
Haredi Piety.. Paper Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the
Sociology of Religion (ASR). Boston, USA. August 2008
Guadalupe and the Dormition: Fertility Cults
and National Identity in Jerusalem and Mexico. Paper presented to the Christiany
Group at Van Leer, Jeruslam. May 2009.
The Relocation of the
Sacred: the Cult of the Virgin Mary in Jerusalem and Mexico. Paper presented to
Scholion group. May 2009. .
Fundamentalism and Piety. June 2009. Paper
presented at the Societe Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR)
meeting., Santiago de Compostela, Spain. July 2009.
Terror and Fundamentalism: The case of ZAKA.
Paper presented at the ITAM, International Relations Department, Monday,
Mexico City, February 15, 2010.
Fundamentalism, Gender
and the New Family. Paper Presented at the Iberoamerican University,
Mexico City. February 16, 2010.
Fundamentalism and New
Forms of Citizenship, University of the Americas, Mexico City. February 16, 2010.
Fundamentalism and New Forms of Citizenship,
Paper presented at the Panamerican University the Philosophy Department, Mexico
City. February 17, 2010.
The New Family and the Transformation
of Piety. Paper presented at the UNAM, Mexico City. February 18, 2010.
The Transmission and Adaptation of Religious
Knowledge Between the Mountains of Jerusalem and the Hills of Mexico: the Cults
of the Madonna at the Dormition and Our Lady of Guadalupe as a Case Study, Paper
Presented at the Lafer Conference, May, 3, 2010. .
Citizenship and Fundamentalism. Paper
Presented at the Annual Meeting of the Association for the Sociology of Religion
Atlanta. July 2010.
Trace and the
Celebration of Death: Pilgrimage at the Tomb of Mary in Jerusalem. Paper
presented at the Societe Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR)
meeting, Aix En Provence, France July 2011.
How to Study
Fundamentalism? Sociological/ Anthropological point of View. Paper presented at
the Societe Internationale de Sociologie des Religions (SISR) meeting, , Aix En
Provence, France. July 2011.
The Dynamic Nature of Haredi Culture, A Review
of Theocratic Democracy, by Prof. Nachman Ben Yehuda. The Hebrew
University of Jerusalem, December 2011.
Third German-Israeli Frontiers of Humanities ,
Norms: Concepts and Practices,Kibbutz Tzuba, Israel, November 27-30,