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David Fishelov
BOOKS David Fishelov. Metaphors of Genre: The Role of Analogies in Genre Theory (University Park: Penn State University Press, 1993), 188 pp.www.psupress.org/books/titles/0-271-02325-2.html
David Fishelov. Like a Rainfall: Studies and Essays on Poetic Simile (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 1996), 272 pp. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. Samson's Locks: The Transformations of Biblical Samson (Tel Aviv and Haifa: Haifa University Press and Zmora Bitan Publishers, 2000), 256 pp. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. Dialogues with/and Great Books: The Dynamics of Canon Formation (Brighton: Sussex Academic Press, 2010), 232 pp.
CHAPTERS IN VOLUMES David Fishelov. "Canonic and Popular Literature: Prejudice, Trash, Flowers and Robinson Crusoe," in Popular and Canonical: Literary Dialogues, edited by Tamar Hess, Yael Shapira and Omri Hertzog (Tel Aviv: Resling Press, 2007): 21-29. (In Hebrew)
David Fishelov. "'Il faut cultiver notre jardin': Paradise Lost/Found in Robinson Crusoe and Candide," in Traditions on the Garden of Eden, edited by Rachel Elior (Jerusalem: The Magnes Press, 2010): 325-338. (In Hebrew)
David Fishelov. "Jabotinsky's Samson: The Building of a National Hero and Its Complexities," in Polish and Hebrew Literature and National Identity, edited by Alina Molisak and Shoshana Ronen (Warsaw: Elipsa Press, 2010): 220-235.
David Fishelov. "The Author's Three Wives: Secular Rewriting of Sacred Text in Heym's The King David Report," in Heilige Texte (Sacred Texts), edited Klaus Antoni et al (Münster: LIT Verlag, 2013): 205-216.
David Fishelov. "Dialogue and dialogicity: Swift’s A Modest Proposal and Plato’s Crito," in Literature as Dialogue: Invitations offered and negotiated, edited by Roger D. Sell (Amsterdam: John Benjamins Publishing Company, 2014): 23-40. https://benjamins.com/#catalog/books/ds.22/main
David Fishelov. "The Prophet as Satirist," Prooftexts 9 (1989): 195‑211. JSTOR 20689247
David Fishelov. "The Vanity of the Reader's Wishes: Rereading Juvenal's Satire 10," American Journal of Philology 111 (1990): 370‑382. JSTOR 295158
David Fishelov. "Types of Characters, Characteristics of Types," Style 24 (1990): 422‑439. Reprinted in: Character in Literature, edited by J. Knapp (American UP, 1993): 74-91.
David Fishelov. "Genre Theory and Family Resemblance – Revisited," Poetics 20 (1991): 123‑138. http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/0304422X91900027
David Fishelov. "Yehuda Amichai: A Modernist Metaphysical Poet," Orbis Litterarum 47 (1992): 178-191. http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/j.1600-0730.1992.tb01165.x/abstract
David Fishelov. "Poetic and Non Poetic Simile: Structure, Semantics, Rhetoric," Poetics Today 14:1 (1993): 1-23. JSTOR 1773138
David Fishelov. "Interpretation and Historicism," Iyuun 42 (1993): 19-27. JSTOR 23350749
David Fishelov. "The Structure of Generic Categories: Some Cognitive Aspects," Journal of Literary Semantics 24:2 (1995): 117-126. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jlse.1995.24.issue-2/jlse.1995.24.2.117/jlse.1995.24.2.117.xml?format=INT
David Fishelov. "Is This a Poem? Reflections on the Institutional Approach for the Definition of Poetry" Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature 17 (1999): 77-97 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "The Birth of a Genre," European Journal of English Studies 3:1 (1999): 51-63. http://www.tandfonline.com/doi/abs/10.1080/13825579908574429?journalCode=neje20#.VBgJCfmSxqU
David Fishelov. "Parody, Satire and Sympathy in Don Quixote and Gulliver’s Travels," Connotations 12 (2002-2003): 126-138. http://www.connotations.uni-tuebingen.de/fishelov01223.htm
David Fishelov. "Robinson Crusoe, 'The Other' and the Poetics of Surprise," Connotations 14 (2004-2005): 1-18. http://www.connotations.uni-tuebingen.de/fishelov01413.htm
David Fishelov. "Shall I Compare Thee? Simile Understanding and Semantic Categories," Journal of Literary Semantics 36 (2007): 71-87. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/jlse.2007.36.issue-1/jls.2007.004/jls.2007.004.xml?format=INT
David Fishelov. "A Reply to Maximilian Novak," Connotations 17 (2007-2008): 250-56. http://www.connotations.uni-tuebingen.de/fishelov01723.htm
David Fishelov. "Dialogues with/and Great Books, With Some Serious Reflections on Robinson Crusoe," New Literary History 39 (2008): 335-353. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/new_literary_history/v039/39.2.fishelov.html
David Fishelov. "Roads-Not-Taken, Taken by the Adapter: The Case of Biblical Samson," Connotations 18 (2008-2009): 28-47. http://www.connotations.uni-tuebingen.de/fishelov01813.htm
David Fishelov."Frishman's translation of Byron's Cain and its Significance," Jerusalem Studies in Hebrew Literature 24 (2011): 125-142 (In Hebrew). JSTOR 23361254
David Fishelov. "Types of Dialogue: Echo, Deaf and Dialectical," Semiotica 195 (2013): 249-75. http://www.degruyter.com/view/j/semi.2013.2013.issue-195/sem-2013-0033/sem-2013-0033.xml?format=INT
David Fishelov. "The Economy of Literary Interpretation," Connotations 22 (2012/2013): 32-56. http://www.connotations.uni-tuebingen.de/fishelov0221.htm
David Fishelov. "Gulliver as a Novelistic, Quixotic Character? A Response to Aaron R. Hanlon," Connotations 23.1 (2013/2014): 79-95. http://www.connotations.uni-tuebingen.de/fishelov0231.htm
David Fishelov. "Poetry and Poeticity in James Joyce’s ‘The Dead,’ Baudelaire’s Le Spleen de Paris and Yehuda Amichai," Connotations 23.2 (2013/2014): 261-82. http://www.connotations.uni-tuebingen.de/fishelov0232.htm
David Fishelov. "Gossip as a Channel for Communicating Subversive Truth: In Stefan Heym’s The King David Report, the GDR and the Jardin de Luxemburg," Nouvelle Revue Synergies Canada (NRSC) 7 (2014). https://journal.lib.uoguelph.ca/index.php/nrsc/article/view/3026/3324#.U-Kunfl_srU
David Fishelov. About sixty review articles in the Literary Supplements Masa, Ha'aretz-Sfarim, Ha'aretz Tarbut ve-sifrut and Yediot-Ahronot tarbut ve-sifrut, 1977-2007 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "'Intrinsic' Understanding and Evaluation of the Literary Work: On Dan Miron’s Pinkas Patuah," Siman Kri’a 11 (1980): 135‑139 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "The Concept of Taste in Literary Evaluation: On Haim Be'er's Notsot," Siman Kri’a 12‑13 (1981): 342‑349 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "Through and Within the Fictional World: On Menachem Brinker’s Miba’ad lamedumeh," Siman Kri’a 14 (1981): 307‑321 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "The Tragedy of Ben-Ner’s Be‑eretz rechoka," Siman Kri’a 16‑17 (1983): 530-541 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "The Wonderful Despair of Jonathan Swift," An Afterword to Jonathan Swift: Selected Prose Writings, Hebrew translation of Selected Works by Swift (Jerusalem: Carmel, 1994): 140-150 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "Samson's Transformations: From the Bible to Jabotinsky and then to Hollywood," Moznayim 74 (1999): 43-46. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Empirically Oriented Literary Studies in Israel: A Brief Overview," in IGEL Newsletter 9 (January 2001).
David Fishelov. "Challenging Poetry: Israeli Poetry of the 1980s; Part I," Achshav [Now] 67-68 (2003): 174-191. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Moll Flanders: What Does the Title Say?" An Afterword to Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders Hebrew translation (Jerusalem: Carmel, 2004): 329-344 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "Challenging Poetry: Israeli Poetry of the 1980s; Part II," Achshav [Now] 69-70 (2005): 146-169. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "The Forgotten Right to Say 'Yes': On Contemporary Israeli Political Poetry," Mikarov 15 (2005): 36-55 (In Hebrew).
David Fishelov. "Genuine and Pseudo Dialogues in Life and Poetry," Helicon 70 (2006): 60-69. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Biblical Women in World and Hebrew Literature," in Jewish Women: A Comprehensive Historical Encyclopedia (Shalvi Publishing, Jewish Women's Archive, 2006) [CD format; 41 pp]. Encyclopedia Article.
jwa.org/encyclopedia/article/biblical-women-in-world-and-hebrew-literature David Fishelov. "Robinson Crusoe, the Book and the Uninhabited Island," An Afterword to Daniel Defoe’s Robinson Crusoe Hebrew translation (Jerusalem: Carmel, 2006): 271-291. (In Hebrew)
David Fishelov. "Gershon Shaked's The New Tradition: Essays on Modern Hebrew Literature," Partial Answers 6 (2008): 207-211. Review article. http://muse.jhu.edu/journals/partial_answers/v006/6.1fishelov.html
David Fishelov. "So What Did You Mean, Mr. Yorick?" An Afterword to Laurence Sterne's A Sentimental Journey through France and Italy Hebrew translation (Jerusalem: Carmel, 2012): 179-209 (In Hebrew)
David Fishelov. "Howard Sklar’s The Art of Sympathy in Fiction," Partial Answers 13 (2015): 179-183.
muse.jhu.edu/journals/partial_answers/v013/13.1.fishelov.html ACADEMIC CONFERENCES
David Fishelov. "Aristotle's Approach to Literary Genres," Aristotle's Poetics: A New Outlook, Haifa University, December 21, 1987. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "How Should We Approach Literary Genres," Conventions and Reality in Literature and Cinema, The Open U., Tel Aviv, March 13, 1989. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Types of Characters, Characteristics of Types," Character in Literature and Cinema, The Open U., Tel Aviv, May 1, 1990. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Satura Contra Utopiam: Satirical Distortions of Utopian Ideas," Utopia: Imagination and Reality, Haifa University, January 2‑7, 1990.
David Fishelov. "The Ethical Happy Mean, The Mean Unhappy Satirical," Ethical Paradigms in The Study of Character in Literature, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, June 17, 1990.
David Fishelov. "Poetry against Itself: Israeli Poetry of The 80s" Israeli Literature of the 80s, University of Manchester, Manchester, June 25‑27, 1991.
David Fishelov. "Jonathan Swift: A Pessimist in an Optimistic Age," The Enlightenment: The Age of Lights?, The Open University, Tel Aviv, November 14, 1991. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Response to Joseph Margolis' 'Interpretation'," International Conference on Art, Interpretation and Reality, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Jerusalem, January 2‑6, 1992.
David Fishelov. "Cognitive Psychology Looks at Genre Theory," Conference of American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), Columbia University, New York, April 3‑5, 1992.
David Fishelov. "Ideals of Mankind in an Ironic Light: The Case of Swift," Conference of the International Association for the Study of European Ideas, Graz, Austria, August 22-27, 1994.
David Fishelov. "To Study Literary Genres: The Empirical Angle," Conference of International Society for Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), Budapest, August 24-27, 1994.
David Fishelov. "Evolution and Literary Genres," Conference of the American Comparative Literature Association (ACLA), University of Georgia, Athens, U.S.A., March 16-18, 1995.
David Fishelov. "Four Types of Simile," Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), Granada, Spain, September 20-22, 1995.
David Fishelov. "Is This a Poem? Reflections on the Institutional Approach to Poetry," A Conference of the Israeli Aesthetics Association, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, January 15, 1995. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "The Subtle Oxymoron in Lea Goldberg's Poetry," A Conference on Leah Goldberg's Works, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, December 17-18, 1995. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "The Transformations of Samson's Figure," A Conference on Intertextuality in Hebrew Literature, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, February 11-13, 1996. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Delilah's Rhetorical Portraits," A Conference on Women in Art, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, March 12-13, 1996. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Diderot and the Concept of Evil," Philosophy and Literature, International Conference, Tel Aviv University, Tel Aviv, March 24-26, 1996.
David Fishelov. "Heretical Thoughts about the Institutional Definition of Poetry," A Conference of the International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA), Prague, Czech Republic, August, 1996.
David Fishelov. "The Birth of a Genre," A Conference on Genres in Ancient Literatures, The Hebrew U., Jerusalem, December 23, 1996. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Four Types of Simile," A Conference of the Poetics and Linguistics Association (PALA), University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK, July 1-5, 1997.
David Fishelov. "Samson and Delilah: A Belated Meeting in Jabotinsky and DeMille," The Annual Conference of the Departments of Hebrew Literature in Israel, Haifa University, March 22-23, 1999. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "The Transformations of Biblical Samson or the Heroic Failure to Escape Myth," An International Workshop on Myth and Literature, organized by the International Comparative Literature Association, Holstebro, Denmark, September 4-5, 1999.
David Fishelov. "From a National Hero to the Defender of Western Democracy: Samson in the Bible and in Cecil B. DeMille’s movie," Messages in the Bible, and Beyond, Haifa University, May 23, 2000. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "My Mistress’ Eyes Are Nothing Like the Sun: Tenor, Vehicle and Predicate in Simile Processing," International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada, July 31-August 4, 2000.
David Fishelov. "Shall I Compare Thee to a Summer’s Day? The Process of Understanding Similes," International Association of Empirical Aesthetics (IAEA), The New School, New York, USA, August 9-14, 2000.
David Fishelov. "'Be Strong, Hagar, Do Not Stumble': Re-Evaluating Biblical Characters in Modern Hebrew Literature," The Annual Conference of Hebrew Literature departments, Tel Aviv University, May 7-8, 2001. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Parody in the Beginning of Modern Hebrew Literature: The Case of Joseph Perl," AJS Conference, Washington DC, USA, December 16-18, 2001.
David Fishelov. "The Revival of Cain in David Frishman," A Conference to honor Dan Miron’s retirement, Department of Hebrew Literature, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 9-10, 2003. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Three Biases about Popular and High Culture, with Some Thoughts on Flowers, Pulp and Robinson Crusoe," A Conference on Popular and Canonic Literature at the Hebrew University, May 18-19, 2003. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Parody and Sympathy in Don Quixote and Gulliver’s Tarvels," The International Connotations Symposium on Sympathetic Parody, Metlak, Germany, July 27-31, 2003.
David Fishelov. "Aspects of Simile Understanding," International Conference of the Research Association of Metaphor (RAAM V), Université Paris 13, Paris, France, September 3-5, 2003.
David Fishelov. "Israeli Poetry after the 1970s," American Jewish Society, Boston, USA, December 21-23, 2003.
David Fishelov. "On the Forgotten Right to Say 'Yes'," A symposium on Oppenheimer's On the Great Right to Say 'No', Tel Aviv University, May 24, 2004. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "A Literary Masterpiece: The Empirical Angle," International Association of Empirical Aesthetics, Lisbon, Portugal, September 13-14, 2004.
David Fishelov. "The Power of TV (Tenor and Vehicle), Especially Vehicle, in Simile Understanding," International Conference on Text and Cognition, Tel Aviv University, May 15-18, 2005.
David Fishelov. "Surprise, 'The Other' and Robinson Crusoe," The International Connotations Symposium on Textual Surprise, Bochum, Germany, July 24-28, 2005.
David Fishelov. "Physics and Metaphysics in Ars Poetica: Georges Perec, Primo Levi, Avner Treinin," A Conference on Ars Poetica and Identity, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 12-13, 2006. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Literary Masterpieces from an Intertextual Perspective," A Conference on Intertextuality in Literature and Culture, Tel Aviv University, May 23-25, 2006. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Dialogues with Literary Masterpieces: Prolegomenon to an Empirical Research," A conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), University of Munich, Munich, Germany, August 5-9, 2006.
David Fishelov. "'Il faut cultiver notre jardin': The Lost/Found Paradise in Robinson Crusoe and Candide," A Conference on New Perceptions on Garden of Eden/Paradise, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, November 5-6, 2006. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "The Secular Writing-Process of a Sacred Text: Heym's The King David Report," A Conference on Religion turning Literary and Literature Becoming Sacred, University of Tübingen, Germany, April 17-19, 2009.
David Fishelov. "To Echo All the Way to the Canon: Bialik vs. Tchernichovsky." A Conference on Voices and Echoes in Hebrew and Jewish Literatures, Bar-Ilan University, June 8-9, 2009. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "Roads-Not-Taken, Taken by the Adapter: The Case of biblical Samson," The International Connotations Symposium on Roads Not-Taken, Freudenstadt, Germany, August 2-6, 2009.
David Fishelov. "Jabotinsky's Samson: The Building of a Modern National Hero," An International Conference on Polish and Hebrew Literature and National Identity, University of Warsaw, Poland, October 6-8, 2009.
David Fishelov. "Why, Why, Why, Delilah: Textual, Pictorial, Musical and Filmic Portrayals,"International Conference-Seminar on Literature and Inter-Arts, Universidad de la Rioja, Spain, May 12-15, 2010.
David Fishelov. "Echo, Narcissus and the Translator's Distress," A Conference on Translating Literature/Translating Culture, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, May 31-June 2, 2010. In Hebrew.
David Fishelov. "The Race for Literary Fame: Votaire's Candide vs. Johnson's Rasselas," A Conference of the International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), Utrecht University, Netherlands, 7-11 July, 2010.
David Fishelov. "To Read Out Loud Mini-Catalogues in Poetry: Rhythm, Syntax, Semantics, etc, etc, etc," A Conference on Literature and Art, Tel Aviv University, May 2-6, 2011.
David Fishelov."The Economy of Literary Interpretation," The Connotations International Symposium on Poetic Economy, Freudenstadt, Germany, July 31-August 4, 2011.
David Fishelov. "Literature as Dialogue: Theory and Practice," A Public Discussion with Roger D. Sell Literature as Dialogue, Fourteenth Conference of the International Association for Dialogue Analysis (IADA), Turku, Finland, April 2-4, 2012.
David Fishelov. "Gossip as a Channel for Circulating Subversive Truth: Heym's The King David Report," Gossip: An Interdisciplinary Conference, University of Guelph, Guelph, Canada, May 10-12, 2012.
David Fishelov. "The Role of Adaptations in Keeping Great Books Alive," A Symposium on Great Books, Great Questions, King's College, Halifax, Canada, June 27-29, 2012.
David Fishelov. "Poetry and Poeticity in Joyce’s ‘The Dead,’” The Connotations International Symposium on Poetry in Fiction, Mülheim, Germany, July 28-August 1, 2013.
David Fishelov. "No Longer Twins: On the Canonical Status of Bialik and Tchernichovsky," Tchernichovsky Conference, The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, March 23-24, 2014.
David Fishelov. "Reading Poetry Aloud: Performance, Interpretation, Ambiguity," A Workshop on Ambiguity and Performance, Tübingen, July 4, 2014.
David Fishelov. "Frankenstein is Alive and Kicking: A Multi-dimensional Model for the Literary Work in Culture," A Conference of International Society for the Empirical Study of Literature (IGEL), Torino, Italy, July 21-25, 2014.
Reviews of my works, Citations, and References (selection)
* More reviews, citations, and references to my works can be found on Google-Scholar, JSOR, Project MUSE, Amazon
* Reviews of my latest book, Dialogues with/and Great Books: The Dynamics of Canon Formation, can be found in the publisher's website: www.sussex-academic.com/sa/titles/literary_criticism/fishelov.htm
Margolin, U. "The What, the When, and the How of Being a Character in Literary Narrative," Style 24 (1990): 453-468.
Bloch, A. and C. Bloch. The Song of Songs: A New Translation with an Introduction and Commentary,
Shen, Y. "Cognitive constraints on directionality in the semantic structure of poetic vs. non-poetic metaphors," Poetics 23 (1995): 255-274.
Ducrot, O. and Schaeffer, J.M. Nouveau Dictionnaire encyclopedique des sciences du langage, Paris: Editions du Seuil, 1995.
Shaw, Harry E. "A Review Article of Metaphors of Genre", Comparative Literature Studies 33 (1996).
Garlinger, Patrick Paul. "Lost Lesbian Love Letters? Epistolary Erasure and Queer Readers in Martín Gaite's El cuarto de atrás" Bulletin of Hispanic Studies 76 (1999), pp. 513-533.
Duff, David. Modern Genre Theory,
Diller, Hans-Jürgen. "Genre in Linguistic and Related Discourse," in Towards a History of English as a History of Genres, edited by Hans-Jürgen Diller and Manfred Görlach:
Mancing, Howard. "Prototypes of Genre in Cervantes' novelas ejemplares," Bulletin of the Cervantes Society of (2000), pp. 127-150.
Bleich, David. "The Materiality of Language and the Pedagogy of Exchange," Pedagogy: Critical Approaches to Teaching Literature, Language, Composition, and Culture 1 (2001), pp. 117-141.
Hernadi, Paul. "Literature and Evolution," SubStance 94-95 (2001), pp. 55-71.
Brax, Klaus. The Poetics of Mystery (Doctoral Dissertation:
Hebert, Louis. "Trois problèmes de sémiotique théorique et appliquée: Cohérence, genre, intertextualité et structure ontologique. À propos et autour de Sémiotique et littérature de Jacques Fontanille," Semiotica 146 (2003), pp. 473-498.
Sinding, Michael. "Beyond Essence (or, Getting Over 'There'): Cognitive and Dialectical Theories of Genre," Semiotica 149 (2004), pp. 379-395.
Hertzig, Chana, Review article of Metaphors of Genre, Ha-atetz-sfarim (1994) (In Hebrew).
Shen, Yeshayahu, Review article of Like a Rainfall, Ha-aretz-Sfarim (21.5.1997) (In Hebrew).
Amit, Ya'ira, Review article of Samson's Locks, Ha-aretz-sfarim (2000) (In Hebrew).
Azar, Nanci. Literature and Ideology (Tel Aviv: Papirus, 1992) (In Hebrew).
Brinker, Menachem. Sovev Sifrut (
Galpaz-Feller, Pnina. The Women Be Upon Thee, Samson (Tel Aviv: Yediot Ahronot, 2003), pp. 11, 226, 233. (In Hebrew).
Grossman, David. Dvash Arayot [Lion's Honey] (Tel Aviv: Yediot Ahronot, 2006), pp. 110-111. (In Hebrew)
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