Course Description
Human quality of life represents a desirable state and is often regarded as the decisive test for local intervention as well as global social policy. An effective use of the concept of quality of life requires both its clear conceptualization and procedures for its assessment in varying circumstances. In this course we examine various approaches to quality of life research: the social indicators approach based on objective data; Dalkey's "grass-root" approach; the experiential approaches based on subjective reports, among others approaches. Then we focus on the systemic approach that defines quality of life as the effective functioning in the personality, the physical, the social and the cultural systems. The systemic approach and its application are illustrated by studies from the fields of urban renewal, rehabilitation institutions, national projects evaluation, the chronically ill, as well as the measurement of quality of life in the population at large.


Campbell, A., Converse, P., and Rogers, W. (1976). The Quality of American Life. New York: Russell Sage.

Dalkey, N. (1972). Studies in the Quality of Life. Santa Monica: The Rand Corporation; Lexington: Health & Co.

Davidson-Arad, B., Wozner, Y. (2001). The least detrimental alternative: Deciding whether to remove children at risk from their homes. International Social Work, 44(2); 229-239.

Davidson-Arad, B., Wozner, Y. (2001). The use of the Shye's Systemic Quality Life model in the examination of child protection officers decision. Social Indicators Research, 56; 1-20.

Shye, S. (1982) Compiling expert opinions on the impact on environmental quality of a nuclear power plant: An application of a systemic life quality model. International Review of Applied Psychology 31: 285-302.

Shye, S. (1988) Life Quality and environmental conditions in a distress neighborhood: evaluation by the systemic quality of life model. Megamot, 31, 439-449.

*Shye, S. (1989) The systemic quality of life model: A basis for urban renewal evaluation. Social Indicators Research 21:343-378.

Shye, S. (1998) The systemic life quality model: a comparative analysis of concepts and scales. Megamot, 39, (1-2) 149-169.

Veerman, P.E. (1992) The Rights of the Child and the Changing Image of Childhood. Dordrecht, Holland: Martinus Nijhoff.

Wolins, M., Wozner, Y. and Shye, S. (1980) Rejuvenating the asylum: A field study. Social Work Research and Abstracts 16:17-25.

Wozner, Y. (1982) Assessing the quality of internat life. Human Relations, vol. 35 (11): 1059-1072.

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