Curriculum Vitae
Born in Israel, 1950. Married, two daughters.
1977: B.A. (cum laude), Hebrew University of Jerusalem
(Arabic Language and Literature, Middle East Studies)
1976-1977: Elève Titulaire, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes,
Paris (Sciences Religieuses)
1984: Ph.D (summa cum laude), The Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Academic career at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem
Department of Arabic Language and Literature, and Department
of Jewish Thought
1984: Teaching Fellow and Lecturer
1990: Senior Lecturer
1996: Associate Professor
1999 - present: Professor
2003- present: The Alice and Jack Ormut Professor of Arabic Studies
Administrative Positions
2003-2006: Vice-Rector of the Hebrew University
2008-2012: Rector of the Hebrew University.
Recent Fellowships and Visiting positions:
2000: Starr Fellow, Center for Jewish Studies, Harvard University;
Fellow, CSWR, Harvard University
2002-2003: Fellow, The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew
(research group: Sufism and Judaism)
2002 (July): Fellow, the Einstein Forum, Potsdam.
2004 (Feb.): Directeur d'Etudes associé, Ecole Pratique
des Hautes Etudes, Paris.
2004 (July): Visiting Professor, CEU, Budapest.
2004 (Oct.): Maxwell Cummings Lecturer, McGill University.
2005-2006: Fellow, The Institute for Advanced Studies, The Hebrew
(research group: Mu'tazila).
2006-2007: Fellow, Center for Advanced Judaic Studies, University
of Pennsylvania.
2011 (Mars): Directeur d'Etudes associe, Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales, Paris.
Grants and Awards:
1997-2003: Israel National Science Foundation
(Bible exegesis in
the Fircovich manuscripts collection).
2002-2008: Friedberg Genizah Project
(cataloging of philosophical,
theological and polemical manuscripts in the Cairo Genizah)
2005-2008 (with Sara Sviri): Israel National Science Foundation
Beginnings of Mystical Philosophy in al-Andalus: Ibn Massara and
his Writings).
2006-2011 (with Sari Nusseibeh and Frank Griffel)
(Virtual Library of Medieval Scholarship).
2010: Humboldt Research Award
1990 - present: Board, The Shlomo Pines Society.
1996- present: International Editorial Board, Bochumer Philosophisches
Jahrbuch für Antike und Mittelalter.
1997- present: Board of Editors, Pe'amim.
2001-2004: Editorial Board, Tarbiz.
2001-2009: Academic Board, Society for Judaeo-Arabic Studies
2004-2005: Academic Committee, Israel Arts and Science Academy.
2006-2008: Board of Directors, Sikkuy, The Association
for the Advancement of Civic Equality in Israel.
2006-2008: Advisory Committee, The Rothschild Foundation (Europe).
2008-Present: (with Sari Nusseibeh and Frank Griffel) Steering Committee, Intellectual Encounters Project
2009-Present: Academic Advisory Board , Topoi Excellence Cluster, Berlin.
2009- : Italian Order of Merit O.S.S.I.
2010-present: advisory panel of Intertwined Worlds: Muslim-Jewish relations
2010-2012: Academic Advisory Committee, Mandel Institute
2012: Chair, Collections Committee, The National Library of Israel
2012- : Member, The Berlin-Brandenburg Academy of Sciences and Humanities (BBAW)
2012 - : Advisory Board, Journal of Intellectual History of the Islamicate World.
2012 - : International Advisory Board of the Alexander von Humboldt-Stiftung
2012- : Board of Directors, The National Library of Israel
2012-2014: Chair, The Steering Committee of the Hanadiv Humanities Initiative