Publications - Samuel Shye
Shye, S. (Translation into Hebrew) Statistics, by M. R. Spiegel McGraw Hill. Jerusalem: Steimatzky, 1970.
Shye, S. (ed.). Theory Construction and Data Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.
Shye, S. Multiple Scaling: The Theory and Application of Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Amsterdam: North Holland, 1985.
Shye, S., Duchin, R. & Herskovic, S. University Research in Israel: Intrinsic Indicators of Science. Jerusalem: Weizmann, 1989.
Shye, S. (ed.). Facet Theory and Its Applications. Jerusalem: Megamot, 33(3-4). A special issue in memory of Louis Guttman, 1991. (Hebrew, with abstracts in English).
Shye, S. & Elizur. D. Introduction to Facet Theory: Content Design and Intrinsic Data Analysis in Behavioral Research. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1994.
Borg, I. & Shye, S. Facet Theory: Form and Content. Newbury Park, CA: Sage, 1995.
Shye, S. Facets of Distributive Justice: A Systemic Theory with Application to Educational Resource Allocation. Dordrecht, Holland: Kluwer Academic Publishers, in press.
Shye, S. & Aranya, N. The Gatekeeping to a Profession. A structural Analysis for the CPA Examination Situation. Journal of Occupational Psychology, Vol.4. No.2, 1975.
Aranya, N., Jacobson, D, & Shye, S. Organizational and Occupational Commitment: A facet theoretical analysis of empirical data. Nederlands Tijdschrift voor de Psychologie, 31, 1976.
Shye, S. & Elizur, D. Worries about Deprivation of Job Rewards following computerization. A Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Human Relations, Vol.29, No.1, 1976.
Elizur, D. & Shye, S. The Inclination to Re-immigrate: A Structural Analysis of the Case of Israelis Residing in France and in the U.S.A. Human Relations. Vol. 29, No.l (1976). A related paper was published also in Megamot Vol.21, No.3 (1975).
Aranya, N., Jacobson, D, & Shye, S. A Smallest Space Analysis of Potential Work Mobility. Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol.11, No.2, 1976.
Shye, S. Achievement Motive: A Faceted Definition and Structural Analysis. Multivariate Behavioral Research, Vol. 13, No.3, 1978.
Shye, S. A Structural Analysis of Achievement Orientation Derived from a Longitudinal Study of Students in Israeli Schools. American Educational Research Journal, Vol.17, No.3, pp.281-290, 1980.
Shye, S. Compiling Expert Opinion on the Impact on Environmental Quality of a Nuclear Power Plant: An Application of a Systemic Life Quality Model. International Review of Applied Psychology, Vol.31, pp.285-302, 1982.
Shye, S. Comparing Structures of Multidimensional Scaling. Studies in Educational Evaluation, Vol.7, pp.105-109, 1981.
Wolins, M., Wozner, Y. & Shye, S. Rejuvenating the Asylum: A Field Study. Social Work Research and Abstracts, 16:17-25, 1980.
Steinglass, P., Kaplan De-Nour, A. & Shye, S. Factors Influencing Psychosocial Adjustment to a Forced Geographical Relocation: The Israeli Withdrawal from the Sinai. The American Journal of Orthopsychiatry 1985.
Shye, S. Inductive and Deductive Reasoning: A Structural Reanalysis of Ability Tests. Journal of Applied Psychology, 73, pp. 308-311, 1988.
Shye, S. The Systemic Life Quality Model: A Basis for Urban Renewal Evaluation. Social Indicators Research, 21, pp. 343-378, 1989.
Shye, S. & Lewy A.Dimensions of Teachers' Attitude toward Teaching Higher Mental Functions: Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. Quality and Quantity, 24, 231-244, 1990.
Elizur, D. & Shye, S. Quality of Work Life and its Relationship to Quality of Life. Applied Psychology: An International Review, 39, (3) pp. 275-291, 1990.
Shye, S. Ethnic integration and value polarization in Israel: Facet structure and assessment scales. Megamot, 33 (3-4), 1991. (Hebrew, with abstracts in English.)
Shye, S. What is facet theory? Megamot, 33 (3-4), 1991. (Hebrew, with abstracts in English).
Al-Haj M., Katz, E. & Shye, S.Arab and Jewish attitudes toward a Palestinian state. Journal of Conflict Resolution, 37 (3): 619-632, 1993
Shye, S., Yanai, J. & Pick, C.G. Directional consistency: determinant of of learned maze performance of five mice strains. Behavioral Processes, 32, 117-132, 1994.
Shye, s. & Klauer, K.J. Dimensions of inductive ability. Megamot, 35 (2-3), 1993. (Hebrew, with abstract in English).
Wald, K.D. & Shye, S. Interreligious conflict in Israel: the group basis of conflicting visions. Political Behavior, 16(1): 157-178, 1994.
Wald, K.D. & Shye, S. Religious influence in electoral behavior: the role of institutional and social forces in Israel. The Journal of Politics, 57, No. 2, 495-507, 1995.
Bick, A. & Shye, S. R.O. desalination: a structural analysis of feed water quality and membrane performance. International Water and Irrigation Review, 15 (2), 28-31, 1995.
Shye, S. Modern Facet Theory: Content design and measurement in behavioral research. European Journal of Psychological Assessment, 14, (2), 160-171, 1998.
Shye, S. The systemic life quality model: comparative analysis of concepts and scales. Megamot (special issue on salutogenesis), 39, (1-2), 149-169, 1998.
Poreh, A. & Shye, S. Examination of the global and local features of the Rey Osterrieth Complex Figure using Faceted Smallest Space Analysis. The Clinical Neuropsychologist, 12, (4) 453-467, 1998.
Shye, S. & Goldzweig G. Creativity as an extension of intelligence: faceted definition and structural hypotheses. Megamot, 40, (1) 31-53, 1999.
Shye, S. Dahan, M. Mironichev, M. & Dvir, E. Have educational gaps in Israel narrowed? On factors affecting eligibility for matriculation certificate. In Press. A related paper was published in Rivon Lekalkala, 49 (1), 2002.
Shye, S. Achievement Motive: Background, Accomplishments and Aspirations of Elementary School Children. A chapter in Lewy, A. Longitudinal Study of School Achievements. Jerusalem: Israel Curriculum Center, 1977.
Shye, S. On the Search for Laws in the Behavioral Sciences. In S. Shye (ed.) Theory Construction and data Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.
Shye, S. Partial Order Scalogram Analysis. In S. Shye (ed.) Theory Construction and data Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.
Shye, S. Facet Analysis and Regional Hypothesis: Avenues for Future Study. In S. Shye (ed.) Theory Construction and data Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.
Shye, S. Three Main Approaches to Evaluating Education: Analysis and Comparison by Facet Technique (with A. Lewy). In S. Shye (ed.) Theory Construction and data Analysis in the Behavioral Sciences. San Francisco: Jossey-Bass, 1978.
Shye, S. A Nonmetric Model for Behavioral Action Systems. In D. Canter (ed.) Facet theory: Approaches to Social Research. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1985.
Shye, S. & Amar, R. Partial Order Scalogram Analysis by Base Coordinates and Lattice Mapping of the Items by their Scalogram Roles. In D. Canter (ed.) Facet Theory: Approaches to Social Research, New York: Springer-Verlag, 1985.
Veerman, P.E. & Shye, S. Declaration on the rights of the child, based on the 'sytemic quality of life model'. In P.E. Veerman, The Rights of the Child and the Changing Image of Childhood. Dordrecht: Martinus Nijhoff, 1992 pp. 598-603. (International Studies in Human Rights Series).
Russett, B. & Shye, S. Aggressiveness, involvement and commitment in foreign policy attitudes: Multiple scaling. In Caldwell D. and McKeown T. (eds.) Diplomacy, Force and Leadership: Essays in honor of Alexander E. George. Boulder: Westview, 1993.
Shye, S. Facet Theory. International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd edition. Oxford: Pergamon 1994, 2213-2219.
Shye, S. Partial Order Scalogram Analysis (POSA) International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd edition. Oxford: Pergamon, 1994, 4308-4316.
Shye, S. Smallest Space Analysis (SSA). International Encyclopedia of Education, 2nd edition. Oxford: Pergamon, 1994, 5497-5504.
Shye, S. & Goldzweig, G. Creativity as an extension of intelligence: regional hypotheses and multiple scaling. In J.J. Hox, G.J. Mellenbergh & P.G.Swanborn (eds.) Facet Theory: Analysis and Design. Zeist, Holland: ZETOS, 1995, pp. 227-238.
Shye, S. & Mevorach-Levy, O. Faceted action system theory of distributive justice: the case of educational resources. In J.J. Hox, G.J. Mellenbergh & P.G.Swanborn (eds.) Facet Theory: Analysis and Design. Zeist, Holland: ZETOS, 1995, pp. 239-248
Denesh, I. & Shye, S. A rationalized pricing of products: the case of anti-virus software. In J.J. Hox, G.J. Mellenbergh & P.G. Swanborn (eds.) Facet Theory: Analysis and Design. Zeist, Holland: ZETOS, 1995, pp.75-80
Shye, S. Louis Guttman. Leading Personalities in Statistical Sciences. New York: Wiley, 1997, 112-117.
Wilkinson, L., Shye, S. Amar, R Guttman, L. Partial Order Scalogram Analysis with Coordinates. Systat 7.0: New Statistics. Chicago: SPSS Inc., 1997.
Shye, S. Facet Theory. Encyclopedia of Statistical Sciences, Update, Vol. 3. New York: Wiley, 1999, 231-239.
Shye, S. & Goldzweig, G. Up and down the FT ladder: POSAC/LSA of facet theory course final exam. In D. Elizur (ed.) Facet Theory: Integrating Theory Construction with Data Analysis. Prague: Matfyzpress, 2001).
Shye, S., Canter, D. & Shalev, K. Serial rapist crime scene behavior: Multiple scaling by POSAC/LSA. In D. Elizur (ed.) Facet Theory: Integrating Theory Construction with Data Analysis. Prague: Matfyzpress, 2001.
Shye, S. Systemic Life Quality: Confronting a definitional scheme with empirical structures. The First International Conference on Facet Theory. University of Surrey, 1984.
Shye, S. Empirical validation of a systemic conceptual classification scheme. First Conference of the International Federation of Classification Societies. Aachen, Germany 1987.
Elizur, D. & Shye, S. The evolution of generalized conceptual frameworks for work-value structures. First International Conference on Work Values, Budapest, 1988. (with D. Elizur).
Denesh, I. & Shye, S. The role of public involvement in industrial branches: A multiple scaling. Second International Conference on Facet Theory. University of Surrey, 1989. ().
Griffel, A. & Shye, S. Item role analysis in theory and measurement: demonstration of multiple scaling by POSAC/LSA. Second International Conference on Facet Theory. University of Surrey, 1989.
Shye, S. The integration of research contents and topological spaces: confirmatory SSA (new program for the PC). The Third International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem, 1991.
Shye, S. Multiple scaling and multicriteria paired comparison design for consulting expert systems: An application to professional retraining. The Third International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem, 1991.
Shye, SThe structure of intelligence: From factors to facets. The Third International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem, 1991.
Katz, E., Eini, S. & Shye, S. A mapping of leadership attitudes towards options for peace solutions. The Third International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem, 1991.
Eini, S. & Shye, S. Facet analysis of Yediot Ahronot front page headlines on the Israeli peace initiative. The Third International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem, 1991.
Shye, S. Self-report measures of depression: Facet analysis. The Third International Facet Theory Conference. Jerusalem, 1991.
Savelzon, O. & Shye, S. POSAC discriminant and decision model: an application to immigrant scientists' professional adjustment. Proceedings of the Fourth International Facet Theory Conference. Prague, 1993.
Katz T. Shye, S. & Bilu, Y. Visitational dreams of Moroccan Jews: an analysis of the systemic Quality of Life Model. Proceedings of the Fouth International Facet Theory Conference, Prague, 1993.
Denesh, I. & Shye, S. Facet-inducing external variables: a new procedure for the FSSA. Proceedings of the Fourth International Facet Theory Conference, Prague, 1993.
Troudart, T. & Shye, S. Quality of life evaluation in a rehabilitation program for chronic mental patients. Paper presented at the Fourth Congress of World Association for Psychosocial Rehabilitation, Dublin, Ireland, September 1993).
Mevorach-Levy, O. & Shye, S. Faceted action system theory of distributive justice: the case of educational resources. Proceedings of the Fifth International Facet Theory Conference, Amsterdam 1995.)
Goldzweig, G. & Shye, S. Creativity as an extension of intelligence: faceted definition and regional hypotheses. Proceedings of the Fifth International Facet Theory Conference, Amsterdan, 1995).
Bick, A. & Shye, S. 8'' commercial spiral wound reverse osmosis membranes: a facet analysis. Proceedings of the Fifth International Facet Theory Conference, Amsterdam, 1995.
Mevorach-Levy, O. & Shye, S. A systemic model for organizational justice. Proceedings of the Fifth ISSWOV Conference (Int'l Soc. for the Study of Work and Organizational Values). Montreal, August, 1996.
Shye, S. The development and prospects of facet theory. Proceedings of the Sixth International Facet Theory Conference, Liverpool, September, 1997.
Shye, S., Magen, A. &. Goldzweig, G. POSAC for structural theory: a new program for intrinsic multidimensional data analysis. Proceedings of the Sixth International Facet Theory Conference, Liverpool, September, 1997.
Davidson-Arad, B., Wozner, Y. & Shye, S. Removal from home of abused children: application of POSAC decision model. Proceedings of the Sixth International Facet Theory Conference, Liverpool, September, 1997.
Mevorach-Levy, O. & Shye, S. Organizational Justice: a systemic model. Proceedings of the Sixth International Facet Theory Conference, Liverpool, September, 1997.
Wiener, S., Shye, S. Shefler G., & Wiseman, H. Psychotherapeutic difficulties: faceted action system analysis. Proceedings of the Sixth International Facet Theory Conference, Liverpool, September, 1997.
Shye, S. A Combinatorial Problem,. University of California, Berkeley, 1965 (Revised version 1971)
Shye, S. On Mapping Sentences and their Derivation through the use of SSA: Report of a Minisurvey testing the reliability of definitional framework. Israel Institute of Applied Social Research 1970.
Shye, S. A Note on the Interpretation of Principal Components. Israel Institute of Applied Social Research 1975.
Shye, S. Partial Order Scalogram Analysis of Profiles and its Relationship to Smallest Space Analysis of the Variables. Thesis submitted to the Senate of the Hebrew Uniuversity for the degree of "Doctor of Philosophy" March 1976.
Shye, S. A Systemic Facet theoretical Approach to the Study of Individual Quality of Life. IIASR, Jerusalem, 1978.
Shye, S. A POSA Generated Class of Distributions. IIASR. A Research Report supported by grant DAERO-28--059 of the U.S. Army.
Shye, S. The Diamond Family of Scalograms. IIASR, Jerusalem 1979. A Research Report supported by grant DAERO-28--059 of the U.S. Army.
Shye, S. Partial Order Scalogram and Dimensional Analysis. Jerusalem, 1979. IIASR Research Report, supported by grant DAERO-28-059 of the U.S. Army.
Shye, S. Partial Order Scalogram Analysis of Profiles and Related Lattice Analysis of the Items by their Scalogram Generic Roles. Jerusalem, IIASR (Report prepared with support of Grant No. DAERO 78G 059 from the U.S. Army Research Institute), 1980-1981.
Shye, S. The Duality of Knowledge Spaces: The Application of Multiple Scaling to Knowledge Structuring and Assessment. Jerusalem: IIASR 1989. (NCRD Fund for Artificial Intelligence).
Abu-Gush, S. and Shye, S. The impact of the Elective Local Council System on Arab Traditional Society in Israel. Israel Institute of Applied Social Research (IIASR) (Three volumes, 1971, 1971, 1972).
Friedman, A., and Shye, S. Benefits received by workers in seven industries over and above those provided for in the collective bargaining agreement during the years 1966-69. IIASR, May 1971. (Hebrew).
Peled, T., and Shye, S. The Continuing Survey of Public Opinion and Social Problems. IIASR, January 1969. (Hebrew).
Peled, T., and Shye, S. Exposure to Television Prior to the Establishment of the Israeli Station; Patterns and Preferences. IIASR, January 1969 (Hebrew).
Shye, S. A Development Plan for the Administered Territories: The West Bank and the Gaza Strip (A socio-economic study, containing a 10-year economic development plan and a survey of local popular attitudes and local leaders' positions towards economic development.) Israel Institute of applied Social Research and The Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, New York 1972.
Shye, S. Public Attitudes on Economic Topics. IIASR June 1973; November 1973; December 1973; February 1975.
Shye, S. Diplomatic Relations with African Countries, as viewed by the Israeli Public. IIASR, January 1974.
Shye, S. Public Opinion on the "Services of the Post Office and the Ministry of the Interior. IIASR, September 1974.
Shye, S. Public attitudes toward the Movement for Civil Rights. IIASR, October 1974.
Shye, S. A Facet Analytical Approach to Defining Educational Evaluation. The Israel Curriculum Center, Jerusalem 1974 (English) and CEMIE, Costa Rica 1976 (Spanish). (with A. Lewy).
Shye, S. Summary of Selected Findings from Public Attitudes on Political Topics. IIASR, January 1975.
Shye, S. The Image of Corporations in the Eyes of the Public. IIASR, February 1975.
Shye, S. Public Attitudes toward New Reformist Parties. IIASR, April 1975.
Shye, S. The Image of Banking Institutions in the Eyes of the Public. IIASR, April 1975.
Shye, S. Public Attitudes toward the Establishment of a New Political Party. IIASR, May 1975.
Shye, S. Environment and Quality of Life. IIASR, August 1975.
Shye, S. Attitudes of the Public with regard to Tax Reform, the Value Added Tax, and Devaluation. IIASR, August 1975.
Shye, S. The Impact of the Government Economic Measures Announced in September 1975. IIASR, October 1975.
Shye, S. and Cohen, O. Factors Influencing the Success in Examinations of the Council of Certified Accountants. IIASR, July 1973.
Shye, S., Maimon, Z. and Winter, R. Public Attitudes on Economic Topics. IIASR, May 1975.
Shye, S. and Nathan, Y. Attitudinal Indicators in the Economic Sphere. IIASR, October 1975.
Shye, S. and Shoham, I. Attitudinal Indicators in the Economic Sphere. IIASR, October 1975.
Shye, S. and Winter, R. Public Attitudes toward Banking Institutions. IIASR, March 1975.
Shye, S. and Winter, R. Attitudinal Indicators in the Economic Sphere. IIASR, April 1975.
Shye, S. The Interaction Among Variables Determining the Environment and Quality of Life. IIASR, 1976.
Abu-Gosh, S., Shye, S. and Meari, M. Dropout among Schoolchildren in the Arab Sector. IIASR, 1977.
Shye, S. The Assessment of New School Programs: Multidimensional Scaling. IIASR, 1978.
Shye, S. and Wozner, Y. Organizational Quality: A Conceptual Framework and Empirical Structure. Research Report on a study supported by grant I-RO-1 MH 23703 of NIMH, U.S. Department of HEW.
Shye, S. A Systemic, Facet Theoretical Approach to the Study of Quality of Life (supported by a grant from the Ford Foundation), IIASR, 1979.
Shye, S. and others. Life Quality and Environmental-Community Development in Ir-Ganim/Qiryat Menachem (Jerusalem). (An urban renewal evaluation research project report). IIASR, 1980.
Shye, S. and Duchin, R. The Development of Life Quality Index. IIASR, 1980.
Shye, S. Nonmetric Models for Action Systems. IIASR 1982 (sponsored by the Israel Academy of Sciences and Humanities).
Shye, S. Attitudes towards Religious Literature and Institutions. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1983.
Shye, S., Griffel, A. and Antonovsky, A. A Multivariate Analysis of Work Accidents. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1983.
Shye, S. and others. The Impact of Governmental and External Sources on University Research and Development. Jerusalem: IIASR 1986.
Shye, S. and others. Inputs for Scientific Contributions: An evaluation of International Cooperation Frameworks. Jerusalem: IIASR 1986.
Shye, S. and others. Research Domains in Israel; Resources and Deprivations. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1986.
Shye, S. Social Integration in Israel: System Theoretic Analysis and Multiple Scaling Assessments. (Supported by the Ford Foundation). Jerusalem: IIASR, 1987.
Shye, S. Action Systems and the Human Condition; Empirical Structures and an Application of a Parsonian Paradigm. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1987.
Shye, S. The Teaching of Arabic in Hebrew Schools. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1988.
Shye, S. The Construct Validity of Measures of Well-being: An evaluation by faceted Smallest Space Analysis. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1989.
Shye, S. National Commitment and Quality of Life: The Impact of Life Quality Components on Emigration. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1989.
Shye, S. and Duchin, R. Public Attitudes Towards the 1989/90 Immigration Wave. Jerusalem, IIASR 1990.
Shye, S. and others. The Evaluation of Immigrant Associations. Jerusalem, IIASR, 1991.
Duchin, R. and Shye, S. The Interaction between Systemic Quality of Life and Economic Attitudes. Jerusalem, IIASR, 1991.
Shye, S. and K.J. Klauer. The Dimensions of Inductive Ability. (Sponsored by the German-Israel Foundation). Jerusalem: IIASR, 1991.
Shye, S. Structural Inference as a Basis for Assessments: Application of the Multiple Scaling Model to Expert Systems. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1992.
Duchin, R. and Shye, S. The Program for the Development of Social Skills: An Evaluation Study. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1993.
Shye, S., Weil, M. et al. Absorption of Immigrant Scientists: An Evaluation of Government-Sponsored Programs. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1993.
Shye, S. Accessibility to Higher Education; Public Attitudes. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1993.
Shye, S. and Savelzon. O. Decision Making and Consultation by Expert Systems: The Analysis of Partly Ordered Sets by Binary Comparison and Multiple Scaling. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1994.
Shye, S., Levin, S., Nir-Hod, D. & Frizzel, O. Legal Representation of Minors: Computerized Evaluation and Case Management. Jerusalem: Defence for Children International (DCI), 1995.
Shye, S. Facets of Distributive Justice: A Systemic Theory with Application to Educational Resource Allocation. Jerusalem: IIASR, 1995, with the participation of O. Mevorach-Levy).
Shye, S. & Duchin R. Quality of Life Index in Israel. Jerusalem IIASR, 1996.
Shye, S. Israel Customer Satisfaction: The Development of a National Quality Index for Products and Services. The Hebrew University of Jerusalem, The Faculty of Social Sciences, 1996.
Shye, S., Lazar A., Duchin, R. & Gidron B. Philanthropy in Israel: Patterns of Contribution and of Volunteering of the Public. Beer Sheba: ICTR. Ben Gurion University, 1999.
Shye, S., Dahan, M., Dvir, E., & Mironichev, N. Does Equality Hamper Growth? Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 1999.
Shye, S., Dahan, M., Dvir, E. & Mironichev, N. How Equal are Educational Opportunities? Factors Affecting the Attainment of Matriculation Certificate. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 1999.
Shye, S. and Wresinski, M. Profiling Offenders and Crime Scenes. Jerusalem: The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute, 2001.
Shye, S. and Mironichev, N. What is the Minimum Income Needed for Respectable Living? Exposition and Application of the Primary Relative Saturation Approach. Jerusalem: Van Leer, 2003.
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