Early Christian Archaeology

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Joseph Patrich – Publications related to Christian Archaeology
Ph.D. Dissertation:
1989. The Monastic Institutions of Saint Sabas: An Archaeological-Historical Research. Ph.D. dissertation. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1989.

                 Authored Books:
1994. Patrich, Joseph , Archaeological Survey in Judea and Samaria. Map of Deir Mar Sabas (109/7). The Archaeological Survey of Israel. Jerusalem: Israel Antiquities Authority, 1994.

1995. Sabas – Leader of Palestinian Monasticism: A Comparative Study in Eastern Monasticism, Fourth to Seventh Centuries. Dumbarton Oaks Studies 32. Washington, D.C.: 1995.

1995. The Judean Desert Monasticism in the Byzantine Period: The Institutions of Sabas and his Disciples. Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi / Israel Exploration Society, 1995 [in Hebrew].

                2011. Chapters 10-12 in: J. Patrich, Studies in the Archaeology and History of Caesarea Maritima – Caput Iudaeae, Metropolis Palaestinae. Leiden and Boston: Brill, pp. 237-281:
                        Chapter 10: A Chapel of St. Paul at Caesarea Maritima?, pp. 237-248.
                        Chapter 11: Four Christian Objects from Caesarea Maritima, pp. 249-258.
                        Chapter 12: The Martyrs of Caesarea: The Urban Context, pp. 259-281.
                Co-authored Books
               1988. Tsafrir, Yoram, J. Patrich, Heginbottom R. Rosenthal, Herschkovitz, I. and Nevo, Y.D. , Excavations At Rehovot in the Negev, Vol. I: The Northern Church. Qedem: Monographs of the Institute of Archaeology. Jerusalem: Hebrew University of Jerusalem, 1988.

                 Edited Books:
2001. Patrich, Joseph (ed.), The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the Fifth Century to the Present. Orientalia Lovaniensia Analecta. Louvain:Peeters, 2001.
Co-edited Books:
2009.Di Segni, L., Hirschfeld, Y, Patrich, J. and Talgam, R. , eds. Man near a Roman Arch. Studies Presented to Prof. Yoram Tsafrir. Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 2009.
                  Articles and Chapters in Scientific Journals and Books:
1984. Patrich, Joseph Rubin, Rehav , 'Les grottes de El-’Aleiliyat et la Laure de Saint-Firmin', Revue Biblique 91 (1984): 381-387.

1984. 'The Structure of the Muristan Quarter of Jerusalem in the Crusader Period', Cathedra 33 (1984): 3-16 (in Hebrew).
1985. Hiding Caves and Jewish Inscriptions on the Cliffs of Nahal Michmas", Eretz Israel 18 (Avigad Volume), pp. 153‑166, pls. 24‑27 (in Hebrew).                                 
1985. Patrich, Joseph Tsafrir, Yoram , 'A Byzantine Church and Agricultural Installations at Khirbet Beit Loya', Qadmoniot 71-72 (1985): 106-112 (in Hebrew).

1985. Patrich, Joseph Tsafrir, Yoram , 'Horvat Bet Loya', Excavations and Surveys in Israel 4 (1985): 11-14.

1987. Patrich, Joseph Di Segni, Leah , 'New Greek Inscriptions from the Monastery of Theoctistus in the Judean Desert', Eretz-Israel 19 (1987): 272-281 [in Hebrew; English summary].

1987. Monastic Cells of St. George Monastery in Wadi Qelt, Israel ‑ People and Land, Annual of the Eretz Israel Museum, Tel Aviv, IV, pp. 179‑196 (together with Benny Arubas and Hanina Kali, in Hebrew).
1987-88. Patrich, Joseph Tsafrir, Yoram , 'Horvat Bet Loya–1986', Excavations and Surveys in Israel 6 (1987-88): 3-6.

1988. 'Hermitages of the ‘Great Laura’ of St. Sabas', Pages 131-166 (in Hebrew) in Jews, Samaritans, and Christians in Byzantine Palestine. Edited by Jacoby, David and Tsafrir, Yoram . Jerusalem: 1988.

1989. Chronique Archeologique: Khirbet Beit Liyeh, Revue Biblique 92, pp. 258‑265, pls. XVI‑XIX (together with Yoram Tsafrir).
1990. Patrich, Joseph ,' The Cells (ta kellia) of Choziba, Wadi el-Qilt', Pages 205-226 in Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land: New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo. Edited by Bottini, Giovanni-Claudio and Di Segni, Leah and Alliata, Eugenio . SBF Collectio Maior 36. Jerusalem:Franciscan Printing Press, 1990.
1990. 'The Sabaite Laura of Jeremias in the Judean Desert', Liber Annuus 40 (1990): 295-311.

1990. Di Segni, Leah Patrich, Joseph , 'The Greek Inscriptions in the Cave Chapel of Horvath Qasra', Atiqot 19 (1990): 141-154 (in Hebrew).

1990. Frankel, Rafael and Patrich, Joseph and Tsafrir, Yoram , 'The Oil Press at Horvat Beit Loya', Pages 287-300 in Christian Archaeology in the Holy Land: New Discoveries. Essays in Honour of Virgilio C. Corbo. Edited by Bottini, Giovanni-Claudio and Di Segni, Leah and Alliata, Eugenio . SBF Collectio Maior 36. Jerusalem:Franciscan Printing Press, 1990.
1991. 'The Sabaite Monastery of the Cave (Spelaion) in the Judean Desert', Liber Annuus 41 (1991): 429-448.
1993. Patrich, Joseph and Tsafrir, Yoram ,' A Byzantine Church Complex at Horvat Beit Loya', Pages 265-272 in Ancient Churches Revealed. Edited by Tsafrir, Yoram . Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993.

1993. 'Chapels and Hermitages of St. Sabas’ Monastery', Pages 233-243 in Ancient Churches Revealed. Edited by Tsafrir, Yoram . Jerusalem:Israel Exploration Society, 1993.

1993. Patrich, Joseph and Arubas, Benny and Agur, B. ,'Monastic Cells in the Desert of Gerasimus near the Jordan', Pages 277-296 in Early Christianity in Context: Monuments and Documents. Edited by Manns, Frédéric and Alliata, Eugenio . SBF Collectio Maior 38. Jerusalem:Franciscan Printing Press, 1993.

1993. 'The Early Church of the Holy Sepulchre in the Light of Excavations and Restoration', Pages 101-117 in Ancient Churches Revealed. Edited by Tsafrir, Yoram . Jerusalem: Israel Exploration Society, 1993.

1993. 'The Hermitage of St. John the Hesychast in the Great Laura of Sabas', Liber Annuus 43 (1993): 315-337.

1993. 'The Hermitage of St. John the Hesychast in the Great Laura of St. Sabas', Pages 243-264 (in Hebrew) in Studies in the Archaeology and History of Ancient Israel in Honour of Moshe Dothan. Edited by Heltzer, Michael and Segal, Arthur and Kaufman, Daniel . Haifa: Haifa University Press, 1993.

1994. 'A Coenobium and a Laura of St. Sabas and His Disciples', Pages 159-186 in Israel People and Land, Annual of the Eretz Israel Museum 4. Tel Aviv: Eretz Israel Museum, 1994.
1995. 'Church, State and the Transformation of Palestine – The Byzantine Period (324–640 CE)', Pages 470-487 in The Archaeology of Society in the Holy Land. Edited by Levy, Thomas F. . London / Washington: Leicester University Press, 1995.

1995. 'Palestinian Desert Monasticism: The Monastic Systems of Chariton, Gerasimos and Sabas', Cristianesimo nella storia 16 (1995): 1-9.

1999. Patrich, Joseph and Arubas, Benny and Agur, B. ,' Monastic Cells in the Desert of Gerasimus East of the Jordan', Pages 143-167 in Studies in Geography and History in Honour of Joshua Ben Arieh. Edited by Joseph Ben Artzi, Y. and Reiner, E. and Bartal, I. . Jerusalem: Magnes Press and The Israel Exploration Society, 1999.

1999. 'The Church of the Holy Sepulchre: History and Architecture', Pages 353-381 (in Hebrew) in The History of Jerusalem: The Roman and Byzantine Periods (70–638 CE). Edited by Tsafrir, Yoram and Safrai, Shmuel . Jerusalem: Yad Izhak Ben Zvi, 1999.

2000. 'A Chapel of St. Paul at Caesarea Maritima?', Liber Annuus 50 (2000): 363-382.

2001. "Césarée. Une chapelle dédiée à saint Paul?" , Le Monde de la Bible 136 (2001), p. 57.
2001. Patrich, Joseph ,' The Sabaite Heritage: An Introductory Survey', Pages 1-28 in The Sabaite Heritage in the Orthodox Church from the Fifth Century to the Present. Edited by Patrich, Joseph . OLA 98. Louvain: Peeters, 2001.

2002. 'Four Christian Objects from Caesarea Maritima', Israel Museum Studies in Archaeology 1 (2002): 21-32.

2002. 'The Martyrs of Caesarea: The Urban Context', Liber Annuus 52 (2002): 321-346.

2003. Patrich, Joseph, 'Early Christian Churches in Israel', Pages 479-486 in Near Eastern Archaeology - A Reader. Edited by Richard, Suzanne. Winona Lake, Indiana: Eisenbrauns, 2003.

2003. 'The Martyrs of Caesarea: The Urban Context', Cathedra 107 (2003): 5-26 (in Hebrew).

2004. 'Monastic Landscapes', Pages 413-445 in Recent Research on the Late Antique Countryside. Edited by Bowden, William and Lavan, Luke and Machado, Carlos . Late Antique Archaeology 2. Leiden / Boston: Brill, 2004.

2006. 'Caesarea in Transition from the Byzantine to the Muslim Regime: The Archaeological Evidence from the Southwestern Zone (Areas CC, KK, NN), and the Literary Sources', Cathedra 122 (2006): 143-172 (in Hebrew).

2006. 'Early Christian Churches in the Holy Land', Pages 355-400 in Christians and Christianity in the Holy Land: from the origins to the Latin Kingdoms. Edited by Limor, Ora and Stroumsa, Guy G. Turnhout:Brepols, 2006.

2006. 'The Transfer of Gifts in the Early Christian Churches of Palestine: Archaeological and Literary Evidence for the Evolution of the 'Great Entrance', Pages 341-393 in Pèlerinages et lieux saints dans l'antiquité et le moyen âge : mélanges offerts à Pierre Maraval. Edited by Caseau, B. and Cheynet, J.-C. and Déroche, V. . Centre de recherche d'Histoire et Civilisation de Byzance, Monographies. Paris:2006.

2011. 'Caesarea in the Time of Eusebius', Pages 1-24 in Reconsidering Eusebius: A Fresh Look at His Life, Work and Thought. Edited by Inowlocki-Meister, Sabrina and Zamagni, Claudio . Leiden:Brill, 2011.

2011. "The Impact of the Muslim Conquest on Monasticism in the Desert of Jerusalem", Continuités de l’occupation entre les periodes byzantine et abbasside au Proche-Orient, viie-ixe siècles [Colloque Intrenationale Proche-Orient, Paris, 18-20 Octobre 2007: Oct. 20, 2007], Turnhout 2011, pp. 205-218.
(forthcoming). “Daily Life in the Desert of Jerusalem,” in: Olivier Delouis and Maria Mossakowska-Gaubert (eds.), La vie quotidienne des moines en Orient et Occident (IVe-Xe siècle), international conference, Athens, May 14-16, 2009.
Encyclopedia entries:
1992. Horvat Beit Loya, Mar Saba, Monasteries, in: E. Stern (chief editor), The New Encyclopedia of Archaeological Excavations in the Holy Land, Israel Exploration Society, Jerusalem 1992, pp. 181-186, 1004-6, 952-55 respectively (in Hebrew and English).
1997. 'Monasteries', Pages 41-47 in The Oxford Encyclopedia of Archaeology in the Near East. Edited by Meyers, Eric M. . New York: 1997.

2000. 'Churches', Pages 129-131 in Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Edited by Schiffman, Lawrence H. and VanderKam, James C. . New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

2000.Patrich, Joseph ,' Monasteries', Pages 574-575 in Encyclopedia of the Dead Sea Scrolls. Edited by Schiffman, Lawrence H. and VanderKam, James C. . New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.

Review articles:
2000. Review article on: Jean-Luc Biscop, Deir Déhès Monastère d’ Antiochène. Étude architecturale, Institute français d’archéologie du proche-orient, Beyrouth-Damas-Amman, Beyrouth 1997 [Bibliothèque archéologique et historique cxlviii], Journal of Roman Archaeology 13 (2000), pp. 793-96.
2002. Review article on: M. Biddle, The Tomb of Christ, Phoenix Mill 1999, Journal of Roman Archaeology 15 (2002), pp. 701-703.
2002. Review article on: "The Tomb of Christ - a new historical and archaeological research." Book review on: Martin Biddle, The Tomb of Christ,  Phoenix Mill 1999, Cathedra 105, pp. 181-84 (Hebrew).
2003. Review article on: Ann Michel, Les églises d'époque byzantine et umayyade de Jordanie (provinces d'Arabie et de Palestine), Ve-VIIIe siécle. Typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques (avec catalogue des monuments"), Turnhout 2001, Revue des Etudes Anciennes, 105, 2003/2, pp. 674-677.
2004. Review article on: Ann Michel, Les églises d'époque byzantine et umayyade de Jordanie (provinces d'Arabie et de Palestine), Ve-VIIIe siécle. Typologie architecturale et aménagements liturgiques (avec catalogue des monuments"), Turnhout 2001, Cathedra 113 (2004), pp. 185-190 (Hebrew).
2006. Review article on: L. Di Segni, Cyril of Scythopolis: Introduction, Translation and Commentary, Yad Yizak ben Zvi, Jerusalem 2005 (Hebrew), Zion 71/2 (2006), pp. 228-32 (Hebrew).
2011. Review article on: Ewa Wipszycka, Moines et communautés monastiques en Égypte (IVe-VIIIe siècles) (The Journal of Juristic Papyrology. Supplement, 11), Warsaw University – Institute of Archaeology – Department of Papyrology, Warsaw 2009, pp. XXIV+687, ills. Adamantius 17 (2011), pp. 474-479.
2011. A rural monastery in the Judaean highlands. Review article on: I. Taxel, Khirbet es-Suyyagh. A Byzantine Monastery in the Judaean Shephelah, [Salvage Excavation Reports 6], Tel Aviv 2009, with contributions by N. Amitai-Price, Zvi Gur, Arieh Kindler, Shmuel Marco and Aharon Sasson, Journal of Roman Archaeology 24 (2011), pp. 870-872.
Popular and semi-popular:
1980. The Church of the Holy Sepulchre, in: H. Rubinstein (ed.), Israel Guide, Jerusalem, pp. 104‑113 (in Hebrew).
1987. Christian Monasticism in the Judean Desert ‑ A. The Monastery of St. Sabas", Bamahaneh, July 15th 1987, pp. 29‑32, 37‑40 (Derekh Eretz 355). (in Hebrew).
1987. Christian Monasticism in the Judean Desert ‑ B. The Monasteries Appended to the Great Laura, Founded by St. Sabas and His Disciples, Bamahaneh, July 22nd 1987, pp. 31‑38 (Derekh Eretz 356). (in Hebrew).
1987. Hyrcania ‑ Castellion, Bamahaneh, July 29th 1987, pp. 31‑37 (Derekh Eretz 357) (in Hebrew).
1987. The Last Hermit ‑ Elia, the Monk from Ain Fara", Teva Vaaretz 29/7, pp. 32‑33 (Hebrew).
1987. New Discoveries near Deir Mukelik (Theoktistus Monastery), Teva Vaaretz 30/1, pp. 35‑37 (in Hebrew).
2001. "Césarée. Une chapelle dédiée à saint Paul?", Le Monde de la Bible 136 (2001), p. 57.
2005. "The Last Hermit,"in: N. Shalev-Khalifa, A Locked Garden. Visits to the Monasteries of Israel, Or Yehuda 2005, pp. 21-22 (in Hebrew).
2005. Go to the desert with Cyril, Ethmol 30/6, no. 182, 14-17 (in Hebrew).
2009. “Le monachisme autour de la mer Morte,” L’ Archéo-théma. Revue d’archéologie et d’histoire, 2 Mai-Juin 2009, pp. 52-55.