Nabataeans Publications Qumran and Judaean Desert Caves Caesarea Maritima Early Christian Churches and Monasteries Research Interests
Faculty of Humanities / Archaeology
Prof. Joseph Patrich
Personal Details

Prof. Joseph Patrich

1.         Personal Details

             Prof. Joseph Patrich
             Office Address: Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusale, Mt. Scopus
Tel. #  972-2-5880053 (office)
                        972-4-6441626 (home)
             Fax #  972-2-5825548 (office)


2.         Higher Education

            Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Institute of Archaeology. Archaeology of Israel, the Hellenistic,
            Roman and Byzantine periods.
            M.A. 1981 (summa cum laude).
            Ph.D. 1989 (summa cum laude).

 3.         Academic Ranks and Tenure in Institutions of Higher Education

      Dates               Name of Institution                      Rank

 1983-88           Hebrew University, Jerusalem               Ph.D. student Research Fellow  

 1984‑90            University of Haifa, Archaeology         Instructor

   1990-                   ,,          ,,      ,,         ,,                     Senior lecturer

   1991-                   ,,          ,,      ,,         ,,                     Tenure

   1991-2           Dumbarton Oaks, Byzantine Studies    Research Fellow

   1995             University of Haifa, Archaeology           Associate Professor

   1995-6          Institute for Advanced Studies of the     Research Fellow
                        Hebrew University Jerusalem

   1998-9          University of Miami, Coral Gables         Visiting professor
                         Dept. of History

   Feb. 2001       École Pratique des Hautes Études,      Directeur d études invité
                          Section des Sciences Religieuse, 
                          Sorbonne, Paris I

   Sept. 2001-    Center for Advance Studies,                Group Coordinator (together with
   Feb. 2002       University of Haifa                               Prof. A. Raban) and Research Fellow

   Oct. 2002       Hebrew University, Jerusalem               Full Professor with tenure
                          Institute of Archaeology

 4.         Offices in the university, academic administration

 1993-5          Chair of the Department of Archaeology, University of Haifa 

1995-8           Board of Directors Member, Hecht Museum, University of Haifa

1997-98         Board of Directors Member, Zinman Institute of Archaeology, University of Haifa.

1996-98         Member in the M.A. Studies Committee of the Department of Archaeology, University of

1995-2000     Member of the Haifa Univ. and Yad Yizhak Ben Zvi Center Committee.

2000-2002    Member of the Computer Committee, Faculty of Humanities, University of Haifa.

2001              Irgun_Hasegel HaBachir Committee member, University of Haifa.

Oct. 2002-     Member of the Institute of Archaeology, Hebrew University of Jerusalem.

2003-              Chair, Computerization Committee, Faculty of Humanities, Hebrew University of

 5.         Scholarly Positions and Activities Outside the University.

1983‑88           Head of archaeological survey of caves in the Judean Desert, on behalf of the
Institute of
of the Hebrew University.

1986‑94           Archaeological Excavations of caves in the Judean Desert (Al‑Matzaia, caves near Kh.
                         Qumran, lower Wadi Makukh).

1992-95           Member of the Editorial Board of the Journal Michmanim, Hecht Museum, University of

1993-98          Co-director of the Combined Caesarea Expedition, University of Haifa (together with
                        Prof. Avner Raban, the University of Haifa, and Prof. Kenneth Holum, the University of
                        Maryland, USA).

1994- 2000      Member of the Board of Directors of the Project for Promoting Tourism to Caesarea,
                         and of the Project s Committee for Planning and Development.

1997-               Member of the Editorial Board of Yad Yizhak Ben Zvi Publishing House, Jerusalem.

1998-               Member of the Israel Council for Archaeology.  

1998                Initiator and organizer of: The Sabaite Heritage: The Sabaite Factor in the  Orthodox
                        Church - An international Symposium,
Jerusalem and Haifa, May 24-30, 1998

þ1999-              Member of the Israel Exploration Society Council.

2003-              Chair, Conservation Committee, Israel Council for Archaeology.

