Selected Presentations and Recent Lectures
- Panel discussion, "What is Islamic Theology?" Islamic Studies in Germany | Conference, Cologne, 13th / 14th July 2010
- "Maimonides in Our Time - Melvyn Bragg and his guests discuss the work and influence of Maimonides 17 Feb 2011.
- Interview for The Woolf Institute ("Intertwined Worlds: The Judaeo-Islamic Tradition", 11th - 13th September 2011, University of Cambridge)
- Keynote speaker, Opening ceremony of the Research Unit "Intellectual History of the Islamicate World" Freie Universitat Berlin (Head: Prof. Dr. Sabine Scmidtke) September 13th 2011 PDF

- Oct. 11-12, 2012, Tvarminne : Lecture: "Mass education and elite formation: the Almohad version." XXI Finnish symposium on late antiquity: "Popular & Elite: Religious Practices in Late Antiquity."