Yosef Rinott: Publications

  1. Dickhaus, T., Heller, R., Hoang, A-T. and Rinott, Y. (2025) A procedure for multiple testing of partial conjunction hypotheses based on a hazard rate inequality.
  2. https://arxiv.org/pdf/2110.06692.     pdf Full Text To appear in Bernoulli.

  3. Azriel, D. Rinott, Y., Tal, O., Abbou, B. and Rappoport, N. (2024) Surgery duration prediction using multi-task feature selection. IEEE Journal of Biomedical and Health Informatics 28 (7), 4216 - 4223.     pdf Full Text

  4. Kalai, G., Rinott, Y. and Shoham, T. (2023) Google's Quantum Supremacy Claim: Data, Documentation, and Discussion. arXiv:2210.12753

  5. Malinovsky, Y., and Rinott Y. (2023) On tournaments and negative dependence.     pdf Full Text
  6. Journal of Applied Probability 60 (3), 945-954.

  7. Azriel, D., Rinott Y., and Posch, M. (2022) Optimal designs for the development of personalized treatment rules. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics, 50 (2), 797-824.     pdf Full Text

  8. Rinott Y., Shoham, T., and Kalai, G. (2022). Statistical Aspects of the Quantum Supremacy Demonstration. Statistical Science 37(3), 322-347.     pdf Full Text

  9. Hart, S., and Rinott Y. (2022). Posterior Probabilities: Nonmonotonicity, Asymptotic rates, Log-concavity, and Turan's Inequality. Bernoulli 28 (2), 1461-1490. Earlier version: Center for Rationality Discussion paper 736, 2020.     pdf Full Text

  10. Azriel, D., and Rinott Y. (2021). Optimal selection of sample-size dependent common subsets of covariates for multi-task regression prediction. Electronic Journal of Statistics, 15 (2), 4966-5013.     pdf Full Text

  11. Shoham, T., and Rinott Y. (2021/2) Adjusting Queries to Statistical Procedures Under Differential Privacy.     pdf Full Text
  12. arXiv:2110.05895. Privacy Preserving Machine Learning, ACM CCS 2021 Workshop. Extended version: Domingo-Ferrer, J., Laurent, M. (eds) Privacy in Statistical Databases. PSD 2022. Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol 13463, pp 46–61. Springer, Cham. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-3-031-13945-1_4

  13. Hart, S., and Rinott Y. (2020). Posterior Probabilities: Dominance and Optimism. Center for Rationality Discussion paper 730. Economics Letters 194, 109352.     pdf Full Text

  14. Rinott, Y., O'Keefe, C., Shlomo, N., and Skinner, C. (2018) Confidentiality and Differential Privacy in the Dissemination of Frequency Tables. Statistical Science 33, 358-385.     pdf Full Text

  15. Goldstein, L. and Rinott, Y. (2018) A BKR operation for events occurring for disjoint reasons with high probability. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 20, 957–973.     pdf Full Text

  16. Rinott, Y., and Bar-Hillel, M. (2015). Comments on a "Hot Hand" Paper by Miller and Sanjurjo (2015). Center for Rationality Discussion paper 688. http://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.2642450     pdf Full Text

  17. Azriel, D., and Rinott Y. (2015). Measuring the usefulness of statistical models. A version appeared as Center for Rationality Discussion paper 669 in 2014.     pdf Full Text

  18. Mandel, M., and Rinott Y. (2014) Estimation from Cross-Sectional Samples under Bias and Dependence. Biometrika 101, 719-725.     pdf Full Text
  19. Supplementary material (all proofs)     pdf Full Text
    A version appeared as
    Center for Rationality Discussion paper 614.

  20. Rinott, Y., Scarsini, M., and Yu, Y. (2012). A Colonel Blotto Gladiator Game. Mathematics of Operations Research 37, 574-590.     pdf Full Text
  21. A version appeared as Center for Rationality Discussion paper 571.

  22. Azriel, D., Mandel, M., and Rinott Y. (2012). Optimal allocation to maximize power of two-sample tests for binary response. Biometrika 99, 101-113.     pdf Full Text

  23. A version of this paper entitled On optimal allocation in binary response trials; is adaptive design really necessary? appeared as Center for Rationality Discussion paper 568.     pdf Full Text

  24. Goldstein, L., Rinott, Y. and Scarsini, M. (2012). Stochastic comparisons of symmetric sampling designs. Methodology and Computing in Applied Probability 14, 407-420.     pdf Full Text

  25. Azriel, D., Mandel, M., and Rinott Y. (2011). The treatment versus experimentation dilemma in dose-finding studies . Center for Rationality Discussion paper 559. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 2759--2768.     pdf Full Text

  26. Malinovsky, Y., and Rinott Y. (2011). Best invariant and minimax estimation of quantiles in finite populations. Center for Rationality Discussion paper 553. Journal of Statistical Planning and Inference 141, 2633--2644.     pdf Full Text

  27. Sattath S, Elyashiv E, Kolodny O, Rinott Y, Sella G (2011). Pervasive adaptive protein evolution apparent in diversity patterns around amino acid substitutions in Drosophila simulans. PLoS Genet 7: e1001302.

  28. Goldstein, L., Rinott, Y. and Scarsini, M. (2011). Stochastic comparisons of stratified sampling techniques for some Monte Carlo estimators. Bernoulli 17, 592-608.     pdf Full Text

  29. Eyal Elyashiv, Kevin Bullaughey, Shmuel Sattath, Yosef Rinott, Molly Przeworski and Guy Sella (2010). Shifts in the intensity of purifying selection: An analysis of genome-wide polymorphism data from two closely related yeast species. Genome Research 20, 1558 - 1573.

  30. Bartroff, J., Goldstein, L., Rinott, Y., and Samuel-Cahn, E. (2010). On optimal allocation of a continuous resource using an iterative approach and total positivity. Advances in Applied Probability 42, 795-815.     pdf Full Text

  31. Malinovsky, Y., and Rinott Y. (2010). Prediction of ordered random effects in a simple small area model. Statistica Sinica 20, 697-714.     pdf Full Text

  32. Malinovsky, Y., and Rinott Y. (2009). On stochastic orders of absolute value of order statistics in symmetric distributions. Statistics and Probability Letters 79 2086-2091.     pdf Full Text

  33. Mandel, M. and Rinott Y. (2009). A Selection bias conflict and Frequentist versus Bayesian viewpoints. The American Statistician 63 211-217.     pdf Full Text

  34. Di Serio, C., Rinott Y., and Scarsini, M. (2009). Simpson's paradox in survival models. Scandinavian Journal of Statistics 36, 463-480.     pdf Full Text

  35. Rinott, Y. (2009). Some decision-theoretic aspects in finite population sampling. In Handbook of Statistics 29B. Sample Surveys: Inference and Analysis, edited by D. Pfeffermann and C.R. Rao. 523-558.     pdf Full Text

  36. Hart, S. , Rinott, Y., and Weiss, B. (2008). Evolutionarily Stable Strategies of Random Games, and the Vertices of Random Polygons. Annals of Applied Probability 18 259-287.    pdf Full Text

  37. Mandel, M. and Rinott Y. (2007). On statistical inference under selection bias. .Center for Rationality Discussion paper 473.     pdf Full Text

  38. Goldstein, L. and Rinott, Y. (2007). Functional BKR Inequalities, and their Duals, with Applications. Journal of Theoretical Probability 20, 275-293. A minor revision of this paper on the Berg-Kesten-Reimer inequality appeared in 2015 in arXiv:1508.07267.     pdf Full Text

  39. Rinott, Y. and Shlomo, (2006). Variances and Confidence Intervals for Sample Disclosure Risk Measures. Invited paper for Proceedings of ISI2007 Lisbon conference.    pdf Full Text

  40. Rinott, Y. and Shlomo, N. (2006). A generalized Negative Binomial smoothing model for sample disclosure risk estimation. PSD'2006 Privacy in Statistical Databases, Springer LNCS proceedings, pp. 82-93

  41. Rinott, Y. and Shlomo, N. (2007) A smoothing model for sample disclosure risk estimation. Complex Datasets and Iverse Problems. IMS Lecture Notes-Monograph Series Vol 54, R Liu, W. Strawderman, and C-H Zhang eds. pp. 161-171.    pdf Full Text

  42. Rinott, Y. and Shlomo, N. (2005) A neighborhood regression model for sample disclosure risk estimation. In Proceedings of the Joint UNECE/Eurostat work session on statistical data confidentiality Geneva, Switzerland, pp. 79-87.

  43. Rinott, Y. and Scarsini, M (2006). Total positivity order and the normal distribution. Journal of Multivariate Analysis 97 1251-1261.    pdf Full Text

  44. Goldstein, L. and Rinott, Y. (2003/4). A permutation test for matching and its asymptotic distribution. Metron 61 (2003), no. 3, 375-388 (2004).

  45. Rinott, Y. (2003). On models for statistical disclosure risk estimation, In Proceedings of the joint ECE/Eurostat Work Session on Statistical Data Confidentiality, Luxembourg 2003, pp. 275-285.

  46. Rinott, Y. and Tam, M. (2003). Monotone regrouping, regression, and Simpson's paradox. American Statistician 57, 139-141. http://ratio.huji.ac.il/dp/dp305.pdf

  47. Rinott, Y. and Rotar, V. (2003). On Edgeworth expansions for dependency- neighborhoods chain structures and Stein's method. Probability Theory and Related Fields, 126 528 - 570.

  48. Rinott, Y. and Rotar, V. (2001). A Remark on Quadrant Normal Probabilities in High Dimensions. Statistics and Probability Letters, 51, 47-51.

  49. Rinott, Y. and Rotar, V. (2000). Normal approximations by Stein's method. Decisions In Economics And Finance, 23 15-29.     pdf Full Text

  50. Rinott, Y. and Scarsini, M. (2000) On The Number of Pure Strategy Nash Equilibria in Random Games. Games and Economic Behavior 33, 274-293.    pdf Full Text

  51. Rinott, Y. and Rotar, V. (1999). Some bounds on the rate of convergence in the CLT for martingales II. Theory Of Probability And Its Applications 44: (3) 523-536.

  52. Rinott, Y. and Rotar, V. (1998). Some estimates for the rate of convergence in the CLT for martingales. Theory of Probability Appl. 43, 604-619.

  53. Krieger, M., Pfeffermann, D. and Rinott, Y. (1998). Parametric distributions of complex survey data under informative probability sampling. Statistica Sinica 8, 1087-114. pdf Full Text

  54. Rinott, Y. and Rotar, V. (1997). On coupling constructions and rates in the CLT for dependent summands with applications to the anti-voter model and weighted U-statistics. Ann. Applied Probability 7, 1080-1105. pdf Full Text

  55. Lann, A., Mosheiov, G., and Rinott, Y. (1998). Asymptotic optimality in probability of a heuristic schedule for open shops with job overlaps. Oper. Res. Lett. 22 63-68.

  56. Rinott, Y. and Rotar, V. (1997). A multivariate CLT for local dependence with n^-1/2 log n rate. J. Multivariate analysis 56 (1996) 333-350.     pdf Full Text

  57. Goldstein, L. and Rinott, Y. (1996). Multivariate normal approximations by Stein's method and size bias couplings. Journal of Applied Probability 33, (1996) 1-17. pdf Full Text

  58. Dembo, A. and Rinott Y. (1996). Some examples of Normal approximations by Stein's method. In Random Discrete Structures, IMA volume 76, 25-44. Aldous, D. and Pemantle, R. Eds., Springer-verlag.    pdf Full Text

  59. Rinott, Y. and Samuel-Cahn E. (1994). Covariance between variables and their order statistics for multivariate normal variables. Statistics and Probability Letters 21, 153-155.

  60. Rinott, Y. (1994). On normal approximation rates for certain sums of dependent random variables. J. Computational and Applied Math. 55 135--143.    pdf Full Text

  61. Rinott, Y. and Saks, M. (1993). Correlation inequalities and a conjecture for permanents. Combinatorica, 13, 269-277.

  62. Rinott, Y. and Samuel-Cahn E. (1992). Optimal stopping and prophet inequalities for some dependent random variables. Proceedings of the 1991 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research on Stochastic Inequalities, IMS Lecture Series, M. Shaked and Y.L. Tong, eds. 343-358.

  63. Rinott, Y. and Saks, M. (1992). On FKG-type and permanental inequalities. In Proceedings of the 1991 AMS-IMS-SIAM Joint Summer Research Conference on Stochastic Inequalities, IMS Lecture Series, M. Shaked and Y.L. Tong, eds., 332-342.

  64. Rinott, Y. and Samuel-Cahn E. (1991). Ordering of optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for certain multivariate distributions. J. Multivariate Analysis, 104-114.

  65. Baldi, P., Rinott, Y. and Stein, C (1990). On the distribution of the number of local minima of a random function on a graph. In Advances in Neural Information Process- ing Systems 2, David S. Touretzky ed., M. Kaufmann Publishers, San Mateo, CA , 727-732.

  66. Baldi, P., Rinott, Y. and Stein, C. (1989). A normal approximations for the number of local maxima of a random function on a graph. in Probability, Statistics and Mathematics, Papers in Honor of Samuel Karlin. T. W. Anderson, K.B. Athreya and D. L. Iglehart eds., Academic Press, 59-81.    pdf Full Text

  67. Baldi, P. and Rinott, Y. (1989) On normal approximations of distributions in terms of dependency graphs. Annals of Probability 17, 1646-1650.     pdf Full Text

  68. Baldi, P. and Rinott, Y. (1989) Asymptotic normality of some graph related statistics J. Applied Probability, 26, 171-175.     pdf Full Text

  69. Karlin, S, and Rinott, Y. (1988). Generalized Cauchy-Binet formula with applications to total positivity and majorization J. Multivariate Analysis, 27, 284-299.

  70. Rinott, Y. and Samuel-Cahn E. (1987). Comparison of optimal stopping values and prophet inequalities for negatively dependent random variables. Ann. Statist. 15, 1482-1490.

  71. Brown, L. D. and Rinott, Y. (1988). Inequalities for multivariate infinitely divisible processes. Ann. Probability 16, 642-657.

  72. Karlin, S., Michelli, C. A. and Rinott, Y. (1986). Multivariate splines: a probabilistic perspective. J. Multivariate Analysis. 20, 69-90.

  73. Newman, C.M. and Rinott, Y. (1985). Nearest Neighbors and Voronoi volumes in high dimensional point processes with various distance functions. Adv. Appl. Prob. 17, 794-809.

  74. Karlin, S., Michelli, C. A. and Rinott, Y. (1985). Some probabilistic aspect in multivariate splines. In Proceedings of the Fifth Symposium on Multivariate Analysis (P. R. Krishnaiah, editor), 355-360).

  75. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1984).Random replacement schemes and multivariate majorization. In Nebraska Symposium on Inequalities ( Y. L. Tong, editor), 35-40.

  76. Rinott, Y. (1983) Expected patterns of interresponse correlation coefficients. (An appendix to a paper by D. Friedlander). Demography 20, 269-270.

  77. Newman, C.M., Rinott, Y. and Tversky, A. (1983). Nearest neighbors and Voronoi regions in certain point processes. Adv. Appl. Prob. 15,726-751.

  78. Newman, C.M., Rinott, Y. and Tversky, A. (1983). Nearest neighbor analysis of point processes: applications to multidimensional scaling . J. Math. Psychol. 27, 235-250.

  79. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1983). M-matrices as covariance matrices of multinormal distributions. Linear Algebra Appl. 52/53, 419-438.

  80. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1983). Comparisons of measures, multivariate majorization and applications to statistics. in Studies in Econometrics, Time Series, and Multivariate Statistics (S. Karlin, T. Amemiya, L. A. Goodman, eds.). Academic Press, San Diego, 465-489.

  81. Modan, B., Modan. M., Peritz, H., Rinott, Y., Ron, E., Yaar, I. and Yaar M. (1982). Long lasting cerebral functional changes following moderate dose X radiation treatment to the scalp in childhood. An electroencephalographic study. J. Neurology, Neurosurgery and Psychiatry 45, 166-169.

  82. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1982). Unbiasedness in the sense of Lehmann in n-action decision problems. In A Festschrift for Erich L. Lehmann (P. J. Bickel, K. Doksum, J. L. Hodges, Jr., eds.). Wadsworth Publ. Co., 261-185.

  83. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1982). Applications of ANOVA type decompositions for comparisons of conditional variance statistics including jackknife estimates. Ann. Statist. 10,485-501.

  84. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1981). Univariate and multivariate total positivity, generalized convexity and related inequalities. In Generalized Concavity in Optimization and Economics, S. Schaible and W. T. Ziemba, eds. Academic Press.

  85. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1981). Total positivity properties of absolute value multinormal variables with applications to confidence interval estimates and related probabilistic inequalities. The Annals of Stat. 9, 1035-1049.

  86. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1981). Total positivity properties of absolute value multinormal variables with applications to confidence interval estimates and related probabilistic inequalities. The Annals of Stat. 9, 1035-1049.

  87. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1981). Entropy inequalities for classes of probability distributions II. The multivariate case. Adv. Appl. Prob. 325-351.

  88. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1981). Entropy inequalities for classes of probability distribution I. The univariate case. Adv. Appl. Prob. 13, 93-112.

  89. Karlin, S. and Rinott, Y. (1980). Classes of orderings of measures and related correlation inequalities. M. Multivariate reverse rule distributions. J. Mult. Analysis 10, 499-516.

  90. Fletcher, S., Ravei, J., Rinott, Y., Shomrat, N., Streifler, M. and Vardi, J. (1978) Therapeutic efficacy of Sinemet in Parkinsonian patients in prolonged Anticholinergic therapy. Current Therapeutic Research 24, 403-414.

  91. Donagi, A. E., Ganor E., Kuklianski, I. and Rinott, Y. (1979). Statistical forecasting models for maximum Ozone concentrations in Tel Aviv. Proceedings of the Tenth Scientific Conference, Israel Ecological Society, B-11-B-18.

  92. Bentin, S., Cooper J., Lavy S., Melamed E. and Rinott Y. (1980). Reduction of regional blood flow during normal aging in man. Stroke 11, 31-35.

  93. Bentin, S., Cooper J., Lavy S., Melamed E. and Rinott Y. (1979). Regional cerebral blood flow in patients with Parkinson's disease. Arch.of Neurology 36, 344-348.

  94. Bentin, S., Cooper J., Lavy S., Melamed E. and Rinott Y. (1978). Bihemispheric decrease of regional cerebral blood flow in dementia. Comparison with age-matched normal controls. Annals of Neurology 4, 445-450.

  95. DeJong, P., Klausner, Y., Neginsky, E., Rigbi, M., Rinott, Y. and Ticho, T. (1978). The interaction of a-N-(p-Toluenesulphonyl)-p-guandino-L-phenylalanine Methyl Ester with Thromsin and Trypsin. Biochem. J. 169, 157-167.

  96. Rinott, Y. (1980). Convexity and optimization in certain problems in statistics. In Recent Results in Stochastic Programming. Ed. P. Kall and A. Prekopa, Springer Verlag, 99-103.

  97. Rinott, Y., and Pollak, M. (1980). A stochastic ordering induced by a concept of positive dependence and monotonicity of asymptotic test sizes. Ann. Stat. 8, 190-198.

  98. Rinott, Y. (1978). On two-stage selection procedures and related probability-inequalities. Comm. in Stat. 8, 799-811.     pdf Full Text

  99. Izenman, A. J and Rinott, Y. (1977). Sequential designs for replacement in exponential life tests. Technometrics 19 455-459.

  100. Rinott, Y. and Santner, T. J. (1977). An inequality for multivariate normal probabilities with application to a design problem. Ann. Stat. 5, 1228-1234.

  101. Rinott, Y. (1976). On convexity of measures. Ann. Prob. 4, 1020-1026.

  102. Rinott, Y. (1973). Multivariate majorization and rearrangement inequalities with some applications to probability and statistics. Israel J. of Math. 15, 60-77.

  103. Rinott, Y. (1974). Some multivariate concepts of monotonicity, convexity, and total positivity with applications to probability inequalities. Ph.D. Thesis, Weizmann Institute of Science .